What's wrong? Look at the quotes I just posted and tell me you don't have an attitude.
^ And this. We all understand the issues and we have been trying to help you, but you keep spitting in our face.
A great example of this is your little commentary on reginmala's suggestion.
Here. So you can understand us better. Just match the corresponding powers to their abbreviations. (Example= TT1= Tactical Team 1. Not hard.)
All you did was point out what I had already shown that people were ignoring the facts that I had already stated. I don't understand how you can't see this. Why people would tell me to do something over and over when I clearly stated I did it already...etc.
When you have people over and over have blinders to what you say, why would you NOT be very annoyed?
Your previous quote berating me for not understanding acronyms and still saying I have a bad attitude for it ...I am throwing my hands in the air.
I replied to reginamala78 pointing back to previous replies showing how people....you know what I am just repeating myself again. I shouldn't have to in written form. It is there for you to read, but apparently people can't which is why I edited my first post in red.
The first reply was ok, as well as the tractor repulse comments etc.
Most of the other replies are TRIBBLE, laughing, pointing fingers, derision, sneering, etc.
My comment on acronyms was a simple statement of not understanding. YOU made it more.
Your previous quote berating me for not understanding acronyms and still saying I have a bad attitude for it ...I am throwing my hands in the air.
I replied to reginamala78 pointing back to previous replies showing how people....you know what I am just repeating myself again. I shouldn't have to in written form. It is there for you to read, but apparently people can't which is why I edited my first post in red.
The first reply was ok, as well as the tractor repulse comments etc.
My comment on acronyms was a simple statement of not understanding. YOU made it more.
LOLOLOL. I love the way I have been twisted.
For the record: If I was berating you for not knowing acronyms, I would have said something along the lines of "Learn your acronyms, nub."
As it is, I am berating your whole attitude.
Also, if you cared to look at my last post you would've noticed the link I gave you to the STO Wiki so that you can better understand what is being said.
Also, I agree with everything that Jornado said. He put it better than I could've.
"Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion."
Elim Garak
It's been a while since I last ran Ground Zero, so just to be sure, I ran it again. On elite, with my normal PvE setup, I had no problem taking him down. Of course, I don't use four torpedoes and an ill advised BOff layout, but the mission is neither BS, nor Targ Dung. I did however use a Tier 5 ship, but I don't remember having any problems when I was leveling up, either.
If the OP is unwilling to make significant changes in his build - and why bother while leveling up - he should consider getting some friends to help. If he doesn't have friends, a simple call for help should net him one or two people willing to help out.
STO Forum member since before February 2010. STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
Also I am looking at your build and seeing a ton of torps. I would recommend you switch to a 6 BA 1 torp setup (torp on front, BAs everywhere else). Then you can broadside the sucker to death. Also EPtS3 and EPtW2 are your friend.
No offense, but looking at your BOff layout, frankly I am not surprised you got owned.
Here's a good build that will get you what you need:
Lt Tac: Tactical Team 1, Tactical Team 2
Cmdr Engi: Engineering Team 1, Emergency Power to Weapons 2, Emergency Power to Shields 3, Auxiliary to the Structural Integrity Field 3
Lt Engi: Emergency Power to Shields 1, Emergency Power to Weapons 2
Lt Sci: Hazard Emitters 1, Transfer Shield Strength 2
You can train every ability there at the BOff trainer on Earth Space Dock except for Aux2SIF3 and EPtS3. If you are an engineer, you can train EPtS3, if you aren't an engineer, put a Reverse Shield Polarity 2 there. The Aux2SIF you can get from a purple engineering BOff on the exchange.
As for weapons, I would use 3 Beam arrays 1 torp on front, 3 beam arrays on rear.
Just keep cycling Tactical teams, since it will basically keep your shield facing that the enemy is on strong, and keep cycling your EPtS and EPtW and you will be able to beat it.
I posted once, OP apparently missed it, so here it is again. This WILL beat that pathetic weakling, even on elite, already tested it and did 5 runs just to be sure. That reman scrub will bite it with this setup.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
If the OP is unwilling to make significant changes in his build - and why bother while leveling up - he should consider getting some friends to help. If he doesn't have friends, a simple call for help should net him one or two people willing to help out.
Well, he's one level away from being able to use an actual ship. May as well just hit up Mirror, get that level, and ditch that trash in favor of an actual ship that's worth loading out for. Of course, then it's 5 more levels before he can use actual equipment...but with a decent boff setup, he should be able to faceroll his way to victory at that point with just the stock junk.
I think it's a bit too strong for a NPC 40k damage is to much. In the past there were a few problems with d'deridex NPCs.
if it did this through shields and wasn't targetable and destroyable i would agree...however it is targetable/destroyable and if it hits shields it is harmless.
basically this encounter teaches new players:"avoid or kill the green ball flying at you!" for later against the borg.
if it did this through shields and wasn't targetable and destroyable i would agree...however it is targetable/destroyable and if it hits shields it is harmless.
basically this encounter teaches new players:"avoid or kill the green ball flying at you!" for later against the borg.
Best part is, that flying ball of fun is... SLOW. AS. HELL.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
Why all this hub-bub over a mob. Sometimes mobs kill players. It's a fact of life. Also, I think that ship is intended to be a 'boss' of sorts. Move along fellas.
Well, he's one level away from being able to use an actual ship. May as well just hit up Mirror, get that level, and ditch that trash in favor of an actual ship that's worth loading out for. Of course, then it's 5 more levels before he can use actual equipment...but with a decent boff setup, he should be able to faceroll his way to victory at that point with just the stock junk.
A D'deridex is no match even for a commander-level-ship^^ People thinking "if I get better ships, better gear, better weapons, I will own everything here" are just taking the wrong road.Gear, weapons and ships are not that important, when you know what you are doing.
The question at hand is not the ability to kill it, but whether it's worth the bother to actually equip a ship that you're just going to throw in the junk heap immediately anyway. He's level 39, which is literally like 5 minutes away from tossing that scow in the junk heap forever. It thus seems like a severe waste of time to bother fitting it better when he could just Zerg his way through and get a real ship.
Qucik bit of advice,ditch all but one quantum torpedo,swap to 6 beam arrays and one torpedo.
For your commander engineering go,Emergency power to shields 1,reverse shield polarity 1,emergency power to shields 3, Auxiliary to the structural integrity field 3
for lieutenant go emergency power to weapons,and engineering team 2
for lieutenant science go hazard emmiters 1,transfer shield strength 2
for lieutenant tactical go tactical team 1 and beam fire at will 2
for your weapons,only use one energy type(plasma is very reasonable) and boost it with consoles for that energy type,hope this helps you out a bit.
It could also make a bit of difference where the OP has stuck his skill points. Rank 9 in Driver Coil and Subsystem Repair will take a small chunk out of his combat ability.
I think you are all missing the main issue here ... He is flying a T4 Galaxy.
I did the mistake of getting a Galaxy as my first Captain ship since its the Enterprise-D so its good right? WRONG!
Best T3 ship for Fed? Janeway's death ship ... even the Escorts have problems due to lacking the means to proper fight the Romulans, that is with SCIENCE!
The Galaxy is pretty much the worst ship you can get at T3 because it cannot even SEPARATE and the pay one comes with a TRIBBLE, if you have the pay one use the TRIBBLE since the anti-matter spread will act as defense screen too (heavy Plasma will go boom in a TRIBBLE, like any destructible torp and mine) besides hurting in the process then so I guess you lack the TRIBBLE and are running on the free one, I suppose skills help but I would say you better off just run mirror event and get a new more capable ship (Assault Cruiser for example) and then get some defensive abilities like Polarize Hull and Hazard Emitters, Reverse Shield Frequency will likely stop it from killing you as you kill it.
Or just skip it and go for the next mission, you lose nothing as you can reply ... sure Ground Zero is very annoying due to how Romulan named ships are a pain but it gets worst as it have a ground section too.
Sorry to say that, but you are missing the point, every ship stands a chance with a proper build. And proper doesnt even mean super-optimal.
And what am I saying "stands a chance", its more like "kicks the warbirds TRIBBLE". Ships are not everything, weapons are not everything, gear is not everything. Only the mix (synergy) is what counts.
And sorry if you have problems with escorts against romulans, that just means you are flying them in a very very wrong way. As for cruisers, it doesnt matter what level they have, they can tank pretty good.
The Galaxy is not the worst T3 ship at all, you just have to know how to fly it. She turns like a brick so slap your 5-6 beam arrays on her with a BFAW and you're all set. The main issue I see here with the OP is build, I mean 2X EPTaux with only those science powers being used...WTF???!!
The Galaxy is not the worst T3 ship at all, you just have to know how to fly it. She turns like a brick so slap your 5-6 beam arrays on her with a BFAW and you're all set. The main issue I see here with the OP is build, I mean 2X EPTaux with only those science powers being used...WTF???!!
i agree with your opinion, but captain level ships are actually T4. Starter ship is T1, at ltdcmdr you get T2, commnder T3
T5 is z-store and the free lvl 40 ships which all have 9 consoles. 10 console ships are either lockbox or fleet ships + some others. Those can only be used by Vice admirals. But since +1 console slot does not make them a full new tier i wouldn't call them T6 already.
For the captain level ships to be tier 3, one has to start counting with zero...also the captain ship is the 4th ship you use in the game.
Since you don't want to believe that you're not doing well against romulan battleships, and since you dismiss every answer telling you that you need a better boff layout (it'll be useful for endgame content too anyway), I'm ready to meet you in game and show you that my engineer on a cruiser could tank and kill easily 5-6 D'Dridex on elite level. Could do more but it would take some time.
Then you may accept that you have to work on your boff layout and on how you use all these abilities (people tend to think that they should use abilities only when they are in danger, which is utterly wrong: use them as soon as you start fighting and cycle them).
Honestly, I don't remember any trouble at all with the Romulans back then. I had a free Star Cruiser at that point and I own the Connie, so I was running 8 Retro Phasers. (So gloriously shiny! They level with you too, but I believe stop at Mk X?) My Consoles were junk, since I was going to outlevel them anyway. Only my Tactical consoles were properly set up with phaser consoles, and they were of random rarity and Mks.
100/50/25/25 power settings with the standard beamboat BOff configuration:
2xEmergency Power to Weapons 1
2xEmergency Power to Shields 3
1x Reverse Shield Polarity 1
1x Engineering Team 2
1x Auxiliary to Structural 3
1x Tactical Team 1
1x Beam Array: Fire At Will 2
1x Hazard Emitters 1
1x Polarize Hull 1
1x Transfer Shield Strength 2
99.9% constant uptime from EPtW1 and EPtS3 gives damage (and offsets drain) while considerably strengthening shields. If shields are taking noticeable damage, TSS2 will keep it from failing. If one shield facing is failing, Tac Team 1 will keep it up. If shields are failing anyway, RSP1 will immediately refill them all to max.
Once hull drops to 99%, start using Aux2SIF every time it's off cooldown. That's a decent heal every 15 seconds, but more importantly it also gives a good damage resistance buff that lasts 10 seconds. HE1 clears debuffs (like Plasma DoTs) and will also top off your heal if you're taking more damage than Aux2SIF can heal. If hull has drops dangerously low Eng Team 2 will give a massive repair.
Eng Team will also counter any disabled systems from most sources. Polarize Hull is multi-purpose, as it counters tractor beams while giving a nice chunk of damage resistance, essentially can be used as a backup Brace for Impact.
Fire At Will is a situational ability but it's glorious when it's in the right situation. This particular situation is perfect for it, since it'll give a solid DPS boost against one target while also neutralizing the High Yield plasma torps.
I remember hearing all sorts of doom and gloom about the D'deridex before I ever met one, but it was really anticlimactic when I did.
My tactic at the time involved 8-beam broadsides from 5 km. If it launched HY plasma torps, I activated FAW - which would kill the torp as well as blast the D'deridex. If it tried to tractor&torpedo me, Polarize Hull cleared me while giving me damage resistance. Shields were hardened with constant EPtS3, and were impossible to drop with TSS2 and RSP. (In fact, I never even used Tac Team to redistribute shields, I have Redistribute Shields as part of my keybinds and saved TT1 to counter Borg boarding parties.) Aux2SIF kept me topped up and further increased my damage resistance, and if I got hurt or set on fire, HE1 was enough. Eng Team was mostly used to heal other people, I never had to use it on myself while in the Star Cruiser. (I later had to use Eng Team to heal myself when I flew an Oddy, tanking unimatrices.)
Seriously, it was a very anticlimactic fight. This was before enemy ships started HY plasma torpedoing themselves, too.
All you did was point out what I had already shown that people were ignoring the facts that I had already stated. I don't understand how you can't see this. Why people would tell me to do something over and over when I clearly stated I did it already...etc.
When you have people over and over have blinders to what you say, why would you NOT be very annoyed?
Your previous quote berating me for not understanding acronyms and still saying I have a bad attitude for it ...I am throwing my hands in the air.
I replied to reginamala78 pointing back to previous replies showing how people....you know what I am just repeating myself again. I shouldn't have to in written form. It is there for you to read, but apparently people can't which is why I edited my first post in red.
The first reply was ok, as well as the tractor repulse comments etc.
Most of the other replies are TRIBBLE, laughing, pointing fingers, derision, sneering, etc.
My comment on acronyms was a simple statement of not understanding. YOU made it more.
LOLOLOL. I love the way I have been twisted.
For the record: If I was berating you for not knowing acronyms, I would have said something along the lines of "Learn your acronyms, nub."
As it is, I am berating your whole attitude.
Also, if you cared to look at my last post you would've noticed the link I gave you to the STO Wiki so that you can better understand what is being said.
Also, I agree with everything that Jornado said. He put it better than I could've.
Elim Garak
If the OP is unwilling to make significant changes in his build - and why bother while leveling up - he should consider getting some friends to help. If he doesn't have friends, a simple call for help should net him one or two people willing to help out.
STO Forum member since before February 2010.
STO Academy's excellent skill planner here: Link
I actually avoid success entirely. It doesn't get me what I want, and the consequences for failure are slim. -- markhawman
I posted once, OP apparently missed it, so here it is again. This WILL beat that pathetic weakling, even on elite, already tested it and did 5 runs just to be sure. That reman scrub will bite it with this setup.
if it did this through shields and wasn't targetable and destroyable i would agree...however it is targetable/destroyable and if it hits shields it is harmless.
basically this encounter teaches new players:"avoid or kill the green ball flying at you!" for later against the borg.
Best part is, that flying ball of fun is... SLOW. AS. HELL.
A D'deridex is no match even for a commander-level-ship^^ People thinking "if I get better ships, better gear, better weapons, I will own everything here" are just taking the wrong road.Gear, weapons and ships are not that important, when you know what you are doing.
For your commander engineering go,Emergency power to shields 1,reverse shield polarity 1,emergency power to shields 3, Auxiliary to the structural integrity field 3
for lieutenant go emergency power to weapons,and engineering team 2
for lieutenant science go hazard emmiters 1,transfer shield strength 2
for lieutenant tactical go tactical team 1 and beam fire at will 2
for your weapons,only use one energy type(plasma is very reasonable) and boost it with consoles for that energy type,hope this helps you out a bit.
Sorry to say that, but you are missing the point, every ship stands a chance with a proper build. And proper doesnt even mean super-optimal.
And what am I saying "stands a chance", its more like "kicks the warbirds TRIBBLE". Ships are not everything, weapons are not everything, gear is not everything. Only the mix (synergy) is what counts.
And sorry if you have problems with escorts against romulans, that just means you are flying them in a very very wrong way. As for cruisers, it doesnt matter what level they have, they can tank pretty good.
i agree with your opinion, but captain level ships are actually T4. Starter ship is T1, at ltdcmdr you get T2, commnder T3
T5 is z-store and the free lvl 40 ships which all have 9 consoles. 10 console ships are either lockbox or fleet ships + some others. Those can only be used by Vice admirals. But since +1 console slot does not make them a full new tier i wouldn't call them T6 already.
For the captain level ships to be tier 3, one has to start counting with zero...also the captain ship is the 4th ship you use in the game.
Then you may accept that you have to work on your boff layout and on how you use all these abilities (people tend to think that they should use abilities only when they are in danger, which is utterly wrong: use them as soon as you start fighting and cycle them).
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
100/50/25/25 power settings with the standard beamboat BOff configuration:
2xEmergency Power to Weapons 1
2xEmergency Power to Shields 3
1x Reverse Shield Polarity 1
1x Engineering Team 2
1x Auxiliary to Structural 3
1x Tactical Team 1
1x Beam Array: Fire At Will 2
1x Hazard Emitters 1
1x Polarize Hull 1
1x Transfer Shield Strength 2
99.9% constant uptime from EPtW1 and EPtS3 gives damage (and offsets drain) while considerably strengthening shields. If shields are taking noticeable damage, TSS2 will keep it from failing. If one shield facing is failing, Tac Team 1 will keep it up. If shields are failing anyway, RSP1 will immediately refill them all to max.
Once hull drops to 99%, start using Aux2SIF every time it's off cooldown. That's a decent heal every 15 seconds, but more importantly it also gives a good damage resistance buff that lasts 10 seconds. HE1 clears debuffs (like Plasma DoTs) and will also top off your heal if you're taking more damage than Aux2SIF can heal. If hull has drops dangerously low Eng Team 2 will give a massive repair.
Eng Team will also counter any disabled systems from most sources. Polarize Hull is multi-purpose, as it counters tractor beams while giving a nice chunk of damage resistance, essentially can be used as a backup Brace for Impact.
Fire At Will is a situational ability but it's glorious when it's in the right situation. This particular situation is perfect for it, since it'll give a solid DPS boost against one target while also neutralizing the High Yield plasma torps.
I remember hearing all sorts of doom and gloom about the D'deridex before I ever met one, but it was really anticlimactic when I did.
My tactic at the time involved 8-beam broadsides from 5 km. If it launched HY plasma torps, I activated FAW - which would kill the torp as well as blast the D'deridex. If it tried to tractor&torpedo me, Polarize Hull cleared me while giving me damage resistance. Shields were hardened with constant EPtS3, and were impossible to drop with TSS2 and RSP. (In fact, I never even used Tac Team to redistribute shields, I have Redistribute Shields as part of my keybinds and saved TT1 to counter Borg boarding parties.) Aux2SIF kept me topped up and further increased my damage resistance, and if I got hurt or set on fire, HE1 was enough. Eng Team was mostly used to heal other people, I never had to use it on myself while in the Star Cruiser. (I later had to use Eng Team to heal myself when I flew an Oddy, tanking unimatrices.)
Seriously, it was a very anticlimactic fight. This was before enemy ships started HY plasma torpedoing themselves, too.