I Finished your mission and I really enjoyed it. It was subtle, it didn't feel like it was trying to be epic, it was just a great mission with smooth transitions and good combat - A great first timer mission.
The only things that stuck out to me was the reach marker during the "Approach the system" objective, I really had to search around for the hot spot on that marker, might want to make it bigger. The second thing was naming assets, which is something I was just critiqued on myself, particularly your mobs, it's a little disconnecting when the enemy is titled "Romulan Captain Male 01". The third thing is, and maybe I overlooked something in the plot, but when you beam back to your ship the station and planet is gone. Again, maybe I missed some text explaining how it was destroyed or something (I accidently click through a couple of dialogue boxes before I was able to finish reading them) but I was expecting to see the planet and the station again after beaming up instead of an empty space map.
Overall though it was a great mission, spot on grammar, great dialogue, I was totally immersed with the exceptions of the small technical stuff made above. I think it would be a quick and easy fix for you though.
Thanks for your comments! I'll go back in and fix those naming assets and I'll look at the reach marker too. About the empty space map; yes I think you skipped through the explanation of how you warped into deep space, but I'll check that out too.
I'll be playing through your mission tonight and I'm looking forward to it!
I know how you feel, I'm waiting on reviews for my first mission to put it past the qualification threshhold myself. I've just played through yours and all in all its a great fun mission. I will say the maps could use some more decoration to make them feel a bit unique, quite a few felt very much just like the stock maps you find in exploration quests. I also felt the final battle could have used maybe one less wave, just my opinion but it felt it bit "oh... another set of enemies..." especially as there is little difference between them.
Still I had fun, I would definitely recommend it to others to try. Keep it up
It's a two parter, neihter are very long.
Preservers of Nevara
Fate of The Nevara
I Finished your mission and I really enjoyed it. It was subtle, it didn't feel like it was trying to be epic, it was just a great mission with smooth transitions and good combat - A great first timer mission.
The only things that stuck out to me was the reach marker during the "Approach the system" objective, I really had to search around for the hot spot on that marker, might want to make it bigger. The second thing was naming assets, which is something I was just critiqued on myself, particularly your mobs, it's a little disconnecting when the enemy is titled "Romulan Captain Male 01". The third thing is, and maybe I overlooked something in the plot, but when you beam back to your ship the station and planet is gone. Again, maybe I missed some text explaining how it was destroyed or something (I accidently click through a couple of dialogue boxes before I was able to finish reading them) but I was expecting to see the planet and the station again after beaming up instead of an empty space map.
Overall though it was a great mission, spot on grammar, great dialogue, I was totally immersed with the exceptions of the small technical stuff made above. I think it would be a quick and easy fix for you though.
I'll be playing through your mission tonight and I'm looking forward to it!
Thanks for playing!
Thol Komihntra
Still I had fun, I would definitely recommend it to others to try. Keep it up
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