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Sci abilities nowhere near canon

the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
I'm going to go down the list here to show just what's wrong, focusing mostly on space abilities.


Feedback pulse - should bypass shields entirely because it's reflecting the directed energy of the enemies weapons back at the enemy and the enemies weapons fire thru their shields, it should also work against tractor beams reflecting the kinetic damage back on the attacker and should do 75% reflective energy damage to the attacker.

Tachyon Beam - shouldn't be doing level 1 damage to the enemies shields, if we're to believe all things are equal then it should disable shields on 1 facing and damage them preventing them from coming back online for a duration and the damage should be equivalent at max level to 1/4 the damage the kumari cannons do and least.

*The same goes for the charged particle burst which is all but useless against anyone but Klingons, doesn't even do enough damage to put the shield facing that hits it into yellow.

Tractor Beam - science officers have been known to modulate these beams to cause kinetic damage to the hull, this should be an option for science captains.

Photonic Officer - is not even worth it as an officer skill, this should be replaced with a series of photonic officers one can purchase that do the same thing passively reducing the global cooldowns across the board. Why is this a skill.

Tyken's Rift - should follow the ship it's shot at draining power as it's flying until finally it hits the enemy ship causing shield and kinetic damage, this thing they call a TR is definitely not canon. Also, the way it's set now it doesn't even have beams to show you who it's affecting, can't tell if its working because there's no enemy power meters anywhere in the ui.

Gravity Well - should work like a tractor beam, too often enemies just fly right out of the thing like it's not even there.

*which brings up another point, shields provide entirely too much damage resistance. Kinetic damage of this type, of the tractor beam, and the deflector particle abilities should bypass shields to some degree, right now it's like they enemies are simply immune, and I cannot agree that the larger ships aren't the most affected by these kinetic shakes, they should be taking the most damage from these effects.

Photonic Shockwave - has been known to do massive kinetic damage to ships. The disable for this ability is all but laughable. Why isn't this working for a longer period of time, two seconds is nowhere near enough time to even turn a ship to fire torps.

Viral Matrix - I cannot tell you how this has been completely nerfed beyond belief, this used to work so well against everything including the borg. Now I completely understand needing to balance it for pvp but it should not be nerfed for pve, it should work as it used to.

Science skills seriously need a looking at, when I started this game years ago, it meant something to be a science captain, we were necessary, we were needed and we could disable the best of them, now the captains that do all of the disabling are the tactical captains and they do it thru no other means then magical tactical maneuvers that have 0 counters. What happened, who decided that science wasn't any good and what is going to be done about it coming the new patch I wonder.

Which brings me to my next question.

When are tactical abilities going to be separated between Attack Patterns and Evasive Maneuvers? Why is it that they are able to do both defensive and offensive in the same ability and pretty much negates anything anyone else does to a tactical ship? Where is the balance?
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  • csgtmyorkcsgtmyork Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Because don't ya know? This is TacEscorts online! Any power and class that is the slightest threat will be whined about till it is nerfed into oblivion!

    Ok, maybe not quite that bad, but at the same time there is some truth to it.

    And yes, sci powers need a buff. And grav well shouldn't be affected by attack patterns (how is an attack pattern supposed to buff a spacial anomaly again?)
    "Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion."
    Elim Garak
  • jacrelljacrell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I just returned to STO. I played at release and never touched Tactical, I rolled 2 Engis and 2 Scis 1 of each on both factions. At the time Sci was very powerful and Engis took a week to kill anything if they were tank specced. Tactical was a glass canno, good at killing but easily killed and yes 1 on 1 no tactical captain could evr hope to beat a good Engi or Sci due to their healing abilities.

    Now I come back and I see escorts, escorts escorts with the odd Cruiser or Science Vessel thrown into the mix. I notice my old ships kill far slower than they did whilst having reduced defences and healing. The balance certainly seems to be tipped the other way and its sad since most of the impressive looking ships were the non tactical ones.

    I still enjoy the game, in fact I think I'm liking it more now than back then but I do think Escorts need to be toned down and Scis and Engis given their mojo back.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Just FYI, you're not making canon arguments, you're making "I want sci abilities to be better" arguments.
    Feedback pulse - should bypass shields entirely because it's reflecting the directed energy of the enemies weapons back at the enemy and the enemies weapons fire thru their shields, it should also work against tractor beams reflecting the kinetic damage back on the attacker and should do 75% reflective energy damage to the attacker.

    Following this logic cannons and torpedoes would be entirely immune from the feedback pulse since the directed energy is in discrete pulses, not an attenuated beam.
    Tachyon Beam - shouldn't be doing level 1 damage to the enemies shields, if we're to believe all things are equal then it should disable shields on 1 facing and damage them preventing them from coming back online for a duration and the damage should be equivalent at max level to 1/4 the damage the kumari cannons do and least.

    As far as I'm aware, the only instance of tachyon-based "weapons" (if you can call them that) being employed against shields were the tachyon pulses used in Insurrection. And by the by, all they did was force a remodulation, not disable the target's shields.
    Tractor Beam - science officers have been known to modulate these beams to cause kinetic damage to the hull, this should be an option for science captains.

    1) You already have that, TBRs.

    2) The only times a tractor beam is used in a combat situation were to 1) counter the Picard Maneuver and 2) futz with the forward disruptors on a vor'cha while the Defiant beamed out the Detapa council. There was no "imma tractor beam your ship apart" functionality.
    Tyken's Rift - should follow the ship it's shot at draining power as it's flying until finally it hits the enemy ship causing shield and kinetic damage, this thing they call a TR is definitely not canon. Also, the way it's set now it doesn't even have beams to show you who it's affecting, can't tell if its working because there's no enemy power meters anywhere in the ui.

    The only Tyken's Rift that appeared in Trek was a stationary phenomenon. It did no damage to ships, only dramatically drained their power.
    Gravity Well - should work like a tractor beam, too often enemies just fly right out of the thing like it's not even there

    Because a gravity well isn't a black hole.
    *which brings up another point, shields provide entirely too much damage resistance. Kinetic damage of this type, of the tractor beam, and the deflector particle abilities should bypass shields to some degree, right now it's like they enemies are simply immune, and I cannot agree that the larger ships aren't the most affected by these kinetic shakes, they should be taking the most damage from these effects.

    Seems like this is actually three different points. You may want to clean that up and clarify.
    Photonic Shockwave - has been known to do massive kinetic damage to ships. The disable for this ability is all but laughable. Why isn't this working for a longer period of time, two seconds is nowhere near enough time to even turn a ship to fire torps.

    Because damage and disables are two fundamentally different game mechanics.
    Science skills seriously need a looking at, when I started this game years ago, it meant something to be a science captain, we were necessary, we were needed and we could disable the best of them, now the captains that do all of the disabling are the tactical captains and they do it thru no other means then magical tactical maneuvers that have 0 counters. What happened, who decided that science wasn't any good and what is going to be done about it coming the new patch I wonder.

    And now we're at the heart of the matter. Make your case about Sci abilities lack of utility, but don't throw out the "canon" card when you've got next to zero to back it up with.
    When are tactical abilities going to be separated between Attack Patterns and Evasive Maneuvers? Why is it that they are able to do both defensive and offensive in the same ability and pretty much negates anything anyone else does to a tactical ship? Where is the balance?

    Because Evasive Maneuvers isn't a Tac ability. Unless you're arguing that the only people who should be able to bug out are Tacs...
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    So canon means OP. Good to know! :rolleyes:
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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