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need more KDF ships

xuelxuel Member Posts: 169 Arc User
edited March 2013 in Klingon Discussion
KDF needs a Sci and a Tac (Tac mainly) 3-pac bundle of ships. Come on Fed side already has a 3-pack for all 3 class's, but KDF only has a single 3-pack bundle and it's mainly for Engineers. Now Klingons are "WARRIORS" first, anything else second. Maybe even a 3-pac of a new class of Birds of Pray, one with a Advanced Battle Cloak, like from Star Trek 6 that can fire while cloaked, but at a reduced fire rate and torpedo's only. It don't need to be a ship feature but something like a 3 console set bonus ability that can only be used on this 1 bird of pray.
Post edited by xuel on


  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I could go for a 3pack BoP pack
    A Gorn/Orion/Nausican 3pack
    Even Leathean ship pack may be cool.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • dylantrinidydylantrinidy Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Is it just me or has it been a year since the last c-store KDF ship?
  • janusforbearejanusforbeare Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm pretty sure there's a 2-pack of Shakur class ships coming.


    Oh, wait, I forgot. 2-pack is dead.
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Even Leathean ship pack may be cool.

    I'd buy the **** out of a Lethean ship.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • fovrelfovrel Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What kind of ship do you like to see become available. I mean what kind of ship are we missing know?

    We have BoP's and raptors. They fill in the escort role, although the BoP is a class of its own with it universal Boff slots. Klingon cruiser can use cannons and can cloak. There are the Gorn science ships and we have carriers.

    With lockboxes the feds can have our consoles and we have theirs. The Klingon consoles are overall better, I think.

    I mean, we can ask for moar, but what moar?
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, all they have done with the BoP's so far is recycle them into fleet ships. I would like to see some fresh new designs.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    As far as missing ships I would say we need more Gorn,Orion, Nausican and Leathean ships in different classes plus a modern Bop 3pack.
    The Klingons have a fairly good selection except for a modern science version for that class.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    fovrel wrote: »
    There are the Gorn science ships
    Science SHIPS? As in, more than one? The Varanus and Fleet Varanus don't count as separate ships. That's ONE ship.
  • mustafatennickmustafatennick Member Posts: 868 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    And they are useless compared to fed sci ships
    ----=====This is my opinion you don't have to listen and no one else has to read them these "OPINIONS" are based on my exploits and my learning other people will have their opinions and that's fine just don't knock my way of doing things thanks=====---- :cool:
  • altechachanaltechachan Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm pretty sure there's a 2-pack of Shakur class ships coming.


    Oh, wait, I forgot. 2-pack is dead.

    Ugh. Okay you earned yourself a groan for that pun >_<

    I'm with bitemepwe for a BoP bundle and some more variety in Orion ships.
    Member since November 2009... I think.
    (UFP) Ragnar
  • ironmakoironmako Member Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I Want to see more BoPs. Moreso, i would like to see the two little-used BoPs get more attention, as they both look awesome, yet crappy and useless against the Hegh'ta. The two i refer to are the ZEN BoP's Ki'tang and the Ning'tao. I would like Cryptic to bin the beefed up Fleet Norgh, and replace it with Beefed up versions of these two, as they do look brilliant! This would be very realistic for Cryptic, as the ships are already there, no designing needed. choose one for 22500 HP and sell it for 200k fleet marks, with the other, give it 24750 HP and sell it for 20k fleet marks and 4 ship modules.

    I'm sure me and many others would buy them!
  • naeviusnaevius Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The Fleet Norgh has the Ningtao skin as an option, so that's out.

    We could have: Nausican Raiders, Gorn Battlecruisers, Orion Raptors...etc. Same function, but completely new ships. (I think KDF allies would have cloaks by now.)
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  • dma1986dma1986 Member Posts: 541 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    naevius wrote: »
    (I think KDF allies would have cloaks by now.)
    You'd assume so, but as none of the non-Klingon ships* have them yet, I'm not so sure.

    Bear in mind that the Klingons (as a race, not an in-game faction) are generally a subjugating force, and while they're happy to take tech from their conquered races, they may not be so keen to give some in return.

    *such as the Scourge, Varanus, Vandal, Phalanx, et al.
  • solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Have you tried a Mirror Vo'Quv?

    I was on another thread earlier and it shocks me how few people know that its on the exchange for like 350K. I never played a carrier before and I have MAD love for this thing. Its cheap, its HUGE! its hull is HUGE - 42K base! and it can get over 10K shields per facing with the right shield/console combo. Load it up with Tetryon to strip enemy shields and just laugh at what your pets do to whats left over.

    Got some homeboys to try it with me and we were crying laughing at the screams and the uh . . . 'friends' we made! We did PvE and PvP and were untouchable. Picture it - 5 Star Destroyer sized Mirror Vo'Quvs with 4 BoP's each for a total of TWENTY pets wizzing about, making the grand total of our team TWENTY FIVE ships strong. No one died, dude . . . no one. It was glorious! Its also glorious listening to the screams of noobs that thought were were cheating because we had "Mirror" pets. No ladies and gentlemen, you CANT buy Mirror pets - the Vo'Quv just changes the name of your BoP pets to (IE) Mirror B'Rel Retrofit by default.

    My gawd Mirror Vo'Quvs are fun! One day peeps are gonna jump on this little treasure so I made sure I bought and saved 3 of them so I can resell on the exchange later, or have them for future KDF toons. Highly recommend a go at this if you are a bored KDFer. :):):)
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,910 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Is it just me or has it been a year since the last c-store KDF ship?

    I'd say more than a year, but then again I discount all ships where the feds got a equal...or well better when it comes to the Bortasqu.

    But yeah I definitely would like to see new KDF ships!
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Just to peev-off whiners, watch them make KDF ships avaible to the new Romulan Faction. Remember on TOS when D-7s were captained by Romulans?

    I would be cool with this on condition that KDF gets an EXCLUSIVE S.S. Botany Bay Retrofit with 50K hull, 10 weapons fore and aft and some kind of "TRIBBLE U, I WIN!" special console button!

    ***EDIT*** Naevis - I JUST saw your signature pic. LMAO SOOOOO awesome!
  • greendragon527greendragon527 Member Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Me too, I'm just a noob doing TRIBBLE in STF's with my BOP but here's my two cents.
    The argument of BOP being a raider/versatile ship doesn't make sense, thats the Vesta, since to be versatile, you have to be fairly good at everything( not at tanking for sure). This is ok but hit and run might be at a disadvantage. How about universal consoles with the provision that you must have at least one of each type. So someone who specializes his BOP as hit and run has all tac consoles and no resist, etc etc. This idea might suck, but maybe it can be tweaked to make the BOP really a bit more versatile, yet powerful at the same time. Thoughts?

    ironmako wrote: »
    I Want to see more BoPs. Moreso, i would like to see the two little-used BoPs get more attention, as they both look awesome, yet crappy and useless against the Hegh'ta. The two i refer to are the ZEN BoP's Ki'tang and the Ning'tao. I would like Cryptic to bin the beefed up Fleet Norgh, and replace it with Beefed up versions of these two, as they do look brilliant! This would be very realistic for Cryptic, as the ships are already there, no designing needed. choose one for 22500 HP and sell it for 200k fleet marks, with the other, give it 24750 HP and sell it for 20k fleet marks and 4 ship modules.

    I'm sure me and many others would buy them!
  • solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think it would be nice if the DEVs added 2 more Carriers to the KDF. Nothing special . . . just make them ships that don't require Zen to purchase (Fleet Cred or Dilithium). Yes I get it - the game needs to make money - however, with this faction seemingly broken and ignored on a few fronts AND a new Romulan faction coming . . . it only seems fair.

    A nice balance might also be to include a few different exclusive KDF Carrier Pets as well. Why would I want a useless Energy Syphon Pet (seemingly made out of paper, I'll add) when I could have say . . . 4 Torpedo Drone Launchers orbiting and protecting my carrier?

    Just an idea . . . :)
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    There plenty of in game ships they can pick/choose from. That KDF has but is not playable. Specially if you go to the other species. I don't see why not add them which would be easy. Since they are already there.

    Next new ship I want to see is the K'Vort BOP which is not in the game. And will be all new.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • dixa1dixa1 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Have you tried a Mirror Vo'Quv?

    I was on another thread earlier and it shocks me how few people know that its on the exchange for like 350K. I never played a carrier before and I have MAD love for this thing. Its cheap, its HUGE! its hull is HUGE - 42K base! and it can get over 10K shields per facing with the right shield/console combo. Load it up with Tetryon to strip enemy shields and just laugh at what your pets do to whats left over.

    Got some homeboys to try it with me and we were crying laughing at the screams and the uh . . . 'friends' we made! We did PvE and PvP and were untouchable. Picture it - 5 Star Destroyer sized Mirror Vo'Quvs with 4 BoP's each for a total of TWENTY pets wizzing about, making the grand total of our team TWENTY FIVE ships strong. No one died, dude . . . no one. It was glorious! Its also glorious listening to the screams of noobs that thought were were cheating because we had "Mirror" pets. No ladies and gentlemen, you CANT buy Mirror pets - the Vo'Quv just changes the name of your BoP pets to (IE) Mirror B'Rel Retrofit by default.

    My gawd Mirror Vo'Quvs are fun! One day peeps are gonna jump on this little treasure so I made sure I bought and saved 3 of them so I can resell on the exchange later, or have them for future KDF toons. Highly recommend a go at this if you are a bored KDFer. :):):)

    it's the same as the regular vo'quv which you can get for free at 40, but with a swap of an engineer boff for a sci boff, and a swap of an engineer console for a sci console.

    i have both vo'quvs but use the base because i prefer to have grav well, tykens rift, energy siphon, science team, transfer shield strength, reverse shield polarity, emergency power to shields, hazard emitters and engineering team. only grav well/tykens and the two teams share a cooldown, making it an effective all around tank.
  • dixa1dixa1 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think it would be nice if the DEVs added 2 more Carriers to the KDF. Nothing special . . . just make them ships that don't require Zen to purchase (Fleet Cred or Dilithium). Yes I get it - the game needs to make money - however, with this faction seemingly broken and ignored on a few fronts AND a new Romulan faction coming . . . it only seems fair.

    A nice balance might also be to include a few different exclusive KDF Carrier Pets as well. Why would I want a useless Energy Syphon Pet (seemingly made out of paper, I'll add) when I could have say . . . 4 Torpedo Drone Launchers orbiting and protecting my carrier?

    Just an idea . . . :)

    as a dedicated carrier pilot i would have no problem with kdf becoming the carrier faction

    i have no idea how the devs could possibly top the vo'quv though as an all around vessel that gives up nothing offensively. the b'rotlh bop's are just that good.
  • solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dixa1- I've never played a Carrier before and as it turned out . . . my kling is an ENG, so the Mirror Vo'Quv works out perfectly for me.

    But HELL yeah! I'd TOTALLY be down with a Carrier 3 Pack too. I've played with many Raptors and it seems to me that there are just too many Fed escorts that can pretty much spank most of them now. Why not refocus on what made KDF (as I'm just figuring out now) friggin SICK and throw down some more carriers at us?

    Take away our consoles n give them to the Feds - I don't care.

    Give Feds MORE ships that can merge consoles to form friggin Voltron! - Still don't care.

    Let the Feds have access to a carrier. - Don't really care on that one either.

    . . . JUST GIVE THE KDF A COUPLE MORE!!! . . . please. Just look how many peeps are punching puppies in there cute lil faces on the streets to get there hands on a JH Dreadnaught . . . and to be honest, its stats aren't too far off from a Vo'Quv.
  • dixa1dixa1 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dixa1- I've never played a Carrier before and as it turned out . . . my kling is an ENG, so the Mirror Vo'Quv works out perfectly for me.

    But HELL yeah! I'd TOTALLY be down with a Carrier 3 Pack too. I've played with many Raptors and it seems to me that there are just too many Fed escorts that can pretty much spank most of them now. Why not refocus on what made KDF (as I'm just figuring out now) friggin SICK and throw down some more carriers at us?

    Take away our consoles n give them to the Feds - I don't care.

    Give Feds MORE ships that can merge consoles to form friggin Voltron! - Still don't care.

    Let the Feds have access to a carrier. - Don't really care on that one either.

    . . . JUST GIVE THE KDF A COUPLE MORE!!! . . . please. Just look how many peeps are punching puppies in there cute lil faces on the streets to get there hands on a JH Dreadnaught . . . and to be honest, its stats aren't too far off from a Vo'Quv.

    the jem dread is another animal entirely, and you give up the b'rotlh for them.

    i have the jem dread on my fed toons. unless you have elite scorpions or the jhas it can't hold a candle to the vo'quv. my abop's parse 3.9k-4.7k on their own, hitting 35-42 quantum torp crits. each.

    the vo'quv is balanced to be a tank and put the damage on your carrier pets. the jem'dread has more shields and hull than a vo'quv - even the fleet vo'quv, better turn, higher inertia, an extra weapon mount and a tac/engineer heavy boff setup. it is the highest dps shp in the game, but only with properly managed elite scorps (and some luck, nothing like your first wing of 3 being down to 2 and being unable to replace them until that third one dies) or jhas. i've parsed the advanced peregrines adn to'duj with them maxing out at 1.2k dps on an ise. that dps difference is not made up by the ship itself unless you are a tac captain.

    i also generally prefer the base vo'quv or fleet vo'quv because of plasmonic leech with a flow cap deflector, flow cap console and 6 in flow cap. nets me 2.8 power per shot, keeping my power levels at 75+ each, shield at 90 with 125 weapon. turns the ship into an excellent shield tank, and the base vo'quv capitalized on that better than the engineer one as you can combine 1, 2, 3 or all 4 of reverse shield polarity, emergency power to shields, tss2 and science team. emergency opwer to shields + tss2 at the power levels i oprate at is something like a 55% shield resist buff, nearly 60 if i hit a batt to be at 125 aux.

    i can solo and drop one side of kase while 2-3 people in non carrier escorts work the other and do it faster due to micro-managing the abop's. they are just that good in pve. my only char close to t5 romulan is still 2 weeks away from that, and then has to grind marks to make the ships before i can parse them and compare.

    i dont pvp in this game. the ttk is too short and too burst centric.
  • age03age03 Member Posts: 1,664 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I would say there needs to be a real free science ship more than anything else.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
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  • dixa1dixa1 Member Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    age03 wrote: »
    I would say there needs to be a real free science ship more than anything else.

    i thought the same, until i played the stock vo'quv.

    it's a science ship but gives up no offense to make that happen.
  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    dixa1 wrote: »
    i thought the same, until i played the stock vo'quv.

    it's a science ship but gives up no offense to make that happen.

    It's still less of a ship and more like a mobile outpost.
  • zokiro12zokiro12 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'd love to see more KDF ships come onto the market too. Whether it's retrofits of no longer used ships like the K'Tanco class, new Orion, Gorn or Lethean ships, or new KDF ship types altogether, I want 'em. One thing I really, REALLY want though, is new bridges and interiors for them. I'm tired of every Orion ship being a Klingon battle barge on the inside! Also. More Ferasan ships, please. Another carrier would be nice!
  • marshalericdavidmarshalericdavid Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    A K'Vort Class Bird of Prey is what I think they should add because it will be easy to add use the B'Rel model but make the ship bigger and then chose the stats for it simple.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Before a world of 5 tac console escorts, I'd have said that KDF ships were better then Fed ships over all, and that still didn't make people play the faction...

    In a world with no 5 tac console escorts on one side... I just don't know what they were thinking really...

    I think Cryptic has done plenty of things right, but the KDF is a mess.

    If the KDF were to get a ship it should be a 5 tac console raptor, its asinine that one doesn't exist already.

    And sci ships... why do you want one? Even the much praised Vesta is a poor substitute to a carrier, and the KDF carriers are both cheap and effective. The Varanus might not be all that, but as somebody who has flown just about every sci ship out there, the others are only marginally more effective. Get a VQ or a Kar'Fi if you have a tac inferiority complex, they will out perform any true sci ship out there.
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
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  • rovakiinrovakiin Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2013
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