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Any fleets big on role-play?

kyrtmalthornkyrtmalthorn Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Earth Spacedock
I'm a new-ish player, been at it about two weeks. And up to now, I may as well have been playing single player as far as gaming experience goes. I'm not really good at plugging myself into a social setting.

I am, however, serious about role-playing. I grew up with Star Trek, and I enjoy its canon, and find it a fun universe to RP in. There's only so much one can do alone, however, and being part of a Fleet sounds like a fun experience. I'm looking for a like-minded community, not for the perks and a random label (and the name better not be in all caps... unless it's an acronym). And it might be nice if strangers stopped inviting me to totally random fleets.

I'm in CST timezone, but I'm online a lot. Currently rolling with a Lt. Commander J'Senna, Caitian female. 'Cause who doesn't like space khajiit girls?

Anyone in such a fleet think I'd fit in?
Post edited by kyrtmalthorn on


  • ubermattenubermatten Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    I must say, I read your post and thought that our fleet would love to have you. 5th SOD is an RP-based fleet. We have an established Starbase from previous fleet incarnations, however we are back with a vengeance. We actually recently had our official opening ceremoney, but it definetely isn't too late to join in. We have an ever-expanding storyline, and we stick true to already established canon.

    If you are looking for a challenge, I encourage you to take a look at our forum thread (link in signature), and also our fleet website (link on our forum thread). If you have any questions, feel free to post on the thread (bumps are appreciated), and we will reply in kind. Alternatively, you can contact @ubermatten or @kpts4tv in game.

    Cheers, and good hunting!
  • werewolf359werewolf359 Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hi J'Senna,

    I'd like to encourage you to visit the website of the Alpha Centauri Institute and to check out our Fleet wiki, where you can read about our various players and RP storylines.

    We are an RP fleet. By our definition and play style, that covers everything from casual RP to full-blown episodes. Our goal is to help you find a story for your character, then to grow that character through RP and game-play in the direction you want to go.

    We currently have about 20-25 active players, with several players in your timezone, but we also have them across North America and in Europe. Because our members have varied and changeable work and life schedules, we are sometimes closer to Starfleet than you might imagine: Players may go a day or two, even a week, without running into others because of the schedule, but the fleet is always out there, backing you up and ready to assist in RP or game-objectives.

    I hope you'll check out our website or PM me in-game @WereWolf359.
    Tellarites across the galaxy demand an answer to the most pressing issue of their time: Where is Tellar!?!?!
  • inhumanekitteninhumanekitten Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you're interested in joining an RP fleet, I recommend attending the second RP Roundtable, which is in a couple days. The roundtables are hosted by The Trust fleet, and this one will be attended by Branflakes. You can learn more about it by reading the guest blogs written by The Trust. Attendance at the last roundtable was well over a hundred players, with many RP fleets represented. You may be able to find a fleet there that suits you.
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