I just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for the upcoming patch and the additional fleet marks. I and the fleet that I lead are grateful. The added fleet marks will provide more fleet marks than we were losing by the loss of the foundry wrapper. We are also looking forward to your AFK fix in the near future. I know there are other issues people have brought up, but in the mean time, thanks for shifting the gears more towards customer satisfaction.
*takes off riot gear and heavy combat armor and puts away hand-held automatic rail-gun. Then calls off Covenant fleet on route to glass Cryptic's main hub and PWE HQ. Also calls off shock troopers en route from secret base in Sahara*
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
The anti-AFK patch won't be in the latest patch. This needs to be implemented as soon as they possibly can and needs to be a top priority to get in game and working correctly.
The thing I don't get is that they said they would do this last week. I know there are trust issues, but it was pretty clear and I had no doubt they would fix it like they are showing today.
What gets me even more is why they couldn't do both the nerf and the buff at the same time. Perhaps they wanted to see the effect on the economy so they could determine the magnitude of the buffs they just laid out.
If so, perhaps next time Branflakes should put that red banner up that they use when people are doing things they shouldn't or when things go wrong that clearly states:
"We nerfed the **** out of <insert item here> and we are just seeing the effect, we WILL restore an equivalent of <insert item here> as soon as possible."
Perhaps it would have cut down on the rage...
join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
Tribble notes shows the following, what I am wondering what Cryptic will do with the "AFKers"
Fleet Marks:
No-Win Scenario:
Increased the rewards for rounds 4, 5 and 6 from 5/8/13 to 10/18/28 respectively.
This increases Fleet Mark rewards by 30.
The following events now grant an additional 30 Fleet Marks.
Colony Invasion
Starbase Blockade
Starbase Fleet Defense
Starbase Incursion
Starbase Alert now grants an extra 10 Fleet Marks each time an enemy wave is defeated for the first 3 waves.
Azure Nebula rescue now grants twice as many Fleet Marks.
Defera invasion missions:
Easy missions now grant 13 Fleet Marks.
Medium missions now grant 25 Fleet Marks.
Hard missions now grant 60 Fleet Marks.
Nukara missions:
Easy missions now grant 13 Fleet Marks.
Medium missions now grant 25 Fleet Marks.
Hard missions now grant 60 Fleet Marks.
Mine Trap now grants an extra 30 Fleet Marks upon completion.
Added 50 Fleet Marks to each of the PVP daily wrappers:
Raze Enemy Headquarters (Daily)
Raze Enemy Secret Headquarters (Lt. General - Daily)
Dominate the Heroes of the Enemy (Daily)
Dominate the Leaders of the Enemy (Lt. General - Daily)
Claiming Enemy Reserves (Daily)
Claiming Enemy Emergency Reserves (Lt. General - Daily)
Reclaim the Neutral Zone (Daily)
Restore the Neutral Zone (Vice Admiral - Daily)
Into the Fray (Daily); To the Front Lines (Vice Admiral - Daily)
Pacify Enemy Heroes (Daily)
Pacify Enemy Leaders (Vice Admiral - Daily)
You realise you could get up to 60 (and a little over someone) fleet marks from colony invasion and starbase incursion in under 30 minuets?
My concern was Dan was only going to add a few extra here or there to get to 50 but it was a far more robust offering... I used to do the missions you speak of as well as Nukara. Now I can earn approx. 400+ an hour/Character with these modifications. It isn't helpful for solo players wanting to do non-combat but I never expected that he would add FM back to solo missions again.
Gold Sub since March 2010
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
I think this is a great way to earn fleet marks. People were just going the same easy missions over and over again. I totally agree with this update. Thanks!
I think this is a great way to earn fleet marks. People were just going the same easy missions over and over again. I totally agree with this update. Thanks!
Naturally. people will usually take the least amount of work for the greatest amount of gain. that is pretty much human nature.
Well, thanks for the new FM schedule devs. Seems cool
Oh, and thanks for straightening up that Boff bug, it was getting kind of annoying going to the Fleet Starbase whenever I needed to change the setup
Good news, it would have been far better if Cryptic told everyone this plan when they took them away but what can you do?
Well, isn't that Cryptic's pattern anyways? It's the way they do things.
1) Release a change
2) Measure and collect data on its effects
3) Provide a tuned response
It's this very procedure that I think causes so much rage. Most people don't know how long Step 2 is going to take. Some will even say "Why doesn't Step 2 happen on Tribble?" Well, I think you know the answer to that. Tribble popultion vs. Holodeck population...how many times more?
Anyways, I personally don't have a problem with this method of development, and I'm happy they managed to push out a correction just one week after.
It's this very procedure that I think causes so much rage. Most people don't know how long Step 2 is going to take. Some will even say "Why doesn't Step 2 happen on Tribble?" Well, I think you know the answer to that. Tribble popultion vs. Holodeck population...how many times more?
More folks would play on Tribble if Cryptic actually fixed the bugs that testers identified. As it stands now, if it's bugged on Tribble it'll be bugged on live the next day. And more than likely for the six months after that.
More folks would play on Tribble if Cryptic actually fixed the bugs that testers identified. As it stands now, if it's bugged on Tribble it'll be bugged on live the next day. And more than likely for the six months after that.
This is the reason why I didn't install a 2nd sto and get involved with tribble, I've Beta d a couple of other pieces of software and I can recall very few instances where known bugs were released, or for that matter any patches that didn't sit in our sandbox for at least a week so that we could abuse it and try to break it.
I'm glad I kept my mouth shut all this while. The change never affected me, I never really did IOR or the fleet stuff for marks anyway. The Ausmonauts does nightly SB Defs, churn out 100+ marks x 20 for the admirals in the raid, and poof a lot of projects get underway. And that's excluding Commendation Reports, which are really great "AFK" mark grinds.
Now I see a point to play more fleet stuff. Talk about having even more endgame content.
Thanks Devs, you did great this time.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
While they may have fixed one thing, there are still a myriad of problems with us since launch they have yet to remedy. Never forget what it took for this to happen for Cryptic is already scheming their next dastardly deed.
Jack Emmert: "Starfleet and Klingon. ... So two factions, full PvE content." Al Rivera hates Klingons Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert All cloaks should be canon.
Well, isn't that Cryptic's pattern anyways? It's the way they do things.
1) Release a change
2) Measure and collect data on its effects
3) Provide a tuned response
It's this very procedure that I think causes so much rage. Most people don't know how long Step 2 is going to take. Some will even say "Why doesn't Step 2 happen on Tribble?" Well, I think you know the answer to that. Tribble popultion vs. Holodeck population...how many times more?
Anyways, I personally don't have a problem with this method of development, and I'm happy they managed to push out a correction just one week after.
Well, nothing is really stopping Cryptic from coming to the forums, presenting the planed changes, and asking for opinions. You know, involving the player base since they are the ones that are going to be playing it.
If they were better at communicating their intentions and getting feedback before they release content even to the test server this debacle would not have happened. Instead we keep getting a wait and see approach. We keep getting this "we can't tell you it's a national security secret" attitude. Quit using metrics and just interact with the community. Be more personable.
I suggest a new pattern:
1) Present a plan months in advance
2) Gain feedback
3) Release for testing weeks in advance
4) Actually listen to your testers that report bugs.
5) Fix said bugs
6) Be declared greatest company ever for superior handling of such a well known IP
7) Profit
How the Devs see Star Trek, apparently:
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
Please learn from this that we are all in this with you and when you don't communicate it just makes things worst.
This game has the potential of being the best, most played, and most profitable MMO ever if we all work together and not treat each other like we are enemies.
Your dev team, I am sure, works hard but there are some simple ways to keep this from happening again.
1) Put the patches on tribble for a week and let us help test everything we can.
2) We will report them to you and interact with the devs, if you want us to, to make sure the code is tested and is as bug free as possible before it gets loaded on the Holodeck.
3) Give us a way to provide you with the ideas that we have. Some are very good and would bring back a lot of the fun that is missing.
4) Setup a plan to address the promises that have been made over the years, even if it is to just say they have been reviewed and it was decided not to implent them.
5) Reduce the grind. Even you have posted before that grinding is not fun.
Just give us the chance to help you. It will benefit all of us and increase your bottom line
We all want this to be a long term, fun filled, game we can all enjoy.
There's a hell of a long way to go to deal with the communication, quality and design issues STO is still going to be saddled with.
Thank you, Cryptic Devs!!!
You realise you could get up to 60 (and a little over someone) fleet marks from colony invasion and starbase incursion in under 30 minuets?
*takes off riot gear and heavy combat armor and puts away hand-held automatic rail-gun. Then calls off Covenant fleet on route to glass Cryptic's main hub and PWE HQ. Also calls off shock troopers en route from secret base in Sahara*
What gets me even more is why they couldn't do both the nerf and the buff at the same time. Perhaps they wanted to see the effect on the economy so they could determine the magnitude of the buffs they just laid out.
If so, perhaps next time Branflakes should put that red banner up that they use when people are doing things they shouldn't or when things go wrong that clearly states:
Perhaps it would have cut down on the rage...
Fanfiction! ZOMG! Read it now!
Short of giving details on precisely when and how much of <insert item here> would be re-added, it wouldn't have.
Fleet Marks:
No-Win Scenario:
Increased the rewards for rounds 4, 5 and 6 from 5/8/13 to 10/18/28 respectively.
This increases Fleet Mark rewards by 30.
The following events now grant an additional 30 Fleet Marks.
Colony Invasion
Starbase Blockade
Starbase Fleet Defense
Starbase Incursion
Starbase Alert now grants an extra 10 Fleet Marks each time an enemy wave is defeated for the first 3 waves.
Azure Nebula rescue now grants twice as many Fleet Marks.
Defera invasion missions:
Easy missions now grant 13 Fleet Marks.
Medium missions now grant 25 Fleet Marks.
Hard missions now grant 60 Fleet Marks.
Nukara missions:
Easy missions now grant 13 Fleet Marks.
Medium missions now grant 25 Fleet Marks.
Hard missions now grant 60 Fleet Marks.
Mine Trap now grants an extra 30 Fleet Marks upon completion.
Added 50 Fleet Marks to each of the PVP daily wrappers:
Raze Enemy Headquarters (Daily)
Raze Enemy Secret Headquarters (Lt. General - Daily)
Dominate the Heroes of the Enemy (Daily)
Dominate the Leaders of the Enemy (Lt. General - Daily)
Claiming Enemy Reserves (Daily)
Claiming Enemy Emergency Reserves (Lt. General - Daily)
Reclaim the Neutral Zone (Daily)
Restore the Neutral Zone (Vice Admiral - Daily)
Into the Fray (Daily); To the Front Lines (Vice Admiral - Daily)
Pacify Enemy Heroes (Daily)
Pacify Enemy Leaders (Vice Admiral - Daily)
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
My concern was Dan was only going to add a few extra here or there to get to 50 but it was a far more robust offering... I used to do the missions you speak of as well as Nukara. Now I can earn approx. 400+ an hour/Character with these modifications. It isn't helpful for solo players wanting to do non-combat but I never expected that he would add FM back to solo missions again.
Lifetime Sub since June 2010
Naturally. people will usually take the least amount of work for the greatest amount of gain. that is pretty much human nature.
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
They just did.
Oh, and thanks for straightening up that Boff bug, it was getting kind of annoying going to the Fleet Starbase whenever I needed to change the setup
Well, isn't that Cryptic's pattern anyways? It's the way they do things.
1) Release a change
2) Measure and collect data on its effects
3) Provide a tuned response
It's this very procedure that I think causes so much rage. Most people don't know how long Step 2 is going to take. Some will even say "Why doesn't Step 2 happen on Tribble?" Well, I think you know the answer to that. Tribble popultion vs. Holodeck population...how many times more?
Anyways, I personally don't have a problem with this method of development, and I'm happy they managed to push out a correction just one week after.
More folks would play on Tribble if Cryptic actually fixed the bugs that testers identified. As it stands now, if it's bugged on Tribble it'll be bugged on live the next day. And more than likely for the six months after that.
This is the reason why I didn't install a 2nd sto and get involved with tribble, I've Beta d a couple of other pieces of software and I can recall very few instances where known bugs were released, or for that matter any patches that didn't sit in our sandbox for at least a week so that we could abuse it and try to break it.
=/\= 106th Fleet =/\=
Website | Fleet Charter | Mission Statement | Forums | Join | F.A.Q.
Now I see a point to play more fleet stuff. Talk about having even more endgame content.
Thanks Devs, you did great this time.
"Last Engage! Magical Girl Origami-san" is in print! Now with three times more rainbows.
Support the "Armored Unicorn" vehicle initiative today!
Thanks for Harajuku. Now let's get a real "Magical Girl" costume!
Al Rivera hates Klingons
Star Trek Online: Agents of Jack Emmert
All cloaks should be canon.
Alas, it's better than nothing, and perhaps someday we can have it back.
Well, nothing is really stopping Cryptic from coming to the forums, presenting the planed changes, and asking for opinions. You know, involving the player base since they are the ones that are going to be playing it.
If they were better at communicating their intentions and getting feedback before they release content even to the test server this debacle would not have happened. Instead we keep getting a wait and see approach. We keep getting this "we can't tell you it's a national security secret" attitude. Quit using metrics and just interact with the community. Be more personable.
I suggest a new pattern:
1) Present a plan months in advance
2) Gain feedback
3) Release for testing weeks in advance
4) Actually listen to your testers that report bugs.
5) Fix said bugs
6) Be declared greatest company ever for superior handling of such a well known IP
7) Profit
Star Trek: The Original Grind
Star Trek: The Next Grind
Star Trek: Deep Space Grind
Star Trek: Voyage to the Grind
Please learn from this that we are all in this with you and when you don't communicate it just makes things worst.
This game has the potential of being the best, most played, and most profitable MMO ever if we all work together and not treat each other like we are enemies.
Your dev team, I am sure, works hard but there are some simple ways to keep this from happening again.
1) Put the patches on tribble for a week and let us help test everything we can.
2) We will report them to you and interact with the devs, if you want us to, to make sure the code is tested and is as bug free as possible before it gets loaded on the Holodeck.
3) Give us a way to provide you with the ideas that we have. Some are very good and would bring back a lot of the fun that is missing.
4) Setup a plan to address the promises that have been made over the years, even if it is to just say they have been reviewed and it was decided not to implent them.
5) Reduce the grind. Even you have posted before that grinding is not fun.
Just give us the chance to help you. It will benefit all of us and increase your bottom line
We all want this to be a long term, fun filled, game we can all enjoy.
Thank you.