Ok we all know we want the romulans to have as a playable species, but witch one would you like to join to....
I would like to see as a playable species :
Maybe some minor species on there own without aid off the Feds or Klingons :
Witch species you like to play with an story line let us know !!
But I think we should be worrying about prodding Cryptic and the Devs to patch up what we have, then adding new races which require more content and things for them to spend time on.
Although I would be more than happy with just the Federation, Klingon and Romulan, if we were to have a fourth, for me, it would have to be a Dominion one; and I'm talking Gamma Quadrant Dominion. They'd need to be their own faction though; in that they're not specifically at war with anyone, but they're protecting the founders. Have a sector (or three) where all their main missions are (though make them within the Gamma Quadrant). Access to the rest of the current galaxy can be through the wormhole.
Obviously you've got the ships, and you've got the species. Vorta and Jem Hadar are a given, and you could have the Dosi and Karemma (among others) as secondary species. I know the Karemma are primarily traders, but I'd suspect they'd make good engineers too. From what I remember about the Dosi, they remind me of Klingons. Brawling on the streets and the like, plus they're somewhat aggressive.
Edit: I wish people would quit asking about a Borg Faction. It wouldn't work. Unless you play as the Queen (then you'd be one Queen of many) you're looking at a non-borg playing borg species.
They could even be of the same faction ingame..
meanwhile be happy with what you have folks
and be glad that we do not (Yet) have playable replicators
Sorry could not help it.
Let us deal with the 1.5 faction we have now before we look down that road.
The Goa'uld.
As soon as I saw the title of the thread I made a bet with myself that someone would make a Salem joke within 10 posts.
Close enough
To the OP: I tend to agree with the people saying Suliban, that would be amazing.
Kirk's Protege.
yes, that is what i was thinking. temporal cold war, iconians, these 2 species (Romulan and Suliban) have psychologically so much in common, it is astonishing.
also, i would REALLY love to know what happened to them later. perhaps some of them established themselves as RSE citizens? Who knows..
i found them very intriguing..
Well as borg you can take on federation fleet can also be an STF or maybe mixed Federation Klingon Fleet, c'mon didn't you guys play Star Trek Armada II.
If you had you played the borg right, well for me it was fun trying to take over sector 001.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Joined Trill
Borg Romulan
Borg Remen
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Join Date: August 29th 2010
Jem Hadar
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Playable races we meant besides romulans, but you have a good choise I must add.
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
so long as boreg rom/reman are LTS only.
You mean the Jaffa, surely? If you had Goa'uld, you'd just be playing with a snake-like thing.
Tholian would sure be interesting, though I can imagine that a fair amount of work. If I remember correctly, where was an interview or something where someone said they'd like to see a Tholian Reputation System? If we've got Romulan Bridge Officers with the Romulan Rep Sys... Just saying. :rolleyes:
That and there is a 'Suliban System' in the Tau Dewa Sector.
The Suliban make for the perfect spies (at least those that are genetically enhanced). Whether that would remain true is unknown (I could live without). I can just see some remnants of the Kabul serving the Sela and the Star Empire. Cryptic would be fools not to take advantage of the Suliban.
Lets find ways to fix the 2nd before even thinking of a third and forth lol.
*dodges incoming fire*
Undine are maybe a bit too insular and since in this game they are hostile with everyone we end up with the same problems as the Borg.
Tholians would make for a fun faction simply because they are so alien, along with the Undine they are the only 2 species that aren't "humans in a rubber suit" type aliens, but unlike the Undine they do have ambassadors and some form of trade with other factions even while being openly hostile over territory.
The Dominion would be the one that gets my vote as a fourth playable faction, of all the alternatives they have an empire that rivals the power of the big 3.
All that aside, putting some meat and skin on the KDF bones should be a priority before looking for new factions, if the KDF is left incomplete it doesn't bode well for any other new faction thrown into the mix.
Nah, it'd be like evil joined-trill with snazzy costumes and glowing eyes instead of spots. :cool:
Jaffa boffs and doffs maybe. And they could be released with Al'Kesh escorts and Ha'Tak carriers with death glider hangar pets.
I'd like to see Asgard Beliskner-class or O'Neill-class, but I feel these are better off as lockbox ships, cause I don't really want to play as little gray men.
oh wait...
Couldn't agree more.
Two finished factions is better than three which are not.
Romulans should come next after that. I woulnd't mind seeing Cardassians and Romulans unified, personally. The Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar do/did seem to share plenty in common. Even if it didn't work out so well that one time where they had a little boo boo in the Umari Nebula.
Beyond that... I don't see Borg working on the same formula everyone else so far does. The Borg just aren't like everyone else. I could actually see Borg as the pay-only faction (and as a free player, I have no issue with a "veterans/pay only" faction so long as the rest of the game operates as is) and I think they'd draw the most $$$ as such, with a totally different style of play built more around only being able to gain upgrades though assimilating things. Hard to explain without this becoming like 10 paragraphs long but it would have to be a different sort of game mechanic entirely for me to feel like I was "really playing like Borg".
Dominion might be nice but most of their ships are out there already. And how do you have Founders who still obey all the "rules" of ground maps? Tricky to make them playable and fun but not game-breaking.
I wouldn't mind seeing Tholians. In fact an entire faction of non-humanoids. The TV shows could never develop non-humanoids very much because of obvious budgetary concerns, but in a video game format it seems like there could be room for fun here. Walking flavor crystals, blobs, evil puddles, tentacles, evil peanut monsters that ate Geordi's dog, and balls of energy unite.
But first get the two factions to where the designers are satisfied. Then worry about all that.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
That way I could take the form of any species I wanted too, banish my enemies from the material realm just by snapping my fingers, and generally toy with the cosmos for my own amusement.
...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
- Anne Bredon