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T3 Shipyard available

vinru821vinru821 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Qo'noS
Hi Guys,

I am a member of a tiny fleet, we are just about done with our T3 Shipyard.

If anyone wants to buy a ship shoot me a tell ingame, or mail, and we can discuss.

No I am not going to ask for Millions of EC.. maybe a few FM :)

Also looking for some active members if interested, but not pushing.

Very casual, drama free.

T2 Fleet
Lvl 8
T3 Shipyard
T2 Science
T2 Eng

80% to finishing T1 requirements
and T0 on the other 2 sections, working on the yellow one. I forget what it is called

Nothing to steal from us :) good luck thieves lol

Bank Slots all opened up, and set up for non-exploitation
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