Does this mean I get to reinact the title roll of Godzilla?
Only if I can play the roll of a school bus that you crush into a pop can sized object.
Although I have yet to see anything demod by AMD with this tech, I do understand the properties that Microsoft is working on with Surface and Kinect that touch on this field as well. Specifically the much hated Kinect 2 has the ability to tell how many people are within the room, track their movements without the range of the device, and can identify the faces of those people. This is a key aspect to interaction. AMD's dome archetecture though really holds something interesting as the bulk of Holodeck's on Star Trek were square. The 360 degree view though definitely screams immersion. AMD is already doing well with their Eyefinity multi-monitor gaming solution so stitching things together for that much larger view is something they are working hard at already. Ultimately, it will probably take a mix of various technologies that we aren't aware of to bring this to the light of day but Surface, Kinect, and some tech from Eyefinity and AMD graphics are a great place to get started.
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Only if I can play the roll of a school bus that you crush into a pop can sized object.
Although I have yet to see anything demod by AMD with this tech, I do understand the properties that Microsoft is working on with Surface and Kinect that touch on this field as well. Specifically the much hated Kinect 2 has the ability to tell how many people are within the room, track their movements without the range of the device, and can identify the faces of those people. This is a key aspect to interaction. AMD's dome archetecture though really holds something interesting as the bulk of Holodeck's on Star Trek were square. The 360 degree view though definitely screams immersion. AMD is already doing well with their Eyefinity multi-monitor gaming solution so stitching things together for that much larger view is something they are working hard at already. Ultimately, it will probably take a mix of various technologies that we aren't aware of to bring this to the light of day but Surface, Kinect, and some tech from Eyefinity and AMD graphics are a great place to get started.
When developed, knowing mankind....It will be bigger than internet TRIBBLE.:eek: