Anybody can answer this if they know it, but if you could answer it Branflakes I'd appreciate it. Are we allowed to use the words Star Trek or have a character mention Star Trek in a foundry mission? Like for example: Lets say John Doe meets Jane Doe from a parallel universe and Jane Doe is a Star Trek fan and John Doe is a Starfleet Officer. Jane Doe mentions that she's a fan of Star Trek and that she recognizes some of the stuff that John Doe is using and wearing because she saw it on Star Trek. Is that doable in a foundry mission? If it is then please let me know. Same goes if it isn't. If it's not allowed then that's fine. Thanks to anybody who answers this in advance.
Cochrane: "... and you people, you're all astronauts?...on...some kind of Star trek?"
Star Trek First Contact. So its been used for humor on-screen, certainly no reason not to use it as part of a logical parallel universe story. - Not that I'd play it ;P
Cochrane: "... and you people, you're all astronauts?...on...some kind of Star trek?"
Star Trek First Contact. So its been used for humor on-screen, certainly no reason not to use it as part of a logical parallel universe story. - Not that I'd play it ;P
What you can't do is depict an actor's likeness or use their first or last names.
Star Trek First Contact. So its been used for humor on-screen, certainly no reason not to use it as part of a logical parallel universe story. - Not that I'd play it ;P
Haha good point.