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Phew! Glad they didnty Nerf DEM.

pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
I was sad when they nerfed my tricobalts, now I cant get one shot kills in pvp while I do my nails, or read a book, or check my email with my tac ship, but I can stil bypass shields with my directed energy modulation turrets! They even increased the shields for some ships. HA! Shields. What are shields? They are nothing to me in PVP as long as I have my DEM. So glad they havent touched DEM, or I might be as bad at PVP as I am at PVE, where ships can withstand DEM. Not PVP. PEW PEW! Everyone thinks I'm So Good, and Im acually AFK half the match.

Oh, DEM. Without you I wouldnt get a single kill.

I have to do my nails now, and check my email, and cook supper. Might as well load a pvp while I do it, I will even pug it, cuz I dont need a team anymore then I need to pay atention to dominate with DEM.
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