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I want to love this game but...

kb21kb21 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
Problems just keep me from totally enjoying it.

First of all I started back day game released and enjoyed it overall for a few months and left game once I hit the end of the curve. I waited about a year and came back and enjoyed myself all over again till I got bored with the STF's. Have tried it off and on for a while and now just came back again this month and its just totally depressing what has happened to this game.

Issue #1 You took grinding gear and got rid of chance to get items and replaced it with a rep system, 4 to 500 omega marks for each item times 6 items, plus the rep to unlock it in the first place plus the dilithium that is still capped at 8000 per day... yeah, not going to happen sorry.

issue #2 you keep adding new currency to the game to add more of a grind to same few missions. Fleet marks, Romulan marks, Omega marks, dilithium are all currencies and we have to grind them all doing the same exact missions every single day. Its boring as TRIBBLE.

Issue #3 every patch removes ways to avoid the tedious nature of the game. cant farm fleet marks with IOR anymore now you have about 4 space missions you must run over and over and over to gain fleet marks and nothing else... so you still have to run all the other missions to gain your omegas and dil and what not.

Issue #4 ground missions are too difficult to do with PUGS, you designed them tough which is fine I suppose but get into a group with people that cant work together and you have an exercise in frustration with 0 rewards because half the time you cant finish the mission... its ridiculous how everything resets and you start from scratch. in space nothing resets like that so if you were all to die you start over where you were not from the beginning over again. what does this mean overall... it means no option but space combat period and running the cure for the 10th time in 1 day is boring as hell.

It seems to me that PWI is an asian company, it appears that the asian mentality of grind games are fun is what this game is being turned into... there is a reason I dont play Lineage, or **** or the like... I dont like monotonous grinding, I didnt do it in WOW for the gear, I wont do it here. Why are you guys changing the game completely to enforce more and more grinding of the exact same missions every day.

I love Star Trek, I love the leveling part of this game, I love the ships, I hate that end game is an endless grind for coins you trade for items.
Post edited by kb21 on


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    kb21kb21 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    the blanked out word was A I O N... how is that a bad word?
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    itpalgitpalg Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kb21 wrote: »
    the blanked out word was A I O N... how is that a bad word?

    The same reason, "hell", or "damn" is a bad word on some forum filters.

    This is 1930 Disney World.

    I was introduced to this community on the 3rd day by a volunteer mod warning in my mail for posting a subject about Star Trek Online in someone's thread. Well duh. We are unable to post our own threads. Even after starting the account over now...18 days ago. Stupid. Yes I am still perturbed about the restrictions and the anal reporting/giving me a warning for going "off-topic" of the thread, but not the game itself (trying to use the "off-topic" rules out of context of what is posted; I guess this paragraph will be censored too huh?).

    I just started the game with no designs on going fast. I guess I am going to look at the world as it is now and not what it may have been to vets.
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    hiplyrustichiplyrustic Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    itpalg wrote: »
    The same reason, "hell", or "damn" is a bad word on some forum filters.

    This is 1930 Disney World.

    I was introduced to this community on the 3rd day by a volunteer mod warning in my mail for posting a subject about Star Trek Online in someone's thread. Well duh. We are unable to post our own threads. Even after starting the account over now...18 days ago. Stupid. Yes I am still perturbed about the restrictions and the anal reporting/giving me a warning for going "off-topic" of the thread, but not the game itself (trying to use the "off-topic" rules out of context of what is posted; I guess this paragraph will be censored too huh?).

    I just started the game with no designs on going fast. I guess I am going to look at the world as it is now and not what it may have been to vets.

    You may want to edit this before you get an infraction and points off your posting license for commenting about having been modded. Not being a smartass, just a friendly warning based on experience.
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    zionlythzionlyth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kb21 wrote: »
    Problems just keep me from totally enjoying it.

    Issue #1 You took grinding gear and got rid of chance to get items and replaced it with a rep system, 4 to 500 omega marks for each item times 6 items, plus the rep to unlock it in the first place plus the dilithium that is still capped at 8000 per day... yeah, not going to happen sorry.

    Sorry but I disagree. As far as the MMO standard, in STO may have some grind, but it gives you access to the best gear rather fast. I mean compare it to Rift or WoW OR any MMOS of that type where getting the best gear takes many months to get the best gear, or in the case of one of my guildmates over a year of grinding a raid just for one legendary staff. Compared to that, in STO if you run 1 stf/romulan pat mission a day you have enough marks to get all the way to max rep in only 36 days. After that the items take maybe a week and you have EVERYTHING from the rep store you'd want.

    As far as Dil, if you refine 8k per day, in the time it takes you to cap your rep you should have enough to buy what you need from the rep. And hey, you get like 38k refined dil when you hit tier 5 romulan rep.

    STO makes you work for it yes, but it's by no means any different than most MMOS out there, and is actually a lot faster.
    kb21 wrote: »
    issue #2 you keep adding new currency to the game to add more of a grind to same few missions. Fleet marks, Romulan marks, Omega marks, dilithium are all currencies and we have to grind them all doing the same exact missions every single day. Its boring as TRIBBLE.

    You have a point, but this also gives people something to work towards. If you find it boring no one is forcing you to do it.
    kb21 wrote: »
    Issue #3 every patch removes ways to avoid the tedious nature of the game. cant farm fleet marks with IOR anymore now you have about 4 space missions you must run over and over and over to gain fleet marks and nothing else... so you still have to run all the other missions to gain your omegas and dil and what not.

    I agree with this, and I am pissed it was removed. It was a bad move on their part and hopefully it gets added back again son.
    kb21 wrote: »
    Issue #4 ground missions are too difficult to do with PUGS, you designed them tough which is fine I suppose but get into a group with people that cant work together and you have an exercise in frustration with 0 rewards because half the time you cant finish the mission... its ridiculous how everything resets and you start from scratch. in space nothing resets like that so if you were all to die you start over where you were not from the beginning over again. what does this mean overall... it means no option but space combat period and running the cure for the 10th time in 1 day is boring as hell.

    Socialize? I mean no one is forcing you to PUG. Pick up some fleet mates/friends and have at it? STO is already stupidly easy, I'd rather them not dumb it down even more because some people want to faceroll through it.
    kb21 wrote: »
    I love Star Trek, I love the leveling part of this game, I love the ships, I hate that end game is an endless grind for coins you trade for items.

    Please name me ONE MMO that has no grind endgame? I have not seem one. At least not a popular one. I hate grind as much as the next guy, but it's part of the MMO gaming system, and you can't escape it. If it bothers you that much, you're better off playing single player or coop games.
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    kagurazaka77kagurazaka77 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    To this day I still don't understand the complaints about the grind for the MACO/Omega stuff.

    You had to grind before by running STFs. Just like you do now. Except now you know when the grind ends.

    It really seems like an odd complaint to me. I blew through both systems in no time. I still need the OMs to finish off my Adaptive(sp) MK XII space and MK XII ground sets, but I'm not really in a hurry and there's plenty for me to do other than STFs (seemingly despite the opinion of many on these forums).

    I guess I will just be stuck in the world of the oblivious.
    500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    kb21 wrote: »
    issue #2 you keep adding new currency to the game to add more of a grind to same few missions.

    This is the only thing I agree with. There are too many currencies.

    But have you seen Champions Online's collection? Sheesh! At least you can spend all of them on useful things, unlike GPL.
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    bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited February 2013
    I think most people don't like the rep system because they were doing elite STFs for the dilithium rather than the gear, was not uncommon for me to max out my dil cap in 30 mins. If I got lucky and got the mythical engine tech from cure, great, if I didn't I still got all my dilithium. Now you do 30mins of STF and you get marks but nowhere near that amount of dilithium.

    On the other hand I am looking forward to getting mk XII ground gear without having to grind or even play ground missions.

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    bpharma wrote: »
    I think most people don't like the rep system because they were doing elite STFs for the dilithium rather than the gear, was not uncommon for me to max out my dil cap in 30 mins. If I got lucky and got the mythical engine tech from cure, great, if I didn't I still got all my dilithium. Now you do 30mins of STF and you get marks but nowhere near that amount of dilithium.

    On the other hand I am looking forward to getting mk XII ground gear without having to grind or even play ground missions.

    Wrong. Your regular ESTF gives you 960 dil and 60 OMs (75 if you get the opt). Less right? NOPE. You can convert 50 of those marks into 500 dil. Suddenly that's 1460 dil. More than 1100 no? And in all honesty that "less dil" is only 140 less. Not a whole lot.

    In fact, the most you can get from a single STF run is 960 dil, 130 OMs and 11 BNPs, which translates into 3960 dil, with 30 OMs and 1 BNP left over. O.O
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    jellico1jellico1 Member Posts: 2,719
    edited February 2013
    bpharma wrote: »
    I think most people don't like the rep system because they were doing elite STFs for the dilithium rather than the gear, was not uncommon for me to max out my dil cap in 30 mins. If I got lucky and got the mythical engine tech from cure, great, if I didn't I still got all my dilithium. Now you do 30mins of STF and you get marks but nowhere near that amount of dilithium.

    On the other hand I am looking forward to getting mk XII ground gear without having to grind or even play ground missions.

    yes you can get a generic costume from doing the space cupcake missions and never get mud on your hi heels

    But you will not get the elite costume unless you get the optionals on the ground in the mud
    Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
    Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
    Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng

    JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
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    kb21kb21 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    to each his own you can like the rep system if you want, thats fine they do have their place. I choose not to, I happen to like random drops and have since everquest. I happen to like bosses dropping nice items for me to use or not.... Coins are not my cup of tea. I only got items from the dungeons in WOW when I played, I felt no need to grind out the coin system after the stupid purples (though I did get some of them just by playing long enough because I enjoyed the dungeons and actually tanking as opposed to just surviving long enough for boss to switch in this game)

    Either way thats neither here or there... you can like the rep all you want but the truth is the drops should not have been removed. Yes adding the rep system or something else for those that could not ever get a drop would have been fine but taking out options is bad. I dont give a care about mark xii gear, my new chars still dont even have a single piece of adapted borg gear yet because all my dil has been going to hangar pets, fleet projects, and was converted to remove the ec limit. Between all my chars I might have 20k dil right now.

    I happen to love my Klingon Sci officer in the Vo'quv but between the advanced slavers always providing contraband, selling the prisoners from marauding missions, and running a few missions I get him capped out fast... hell sometimes he has 2 days capped before I know it so I feel like I am punished for playing him.

    Thats another issue more dil sinks have been added to the game with no increase in the cap limit. I dont have alt-itis... even if I did I dont want to grind out the same reputations on all of them too. I want to play my main, not be forced to log to an alt because well you hit 8000 so no use doing any more...
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