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You have created a false shortage of Starbase levels for smaller fleet.

picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User

I'm writing to discuss the false issue the devs have created regarding small fleets.

"Option A was that Fleet size would determine the maximum tier for Fleet Holdings. The larger the Fleet, the higher the Fleet Holding Tiers could achieve. This is how many other MMOs gate Guild progression, but we felt that it is artificially limiting to the many active small Fleets in STO.

Option B was to allow Fleets of any size to achieve all tiers of Fleet Holdings. The drawback is that because Fleet sizes range so much, we had to find a balance so that Large Fleets had some challenge, while still allowing small Fleets to achieve all tiers, albeit at a much slower pace. If you are in a Fleet less than 25 players, then it is expected to be more challenging than the norm."

In all honesty there is an Option C. Something where smaller fleet can still realistically achieve all tiers. A system where the required amount of contribution for the next tier is rated based on the number of players in your fleet over the previous selected period of gameplay. If you believe that a 5 man fleet can achieve a tier 5 starbase I would like to see some numbers. Because I believe we both know that is totally impossible and the current system is intended to drive folks into fleets to encourage group gameplay. Which I happen to agree with, but all the same at least be honest with us.

Thanks for hearing me out, fly safe everyone.
Post edited by picardtheiii on


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    kyeto13kyeto13 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you believe that a 5 man fleet can achieve a tier 5 starbase I would like to see some numbers. Because I believe we both know that is totally impossible and the current system is intended to drive folks into fleets to encourage group gameplay. Which I happen to agree with, but all the same at least be honest with us.

    The only thing that is "preventing" a 5 man fleet form completing the Starbase is time. You can keep working on these projects until the end of time (or, more realistically, until the severs go down.) It will take time to grind all those marks and all that dilithium. And then the time to age each project.

    Other then a time gate, (Which, as I stated before is nonexistent unless you are competitive versus other fleets) There is nothing preventing you and your four friends from completing a Starbase.
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    nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,626 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well time is a MAJOR factor and while its true you can achieve T5 (but realistically T3+T4) with a group under 25 people given enough time, the real issue seems to be how people just aren't earning enough dilithium in those small fleets.

    Which raises the question of how you plan to do anything if your small fleet /small group of friends just aren't contributing. They are clearly not playing the game enough, or rather not playing the multitude of content that THROWS dilithium at players. Reducing dilithium costs doesn't solve that problem. A hard look at why they don't want to run content should be.
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    syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Please contribute to the official thread discussing this issue, so that the devs can monitor your feedback.

    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
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