I'm interested in starting a fleet for my KDF alts and I need to put together a team in order to do so. I would obviously need the help of four warriors to assist me in this. I'm a mostly solitary player who just wants to try to get a fleet to tier II for myself. I just need people to join long enough for me to establish the fleet and get my characters in then you can go back to your friends or feel free to stay and join me in my little empire. I will reward those that help me with some combination of contraband and EC whether you stay or not. Evening hours in the USA would be the best time for me so if anyone wants to volunteer, reply on this thread or send a message to
@chromebones and I will try to get this done in the next few days.
The embassy has tier 1 recuit and diplo only the embassy itself need a upgrade. Boffs, doffs and consoles at tier 1 are avaible.
Emabassy: 1000xp
Starbase: 5000xp
In short if you buy my fleet you can get tier 3 with the resources that were needed to get tier 2
Between 200-300mil ec seems like a reasonable price for me if you see all the effort we put in it and all the dilithium. (Ships from a lockbox that make 200mil ec are fine too)
The Evil Queen - Tac - Hobo
John May Lives - Sci - Hobo
Current fleet details in my Sig, and in our recruitment thread here:
ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
There is no min or max to contribute and alts are welcome, indeed are desired. I have more than a few alts as do other players in the fleet.
Feel free to talk to me in-game or add me as a friend if your interested.
I can be contacted at Sollvax@sollvax if you need me (Said alt would not stick around and will not need paying)