Can we please either have the endgame STF rewards automatically deposited into our inventory or have a notification pop up when "Leave Map" is clicked? This is the third time I've accidentally left a game without collecting my items and it's getting annoying.
Can we please either have the endgame STF rewards automatically deposited into our inventory or have a notification pop up when "Leave Map" is clicked? This is the third time I've accidentally left a game without collecting my items and it's getting annoying.
Here here!
I dont see why they just dont give it to you at completion like they did pre dill buff, post season 7.
I absolutely want to see this; I've never accidentally lost my stuff but there is always that risk. When you hit leave-map the inventory gained window should appear for grabbing all stuff of yours that's still lying around the map; if you can take it all then great, you do so and warp out, if there's stuff left then you can cancel while you free up some space then try again.
This happens often to me. After the fight I begin to hit the accept/activate button to collect my loot, you have to hit it twice to get your stuff. Suddenly one of my officers pops up, "we are ready here and can leave" and bam! I am out of the map.
Your fault for not checking. Stop rushing around and actually pay attention. You will find that suddenly you stop missing out on loot.
This couldn't be further from the truth as not everyone is as absent minded as you make them out to be. Case in point, did Stasis and died at the very end. Everyone left without tossing me a rez. Guess where you respawn, thats right, back at the very start. Had to run back to my loot through the entire map full of borg we avoided on the way there. Timed out and died once more before I got back to grab it.
so u joined a game
went afk for 20 minutes
your teammates finished without you in 10 minutes
and u got warped out of map, without collecting your loot
what a pity :P
im kidding,
but basically im against instant stf rewards, until a kick feature is implemented for stf's
Of course wouldn't be a real STF thread without someone crying for a chance to exclude other players. :rolleyes:
I've never warped out of STF without picking up the rewards, but have had trouble in ground STF with those respawn points. There's a 3 minute timer at the end and if you don't make it back you're screwed. And if you got a long respawn timer to begin with...
It would be better to automatically give the reward, just like all other queue missions do.
Of course wouldn't be a real STF thread without someone crying for a chance to exclude other players. :rolleyes:
I've never warped out of STF without picking up the rewards, but have had trouble in ground STF with those respawn points. There's a 3 minute timer at the end and if you don't make it back you're screwed. And if you got a long respawn timer to begin with...
It would be better to automatically give the reward, just like all other queue missions do.
I have had that happen die just moments before the mission is completed and jerks wont revive me making me have to respawn and get their in time to collect rewards. Making you auto revive if dead when mission is complete would be something I would like to see.
Of course wouldn't be a real STF thread without someone crying for a chance to exclude other players. :rolleyes:
I've never warped out of STF without picking up the rewards, but have had trouble in ground STF with those respawn points. There's a 3 minute timer at the end
I support this and would further expand it to include an area loot function which works for the entire sector your in.
It is extremely stupid to have loot drops from team mates require your team mates to come and get them. Additionally, the NEED / GREED spam is extremely annoying during missions.
Simplest solution: Create a temporary loot bag which allows anyone in the map to collect items that drop for any member of the team then that person gets rewarded their items in a lump sum at the end with their STF stuff.
Fortunatly it dosent matter so much in space because the combat is usually slow enough that you can click the need or greed buttons but ground combat is a nightmare.
The STFs constantly spam Need of greed stuff and you get stuck constantly jumping in and out of shooter mode while fighting to click the wall of spam rolls for hyposprays.
Alternatively - Remove the random loot drops from STFs entirely and increase the reward at the end with a bigger selection. I would rather get one big reward at the end than the stupid fighting over scraps you get during missions where people just automatically click need anyway.
Requiring the player to pick up their loot at the end of the mission is a good thing because it annoys AFK leeches.
Though, it would be better to implement a full blown bot detection system that outright denied rewards to players who contributed nothing. Ideally flagging them as leeches and giving them temporary bans from the queue so they can ruin fewer people's games.
I honestly think you should leave well enough alone. The system isn't broke, and brings the loot contain right to where you are now. (Doesn't help much when waiting to re-spawn, but still.) The system as it stands is good.
I can understand being upset about leaving loot behind. I've done it before, but only when I've been upset about something else. Making the system auto-loot would be trouble because it would reward people for raging, trolling, or be lazying and just walking away mid fight.
You could make a system for it, but that would be a system to actually work out, debug, build, and debug some more. The system as it stands works. Like the OP, I have left loot behind before, but you know what?
It was our own fault for doing it, and I think the costs for this outweigh the benefits.
This couldn't be further from the truth as not everyone is as absent minded as you make them out to be. Case in point, did Stasis and died at the very end. Everyone left without tossing me a rez. Guess where you respawn, thats right, back at the very start. Had to run back to my loot through the entire map full of borg we avoided on the way there. Timed out and died once more before I got back to grab it.
Yes, we need to see this implemented.
@resoundingenvoy: As You can see, it is not always Your own fault. While I do agree that there are cases in which a player simply left before remembering to pick up his loot, there are also situations like the one above that I did experience myself as well.
At least a respawn point closer to the final area might be nice.
Can we please either have the endgame STF rewards automatically deposited into our inventory or have a notification pop up when "Leave Map" is clicked? This is the third time I've accidentally left a game without collecting my items and it's getting annoying.
First, I still think the costs outweigh the benefits.
Second, I can think of four spawn points in kilometer accord's ground task force. The start, the T-intersection near the boss room, just out side the large room with the nodes, and I believe just outside the boss room. Each unlocked after each benchmark. You can get kicked way back to the start if you disconnected. You can get kick back to the start if you re-spawn after trying for the assimilated accolade before the boss fight. In regards to kargister?
Information is missing. -OR- This information should be a bug report instead of this thread. -OR- It's total BS.
[edit]Or really all that polite to say, sorry.[/edit]
None of those seemed relevant to my reply. So, I ignored it.
Example: one of the recently more frequent disconnects during a ground STF. In my case, I did actively participate in obtaining the Optional objective on time during a Cure Ground Elite. We started shooting at the drones guarding the generators and where almost done when the disconnect hit me. When I got back in, the random PUG had not only brought down Armek already with but four players (no mean feat) but I also had no time to get to the finish line myself. Sucks to be me, I know.
While it is possible to join the team on Kithomer Ground Elite, it is more difficult to do so in Infected Ground Elite and almost impossible without the ice skating boots in Cure.
I got a server not responding message right at the end of the Hive. My team mates waited for me until the last but I couldn't get back in in time. When I loaded up the map expecting to be back on ESD I was surprised to find the map loaded, my loot there and the queen resurrected. I soloed her for a while until I got booted.
I've had a couple of instances in Infected Elite where I died but couldn't respawn before the rest of my team took out the end boss. I got no loot, despite spending the rest of my time looking. Is this 'working as intended'?
I'd like to see the automatic re-rez at the end of a scenario, even if you pop up halfway across the board (AFKers need not apply). At least give me the chance to run for my money!
Unless it's a private instance, I'd like to see the need/greed/pass eliminated, in favor of a straight roll. In a PUG, inevitably you get one jerk that will need everything, so why not cut to the chase?
"Susse-thrai" had been the name bestowed upon her, half in anger, half in affection, by her old crew on Bloodwing; the keen-nosed, cranky, wily old she-beast, never less dangerous than when you thought her defenseless, and always growing new teeth far back in her throat to replace the old ones broken in biting out the last foe's heart. Romulans: left one homeworld, lost another, third time's the charm?
Unless it's a private instance, I'd like to see the need/greed/pass eliminated, in favor of a straight roll. In a PUG, inevitably you get one jerk that will need everything, so why not cut to the chase?
A little bit off-topic, but I have to agree. I always wait to see how my teammates handle loot at the beginning of a STF, then roll accordingly. It's a little annoying, because you're spending time watching the chat window when you should be fighting. I actually prefer it when one guy starts needing everything, because then I can simply do the same and not have to waste valuable time considering every drop.
As for dealing with the rewards, I like the auto-rez feature that sussethrai brought up, though I'd take it even farther. Rez all the players, give them god mode, and simultaneously kill all the enemies. This would allow players who fell in the soup in infected ground, or off the platform in hive ground, to easily collect their winnings while preventing them from exploiting god mode to quickly kill and loot the remaining enemies on the map.
Example: one of the recently more frequent disconnects during a ground STF. In my case, I did actively participate in obtaining the Optional objective on time during a Cure Ground Elite. We started shooting at the drones guarding the generators and where almost done when the disconnect hit me. When I got back in, the random PUG had not only brought down Armek already with but four players (no mean feat) but I also had no time to get to the finish line myself. Sucks to be me, I know.
While it is possible to join the team on Kithomer Ground Elite, it is more difficult to do so in Infected Ground Elite and almost impossible without the ice skating boots in Cure.
Having slept on it? I still stand by what I said.
I'm not with some empathy, but honestly?
That should be in a bug report, and I think auto-looting stuff would cause more grief then it solves.
I think the main problem is on the respawn points for ground STF more than anything. I'm all for making people go a distance to collect loot as it prevents AFKers (which are prevalent in space elite) which I find even worse than missing out on some loot.
Just from my personal opinion there's no need to do a ground elite except for the accolades with this omega rep system.
Remove loot drops entirely from things like STFs and give a bigger reward at the end that is automatically put in the player's inventory when it is complete. Noone leaves loot behind and no more fighting over need / greed spammage while your in the mission. Just do the mission, get your stuff and leave.
For that you need a scoring system. If that's anything like the scoring system for non special task forces? It would do nothing but reward people for climbing over each other to out DPS the other.
For that you need a scoring system. If that's anything like the scoring system for non special task forces? It would do nothing but reward people for climbing over each other to out DPS the other.
Umm... no.
STFs award seperate loot bags for completing them, just remove loot drops entirely from them and put more stuff in the final bag which is automatically put in the players inventory.
This has nothing to do with Fleet Actions and if your going to whine about DPS races in Fleet actions.
Just do the same thing for them as you do with STFs.
Complete the fleet action - Everyone gets a loot bag at the end and remove the point system entirely or just make it an individual point system where the only person your racing against is yourself.
It would need a scoring system. You correct, it would not be a technical requirement.
Why a scoring system? The same reason you need a system to flag people as AFK or not to keep a auto-loot for the end reward form being abused. It would be unfair to award someone a full breadth of a reward for not actually trying the full breadth of the mission.
You are awarded more then a title for coming in first, second, or third for regular task forces.
As for whining about it? I like to play support. Regular task forces don't even seem to acknowledge support roles can exist. So, I don't even bother with them enough to think about them enough whine about it. I'd totally ignore them if not for the quick dilithium and fleet mark daily missions.
Here here!
I dont see why they just dont give it to you at completion like they did pre dill buff, post season 7.
Interested in Role Playing? Join the 12th Fleet Science division!
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This couldn't be further from the truth as not everyone is as absent minded as you make them out to be. Case in point, did Stasis and died at the very end. Everyone left without tossing me a rez. Guess where you respawn, thats right, back at the very start. Had to run back to my loot through the entire map full of borg we avoided on the way there. Timed out and died once more before I got back to grab it.
Yes, we need to see this implemented.
went afk for 20 minutes
your teammates finished without you in 10 minutes
and u got warped out of map, without collecting your loot
what a pity :P
im kidding,
but basically im against instant stf rewards, until a kick feature is implemented for stf's
Sirius - Tactical Kumari / Hatschy - Tactical Scimitar
lil - Engineer Corvette / Dark - Tactical Guramba
I've never warped out of STF without picking up the rewards, but have had trouble in ground STF with those respawn points. There's a 3 minute timer at the end and if you don't make it back you're screwed. And if you got a long respawn timer to begin with...
It would be better to automatically give the reward, just like all other queue missions do.
I have had that happen die just moments before the mission is completed and jerks wont revive me making me have to respawn and get their in time to collect rewards. Making you auto revive if dead when mission is complete would be something I would like to see.
feeling threatened to be excluded? cute
Sirius - Tactical Kumari / Hatschy - Tactical Scimitar
lil - Engineer Corvette / Dark - Tactical Guramba
It is extremely stupid to have loot drops from team mates require your team mates to come and get them. Additionally, the NEED / GREED spam is extremely annoying during missions.
Simplest solution: Create a temporary loot bag which allows anyone in the map to collect items that drop for any member of the team then that person gets rewarded their items in a lump sum at the end with their STF stuff.
Fortunatly it dosent matter so much in space because the combat is usually slow enough that you can click the need or greed buttons but ground combat is a nightmare.
The STFs constantly spam Need of greed stuff and you get stuck constantly jumping in and out of shooter mode while fighting to click the wall of spam rolls for hyposprays.
Alternatively - Remove the random loot drops from STFs entirely and increase the reward at the end with a bigger selection. I would rather get one big reward at the end than the stupid fighting over scraps you get during missions where people just automatically click need anyway.
Though, it would be better to implement a full blown bot detection system that outright denied rewards to players who contributed nothing. Ideally flagging them as leeches and giving them temporary bans from the queue so they can ruin fewer people's games.
I can understand being upset about leaving loot behind. I've done it before, but only when I've been upset about something else. Making the system auto-loot would be trouble because it would reward people for raging, trolling, or be lazying and just walking away mid fight.
You could make a system for it, but that would be a system to actually work out, debug, build, and debug some more. The system as it stands works. Like the OP, I have left loot behind before, but you know what?
It was our own fault for doing it, and I think the costs for this outweigh the benefits.
At least a respawn point closer to the final area might be nice.
Taskforce 47 Falkenwacht (Federation) / Greifenreiter (KDF)
(at) deianirrah
Free Gear and where to get it
lol, was thinking of a donkey and a stone...
First, I still think the costs outweigh the benefits.
Second, I can think of four spawn points in kilometer accord's ground task force. The start, the T-intersection near the boss room, just out side the large room with the nodes, and I believe just outside the boss room. Each unlocked after each benchmark. You can get kicked way back to the start if you disconnected. You can get kick back to the start if you re-spawn after trying for the assimilated accolade before the boss fight. In regards to kargister?
Information is missing. -OR- This information should be a bug report instead of this thread. -OR- It's total BS.
[edit]Or really all that polite to say, sorry.[/edit]
None of those seemed relevant to my reply. So, I ignored it.
While it is possible to join the team on Kithomer Ground Elite, it is more difficult to do so in Infected Ground Elite and almost impossible without the ice skating boots in Cure.
Taskforce 47 Falkenwacht (Federation) / Greifenreiter (KDF)
(at) deianirrah
Free Gear and where to get it
I'd like to see the automatic re-rez at the end of a scenario, even if you pop up halfway across the board (AFKers need not apply). At least give me the chance to run for my money!
Unless it's a private instance, I'd like to see the need/greed/pass eliminated, in favor of a straight roll. In a PUG, inevitably you get one jerk that will need everything, so why not cut to the chase?
Romulans: left one homeworld, lost another, third time's the charm?
A little bit off-topic, but I have to agree. I always wait to see how my teammates handle loot at the beginning of a STF, then roll accordingly. It's a little annoying, because you're spending time watching the chat window when you should be fighting. I actually prefer it when one guy starts needing everything, because then I can simply do the same and not have to waste valuable time considering every drop.
As for dealing with the rewards, I like the auto-rez feature that sussethrai brought up, though I'd take it even farther. Rez all the players, give them god mode, and simultaneously kill all the enemies. This would allow players who fell in the soup in infected ground, or off the platform in hive ground, to easily collect their winnings while preventing them from exploiting god mode to quickly kill and loot the remaining enemies on the map.
Having slept on it? I still stand by what I said.
I'm not with some empathy, but honestly?
That should be in a bug report, and I think auto-looting stuff would cause more grief then it solves.
Just from my personal opinion there's no need to do a ground elite except for the accolades with this omega rep system.
It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.
Has damage got out of control?
This is the last thing I will post.
For that you need a scoring system. If that's anything like the scoring system for non special task forces? It would do nothing but reward people for climbing over each other to out DPS the other.
Umm... no.
STFs award seperate loot bags for completing them, just remove loot drops entirely from them and put more stuff in the final bag which is automatically put in the players inventory.
This has nothing to do with Fleet Actions and if your going to whine about DPS races in Fleet actions.
Just do the same thing for them as you do with STFs.
Complete the fleet action - Everyone gets a loot bag at the end and remove the point system entirely or just make it an individual point system where the only person your racing against is yourself.
It would need a scoring system. You correct, it would not be a technical requirement.
Why a scoring system? The same reason you need a system to flag people as AFK or not to keep a auto-loot for the end reward form being abused. It would be unfair to award someone a full breadth of a reward for not actually trying the full breadth of the mission.
You are awarded more then a title for coming in first, second, or third for regular task forces.
As for whining about it? I like to play support. Regular task forces don't even seem to acknowledge support roles can exist. So, I don't even bother with them enough to think about them enough whine about it. I'd totally ignore them if not for the quick dilithium and fleet mark daily missions.