Hi Guys, i Need your help!
Ive entered into a competition, where the prize is a trip into SPACE. I really want to win!
All i need is votes, so please click the link below and vote for me, Dan Gould
Thanks to all who vote, you're making a dream come true!
'Space, the Final Frontier'
Oh well, why not.. :P
I'm going to give the OP the benefit of the doubt, but I won't be clicking on that link because this whole thing has a Nigerian scam feel to it. At least, to me.
To be quite honest... Nothing. Nothing makes me anymore worthy of going to space than anyone, but if theres a even the smallest chance i could, then ive gotta jump at it (just like anyone else, i imagine).
Trust me its not a scam, its a competition being run by the Lynx (Axe) company and is advertised on T.V. in the Uk many times everyday. You could even youtube the ad.
Voted, and good luck. I like to look past the prejudice of our borders. I didn't see American/non-American asking for our vote. I saw a fellow STO player asking, and I wish you all the best.
Sorry about the bit of a rant, but it never fails. There is always someone negative about something. You can say good morning, and they would start questioning on what authority you had the right to claim it a good morning, or, what exactly is the legality of the good morning, and if they shared their good morning with you, maybe it would keep someone who looks like them, or talks like them, or is from the same place as them, from having that very good morning they gave you.
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. -Einstein
I know atleast I wouldn't pass.
I just find it unfair to the rest of the competitors if a ton of slots are taken up by unfit astronaut candidates that know that they will never get into space due to failing the physical and/or mental. So if there is a total of 50 unfit astronaut candidates and I am #249, then I would not get a chance to go to space since I don't have enough people to vote for me.
The logical way to do this is to have every contestant do the mental test and the top 200 marks have to do the physical test. It makes more sense than doing a popularity contest since all it shows is that you are good at social networking or have a ton of friends rather than how well a person would do in space.
But as some others have said... It doesn't matter if I would or wouldn't pass the tests... I simply put the link on the STO forums in the hopes that my fellow STO'ers would come together to support my endeavour.
P.S. thanks to those who have already voted, it really means a lot!
Did it ever occur to you, the other competitors are doing the same things the OP is doing? This is to win the CHANCE to go into outer space. If it was based on physical fitness, it would have been that type of a competition...but most countries just call that their SPACE PROGRAM.
I personally do not care if the OP is 500 lbs and licked the windows on the short bus as he went to Happy School. He simply asked for some support from a community that should support such an endeavor. It doesn't hurt me to vote for him, and who knows, I may get a pm from outer space some day saying "Thanks dude! This is fabulous!" At that point, I would not be crying over Mr. Wheaties with his bachelor in space exploration because the OP is 2 lbs overweight and works a drive through.
You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else. -Einstein