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Starbase Tier V alone costs what levels I-IV did

noknagusnoknagus Member Posts: 7 Arc User
Has there been any thoughts on reducing needed resources on the higher tiers? I am approaching the end of tier 3 in one fleet and tier 4 in another. For tier V it takes the equivalent of everything we have contributed thus far just for one level except that it actually requires more resources to finish each project. So being completed at tier IV is really only halfway done point wise. I know the small fleet I'm in is stopping the starbase at the end of tier 3 and stopping the embassy at the end of tier 2. It would sure be helpful to lower the requirements on the higher tiers especially with more reputation and holdings on the way.
Post edited by noknagus on


  • hydrodurahydrodura Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    noknagus wrote: »
    Has there been any thoughts on reducing needed resources on the higher tiers? I am approaching the end of tier 3 in one fleet and tier 4 in another. For tier V it takes the equivalent of everything we have contributed thus far just for one level except that it actually requires more resources to finish each project. So being completed at tier IV is really only halfway done point wise. I know the small fleet I'm in is stopping the starbase at the end of tier 3 and stopping the embassy at the end of tier 2. It would sure be helpful to lower the requirements on the higher tiers especially with more reputation and holdings on the way.

    they should not have to lower the cost we did it you need like 100 active players. and another fleet got to tier 5 with just 2 members. start grinding
  • radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's the final push in starbase advancement. What's the big hurry?
    Joined: January 2010

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  • hydrodurahydrodura Member Posts: 444 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Translation, my 100+ Fleet did it so there isnt a problem as far I care.

    And I call bull**** on the "just 2 members", its was not feasible ... might be feasible now, unless we start talking about paying for Fleet Marks .

    the 2 man fleet is call 1st Aquarius Division they are the first to make tier 5 military.

    Task Force Spectre is the first to do the tier 5 starbase upgrade
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Some folks obviously don't have a job/school in real life. The demands at the higher tiers are nearly impossible. 16,400 fleets and you tell me two are just getting there so that says a lot right there. I'm in a maxed out fleet with two alt fleets and we are just now at the start of tier V.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's not impossible, just EXTREMELY time consuming depending on fleet size. :rolleyes:
  • gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I could see two people doing it if all they did was Fleet Mark grind and then use real money to fill in the blanks.
  • chandlerasharichandlerashari Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im ok with the requirements, its supposed to be a masive undertaking. Why not?
  • monsterofbloodmonsterofblood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im ok with the requirements, its supposed to be a masive undertaking. Why not?

    people in a small fleet could buy fleet marks from people who sell them and wouldn't have to grind them at all. I have been approached by people offering 5000 fleet marks but our fleet fills the projects so fast i don't need them. So small fleets with good communication skills could get her done.
  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Anyway, the question is "its worth the effort?" And I dont think so, for two reasons:

    1. You cannot use the base like a regular starbase, for example, instead of Earth Spacedock or pre S-7 DS9, that was a tempting idea, specially for more "corporative" or roleplaying fleets. All the starbases are in fact the same one but with diferent instances, and not a real fleet home, its more like a starship bride, cause every time you came from a STF, PVE, PVP, etc., you spawn out of your base or from the point of the galaxy you transwarped to the starbase.

    And it doenst have exchange. Lel. What a dumb design for a starbase.

    2. Appart from some ships, you gain nothing really valuable for leveling the starbase. The fleet weapons are kinda crappy (DMGx3? Really?), the shields, well, the shields are good; but in general the lack of endgame content, or real PvP, or challenging PvE, makes not use at all of this "powerfull" fleet items. In this case, its the same problem as the Reputation system.

    I'd add a personal third reason: Its boring as hell.

    Our fleet decided long time ago not to put too many effort in the Starbase / Embassy. With those resources we are giving lockbox ships for our members, that are way better ships that the fleet ones.

    Maybe if some day you can use the fleet starbase as your main starbase, and fleet endgame content is added (like sieges, fleet pvp, etc.), we would decide to make the effort, but for now, we want to stop in tier 4 military and wait to other things to do.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    by far not enough functionality added to the fleetbases thus far. may change, but basically the lack of some functionality/bonus to the 200k vanity projects makes them an annoyance rather than something to relly aim for.
    If there were some rather huge passive benefits for each fleet member involved into building the base, like free bonus XP, more/better loot, more marks, etc... a base would be awesome.
    Go pro or go home
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm in a fleet with just over 80 players (which is hardly a small group) in the process of the Tier II starbase upgrade as we speak, and the idea that we'll finish Tier V before 2013 is over is outright laughable. The demands are totally out of whack with reality. Especially considering there is so little real reason to actually go to either the starbase or the embassy.

    The whole system is half finished and needs significant additions, as well as addressing the utterly absurd dilithium demands. Until the starbase/embassy are part of actually playing the game, and not just glorified vendors you have to pay a couple million dil for, the system is broken.

    There should be fleet-specific PvE missions that launch from the starbase that award Fleet Marks and Dilithium. There should be fleet-specific text based diplomacy missions that launch from the embassy that award Fleet Marks and Dilithium (something like the diplomatic equivilant of the Explore Strange New Worlds/We Need Breathing Room random missions). Give me a reason to be there.

    I still enjoy the fleet, because for the most part the company is good. That's why you should stay in a fleet, in my opinion. Good people that enhance your enjoyment of the game. These are people I enjoy seeing, playing with, and talking to. That's the value of a good fleet.

    But the actual bases themselves are priced totally out of relevance.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • monsterofbloodmonsterofblood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well i'm sorry to hear that you guys feel it isn't worth it. I believe it is .... for recruitment purposes its a gold mine, for bragging rights just like the accolade system, I believe it's worth it because the KDF starbase is beautiful and we can drink a bloodwine buff up same as a tribble. New fleet ships will be added in the future and you will lose members to large fleets who have the new ships. yes it costs alot to build but it's worth it.
  • radkipradkip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lter wrote: »
    2. Appart from some ships, you gain nothing really valuable for leveling the starbase. The fleet weapons are kinda crappy (DMGx3? Really?)
    I dunno about space, but the advanced fleet ground weapons are literally some of the best you can get outside of very situational or obscenely broken guns like the compressed cryo launcher.
    Joined: January 2010

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  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well i'm sorry to hear that you guys feel it isn't worth it. I believe it is .... for recruitment purposes its a gold mine, for bragging rights just like the accolade system, I believe it's worth it because the KDF starbase is beautiful and we can drink a bloodwine buff up same as a tribble. New fleet ships will be added in the future and you will lose members to large fleets who have the new ships. yes it costs alot to build but it's worth it.

    No if there's no one left to recruit. Nah, Starbases were a total bluf. Actually, more people is leaving the game and our fleets because of starbase, embassy and rep system, than we can recruit, I. Yes, your toon can drink boodwine in your starbase, but the game's still getting empty. Maybe the bloodwine is not enough reason to spend 1-2 years of great effor upgrading a virtual starbase of a game without content for it.

    Appart from the bloodwine and the tribbles, of course.
  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    radkip wrote: »
    I dunno about space, but the advanced fleet ground weapons are literally some of the best you can get outside of very situational or obscenely broken guns like the compressed cryo launcher.

    Yeah, ok, ground weapons arent that bad, not the best, but different than the top weapons you can buy on exchange; but what purpose they have? Re-run the same missions that previously you had to make 100.000 times to upgrade the thing and get the weapon itself? Makes no sense.
  • monsterofbloodmonsterofblood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lter wrote: »
    Yeah, ok, ground weapons arent that bad, not the best, but different than the top weapons you can buy on exchange; but what purpose they have? Re-run the same missions that previously you had to make 100.000 times to upgrade the thing and get the weapon itself? Makes no sense.

    oops wrong replay
  • monsterofbloodmonsterofblood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lter wrote: »
    No if there's no one left to recruit. Nah, Starbases were a total bluf. Actually, more people is leaving the game and our fleets because of starbase, embassy and rep system, than we can recruit, I. Yes, your toon can drink boodwine in your starbase, but the game's still getting empty. Maybe the bloodwine is not enough reason to spend 1-2 years of great effor upgrading a virtual starbase of a game without content for it.

    Appart from the bloodwine and the tribbles, of course.

    We have a membership of 500 and we delete non active players who haven't logged in for 60 days. Usually that means kicking 20 people and our recruiting gets the 20 back in a week. there are lots of people looking for a good tier 5 fleet not many looking for lower tiered fleets cause its a waist of time and money. We have 20 to 35 people on daily and this game is not dying as you suggest.
  • deianirrahdeianirrah Member Posts: 236 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    That is btw. exactly the problem I see, monsterofblood. New players who are looking for a fleet have no reason to choose a smaller fleet that has yet to complete Tier 3 (or even 2) - when they can join a large fleet that already has Tier 4 or even 5.

    Why bother with the expenses if You can already reap what others have sown? Admittedly, some Fleet Credits may have to be obtained beforehand by temporarily joining a small fleet and contributing to their projects. Which is a small phenomenon I have come to experience. The small fleet even gets something out of it but then again - it does not suffice to bring them up to par.

    With Elite weapons and equipment both for ground and space, access to Fleet grade ships (+10% hull and shields and a tenth console slot) and a system that will most probably find itself being even more expanded over time with at least more Fleet ship versions if not more I already see many of the smaller fleets not only struggling to keep their members but dying on the way there.

    So yes, while I think the Starbase and Embassy projects are something worth to strive for - it is also something that polarizes players into those who want to benefit from a large fleet and those who grit their teeth to struggle on for the dire times ahead.

    Taskforce 47 Falkenwacht (Federation) / Greifenreiter (KDF)
    (at) deianirrah
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  • lterlter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Actually, my Fleet (the Spanish Fleet, btw), its about to reach tier 4 although we started the construction of our starbase two month after season 6 was launched, and yes, we have new members every week also.

    My point is not "recruiting or not recruiting". Its the fact that upgrading the starbase is not worth the effort at all (appart from recruiting purposals). For example: Why bother upgrading a so called starbase that doesnt function as a proper starbase or outpost, cause the game kickes you from there every time you do something?
  • mikeflmikefl Member Posts: 861 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'm in two fleets a private fleet and a maxed out fleet. I have a personal fleet with my other half and we have 22 toons. We are at tier III and working on tier IV. The only reason we are where we are is because I have been on medical leave most of the last year and my partner works from home. We started one month after the starbase program began. We were in a larger max fleet with two alt fleets but because of all the hoopla on allocating provisions we decided to start our own.

    We have decided to not focus on the starbase at this point because of the game just being a total grind if we do and just stay complete at tier III until there is something of value in the higher tiers besides bragging rights. We have contemplated selling provisions for dilithium contributions say for ships or advanced fleet gear or elite ground gear to move projects forward.

    As for the embassy the cost triples each tier and so we are most likely done after tier II for the same reasons. We will still add holdings in the future and level them to where it makes sense but after that forget it. Large fleets are nice but fleet politics are ridiculous at times.

    I don't want to see the content disappear but since the thought behind the SB was to complete in 6 to 9 months, I think now that we see how difficult it is to meet the requirements, it's time to make some adjustments to allow some small to mid fleets achieve their goals as well.

    I hate that it means discounting the work of larger fleets or even my own work thus far but if it took the large fleet I'm part of with 500 members 8 months to complete tier IV and thats really only halfway to completion then it's time to evaluate project requirements. BTW, this fleet I speak of is one of the oldest and largest in the game and probably avgs 25+ people on at any given time so it's not like they don't play.
    Gold Sub since March 2010
    Lifetime Sub since June 2010
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