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Sci Build with GW3 & 2 TBR2

igorvalentineigorvalentine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2013 in Federation Discussion
Hi! I am a sci/sci captain. I've been reading different builds for sci/sci. I got the idea for a GW3 and 2 copies of TBR2. Does anyone have a build like that? Or is there a build that would be viable with it?

Any help on this thought would be much appreciated.
Post edited by igorvalentine on


  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Hmm. GW3 + 1 TBR2 is my when-in-doubt sci setup, but proper use of TBR is so situational I can't imagine needing two of them without a very particular setup in mind (probably involving a tac captain and minimal aux power). If you go around popping off a TBR every 20 seconds, mostly you're just going to drive your teammates insane as their targets go flying before they can finish the kill, particularly if moments before they were all nicely bunched up courtesy of your GW. Maybe GW3, TBR2, then Tractor Beam or Energy Siphon or Tyken's Rift instead. Less people smashing their keyboards that way.
  • igorvalentineigorvalentine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I didn't think of that. I was looking at it as a way to get more dps out of a sci/sci setup. I know science isn't a dps class, but I'm just trying to think out of the box on how to squeeze that little bit extra out of science.
  • coffeemikecoffeemike Member Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Tractor Beam Repulsors are great against plasma heavy torps and small craft if you don't have that point defense consoles. I used TBR 1 & 2 along with GW3 for a specific STF setup I tried on the Fleet Nova Class.
  • pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    TBRs are a fantastic tool, used both defensively and offensively.

    I highly recommend spending a science slot for them if you fly with pugs a lot. Combined with emergency power to engines you can swoop in and save an optional from a newbies mistake far more easily then with a gravity well or regular tractor beam.

    That said a group that knows what it is doing is usually better off without TBRs. A bunched up group of enemies can be dealt with much more quickly then a dispersed one. As the main use of TBRs is to fix a situation that has gone wrong its a waist of an ability slot when your in a group that does everything right.

    Also if you do use TBRs be prepared for hate. Even if your situationaly aware and use them appropriately there will always be guys in escorts who will yell at you because they popped all their DPS buffs at once and waisted them. Tip for escorts: in PVE you should be staggering your DPS. Alpha strikes are for PVP.

    As your still deciding what kind of science build your going for may I draw your attention to the humble energy syphon?

    The power boost syphon gives your ship will help your DPS, your tank and your other science powers while the de-buff on a boss ship will help your team mates take less damage as well as reduce your targets regeneration rate so you kill it quicker. Either stager power syphon 2 and 3 or use deflector doffs to recharge it more quickly and use a tacyon beam 3 or gravity well 1 with it. (which also benefit from deflector doffs).

    Energy Syphon is often ignored as it isn't very flashy and the power drain isn't great enough to offline systems. But with full aux power and level 6 flow capacitors an energy syphon 3 will reduce a competent player ship (factoring in the insulators they are likely to have with a good set and captain skill) by about 18-24 points across the board while boosting all of your power levels by more. so at the least your creating a 40 point difference between your power levels and your target. PVE enemies don't tend to have fantastic insulators so the difference is greater against them.
  • disposeableh3r0disposeableh3r0 Member Posts: 1,927 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    TBRs are a fantastic tool, used both defensively and offensively.

    I highly recommend spending a science slot for them if you fly with pugs a lot. Combined with emergency power to engines you can swoop in and save an optional from a newbies mistake far more easily then with a gravity well or regular tractor beam.

    That said a group that knows what it is doing is usually better off without TBRs. A bunched up group of enemies can be dealt with much more quickly then a dispersed one. As the main use of TBRs is to fix a situation that has gone wrong its a waist of an ability slot when your in a group that does everything right.

    Also if you do use TBRs be prepared for hate. Even if your situationaly aware and use them appropriately there will always be guys in escorts who will yell at you because they popped all their DPS buffs at once and waisted them. Tip for escorts: in PVE you should be staggering your DPS. Alpha strikes are for PVP.

    As your still deciding what kind of science build your going for may I draw your attention to the humble energy syphon?

    The power boost syphon gives your ship will help your DPS, your tank and your other science powers while the de-buff on a boss ship will help your team mates take less damage as well as reduce your targets regeneration rate so you kill it quicker. Either stager power syphon 2 and 3 or use deflector doffs to recharge it more quickly and use a tacyon beam 3 or gravity well 1 with it. (which also benefit from deflector doffs).

    Energy Syphon is often ignored as it isn't very flashy and the power drain isn't great enough to offline systems. But with full aux power and level 6 flow capacitors an energy syphon 3 will reduce a competent player ship (factoring in the insulators they are likely to have with a good set and captain skill) by about 18-24 points across the board while boosting all of your power levels by more. so at the least your creating a 40 point difference between your power levels and your target. PVE enemies don't tend to have fantastic insulators so the difference is greater against them.

    Idk. combined with the 3 pice omega set ability and a low aux setting a tbr2 can simply melt a cube without pushing anything too far away. Granted thats prety situational. It's somthing I tried on the ambassador before going back to my fleet excelsior. With no skill points in particle gens or graviton whatevers it would do around 1k a tick. Ive found that if you use enough of the special consoles you can get around specing into things, if I had been speced into it it would probably have been more impressive.

    The omega deflector, tacio kinetic converter, romulan console, and borg console all boost at least one of the skills needed for tbr or grav well. I had all of them on plus a romulan plasma particle gen console.
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  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Instead of tbr (which causes god knows untold pain for every team member), try a dual gw build - its a heck of a lot more dps, plus you also have group hold for CC, giving your team nice bunched groups of victims to faw and scatter volley to death

    My torp boat dssv (which really is the ship best suited to a dual gw build imo) has the tollowing build:

    tac - tt1, spread2/hy2 (still deciding)
    eng - epts1 (x2), aux2sif
    sci - Hemmiter1 (x2) tss2 (x2) , gw 1 and 3, tachyon beam

    weaponry - cutter (might as well use your bonus weapon power), breen cluster, chrono mine, 2x photon, bioneural missile

    doffs - gravmetric, deflector (cd bonus on gw and tach beam), the turn rate debuffer for tach beam, torp doffs

    basic tactic is tach beam to help leave a shield side exposed and damage shield (doff debuff), gw3 to hold, hy/spread photon and a bioneural (the bioneurals essentially a free hy2 tricobalt) to hopefully bring the side exposed down, giving gw3 time to do its full damage (1500 per tick with blue xii particle generators x4 125 aux and base skills)

    Grav well 1 is there should tach beam or gw3 not proc the deflector cd reduction and you urgently need another grav well - its not as powerful, but still a decent damage dealer

    Obviousy this setup is more for pve, but its adaptable (for example, dual virus matrixes and a energy siphon 2 in place of the grav wells and tachyon beam)
  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I would definitely not recommend double TBR. It's a power that can save a mission when used at the right time, or doom it when used at the wrong one, and with two copies there's just too much temptation to use it every time it comes up. I don't even trust myself to use one copy well, there are perhaps half a dozen people I know who I'd trust with two, and I can't imagine them using it because it's just too situational.
  • igorvalentineigorvalentine Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It sounds like it will be too much trouble to have two copies of TBR. I did give it a whirl in Starbase 24. It was fun. I don't have any logs to tell me what my dps was. Also, my RSV couldn't handle all the attention it got, lol. I'm not at max level yet, so I haven't done any STFs. I think I would keep it as a fun build, but in serious cases, I would not use it.

    I wonder if it would work for an Atrox Carrier though? They have enough hull points to tank and good shields. It sounds like it would be too much of a hassle, but two copies of TBR+2 copies of something like BFAW would seem pretty neat.
  • paradise1killerparadise1killer Member Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It sounds like it will be too much trouble to have two copies of TBR. I did give it a whirl in Starbase 24. It was fun. I don't have any logs to tell me what my dps was. Also, my RSV couldn't handle all the attention it got, lol. I'm not at max level yet, so I haven't done any STFs. I think I would keep it as a fun build, but in serious cases, I would not use it.

    I wonder if it would work for an Atrox Carrier though? They have enough hull points to tank and good shields. It sounds like it would be too much of a hassle, but two copies of TBR+2 copies of something like BFAW would seem pretty neat.

    2x TBR3(2) with a pve player = bad

    2xTBR3 (2) flown with a pvp vet up to 57K (avrg 30K) in 10sec ever 20sec, with one power.
    Must run 2 aux2bat with doff 30% rech.

    pve ship have no push res and some noobs to which is a pain, with aux bat your team barley sees any pushing.

    I flown with sci ship with grav well, it depend on how well the other is spec for that combo to work.

    If I was flying sci/sci now I would use tach mines with siphon and SNB when he shield heals. Leave TBR3 and grav well for tac captains.
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