"The Space Race" - An alternate way to PVP!
I built this map last night as a fun mini game to play with my fleet mates.
As it stands its a multiplayer ONLY map, so bring friends!
Here is a video of the map in action!
The Space Race Demo
Im going to try and implement some AI racers in the track and possibly even a few other tracks as either stand alone races like this one or a bunch of tracks to make a "championship" style play where multiple tracks have to be completed one after the other.
Please give it a shot or watch the video before writing this off... Me and my buddies had a scream racing each other last night!
Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
I might suggest adding a few more obstacles, but otherwise its pretty cool! And there's potential here for people to build more different types of race tracks.
The two seperate race courses are both interesting.
The added obstacles in the most recent version are good.
It would be nice if there was a way to have an NPC at the start to count down for the racers to depart.
Good fun-
Star Trek Online Enlistment Date: February 2010
Fleet website: www.stoacademy.com
I wish I hadn't been flat broke on Dilithium when I ran it.
Next Time I will certainly throw you a tip.
And any pointers for someone wanting to "copy" your idea - since it is a genius one?
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
I just used my Romulan cloak ability (From the rep system) to blow by the Tholians and leave them to slow my buddies!
Star Trek Online Enlistment Date: February 2010
Fleet website: www.stoacademy.com