KDF needs fourth final fleet BoP with last layout
This is beautiful bop with 2 hull models, let it not be wasted at captain rank !
Shield Modifier:0.88
Weapons: 4F 2R
Can equip dual cannons.
Crew: 75
Bridge Officers:
Com. Uni.
Lt. Com. Uni.
Lt. Uni.
Lt Uni.
Device Slots: 2
3 Tactical 3 Engineering 4 Science
Turn Rate: 22
Impulse Modifier: 0.20
Inertia rating: 70
Bonus Power: +15 Weapons Power
Cost: 20,000 Fleet Credits, 4 Ship Modules, Tier 4 Shipyard.
What do you think guys ?
2010 is my join date.
The best configuration I can imagine is :
5 tactical consoles/2 Engineer/3 science .
Don't forget that is the ship from which it was composed a "small force" who " destroyed a Dominion starbase".So it should have a lot of firepower and stealth to be as in description.
And 1 fleet module if you already have the c-store version .(does kdf have any fleet ship that can be bought with only one fleet module ? )
I refuse to be content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwI0u9L4R8U
We have "eng" ultracloak bop-Brel, tac bop- Hohsus, Gimmik bop-Norgh, now there should be "sci" bop, thats how i choose stats for her
You can't discount fleet module just because it captain level bop, and only 45 lvl ships get discount afaik.
Regardless of the orientation of the Ch'tang, I support your idea. With 4 sci slots we could do a number of things... the first of which comes to mind is stacking 3 Field Generators and using an extra universal console like subspace jump or leech. Any good BoP pilot would probably agree that even a tiny bit of extra survivability would be good. It's a shame that this awesome BoP skin is only available at Captain rank (I got it on my Tac).
My main ship is now the Hegh'ta BoP with the Haj skin, but I would totally purchase a Ch'tang variant at Vice Admiral/Lt. General level!
Yes brel would be beter solution for "sci" bop but her set up is live and probly wont change.
If Cryptic could make it just skin for Hoh'sus it would be sufficient.
I really like design of Ch'tang because " This Bird-Of-Prey design was clearly influenced by engineers of the KDF's allies" and it is nice to have KDF species working together to overcome thier common enemy
I think the thought process behind the B'rel getting a 4th eng console slot is to increase hull armour for those pop-n-shoot moments with the EBC.