I'd agree with some here. Personally I don't find the Borg Probes or Sphere's all that sexy looking enough for me to fly one. I wouldn't mind the idea of a captured ship of some sort that the Borg were using. Perhaps like a captured Undine cruiser that was outfitted with Borg tech.
Now, in terms of Borg ships, here's what my take would be:
Partially Assimilated ships.
The "consolation" prize would probably be Deassimilated Intrepid/Defiant/B'Rel. No built in console but Borg-adapted stats. Probably redone as 3/3/3 consoles. (The Borg like symmetry, right?) Unusual BOff seating. Capable of displaying Assimilated set visuals without assimilated set + unlocks this costume option for other versions of the ships.
Liberated Borg BOs in more flavors. (Female Tac/Sci, Male Eng/Tac) as a "consolation prize" level reward.
Recovered Undine Captive BO as an ultra-rare, unique grand prize BO.
Big grand prize: The Dauntless, recovered from the clutches of the Borg.
Sounds good. More Enterprise love is great; that series is majorly under-appreciated. And if May does bring a Romulan faction, I will be one happy "Vulcan".
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
Can't say I'm thrilled the Ambassador will be in the fleet store, especially with no C-Store counterpart. That means it will be a $20 single character purchase, something I will never accept or use.
Shame too, I don't buy ships often, and I was looking forward to an improved C-Store Amby.
Can't say I'm thrilled the Ambassador will be in the fleet store, especially with no C-Store counterpart. That means it will be a $20 single character purchase, something I will never accept or use.
Shame too, I don't buy ships often, and I was looking forward to an improved C-Store Amby.
I swear if the Andorian ship is another stupid bundle, my head will explode. Why are you even considering 3 variants? Do we NEED 3 variants? What is the point (We all know this, MONEY!)? What console abilities can you possibly give it that would make sense? Just make it one ship for 2500 zen and I'll be a happy camper...and I might actually spend REAL money on it! :rolleyes:
Good point, you'd have to update the Character Creator anyway, to build a Romulan faction charactser.
You wouldn't have to completely remake it though.
As I said elsewhere:
I think here's what we'll see.
You pick traits.
The right trait combo lets you be a species, which is like a trait set bonus.
After selecting species, you select faction, which will effectively be a kind of mega-trait.
Species will limit costume options and expand them in certain ways. Faction does the same and sets permissions for what ships you fly, what optional dialogues you get in missions, and in very rare cases, what missions you play.
My bet is that the content team is ripping factionality out of the game's missions and applying a coat of polish. My inkling is that you will no longer receive most missions from command but they will all be reframed as neutral distress calls or hails that any faction may respond to. You may get extra options depending on faction but these will be similar to profession and species optionals.
So my bet is that species and faction will become meta-traits you get from trait selection. Effectively set bonuses, of which you pick one.
THEN, PvP will also be made... differently factional, where you're presented with an issue (ie. relocation of colonists, as in Insurrection) and you pick a side. You may have Roms/Cardies/Klingon/Feds fighting Roms/Cardies/Klingons/Feds. The sides are based on which side you've chosen. It may be a competing rep system deal where you want to consistently choose Offense/Defense or Red/Blue on a given PvP map. But being Federation or KE won't be what determines your side.
Make it to be more adapted and assimilated stuff instead.
Having the quadrants arch enemys ship piloted by fed and kdf seems wrong, very wrong.
And defenetly not in the spirit of "trek".
Oh well, seeing cubes and sphere's flying everywhere might be interesting.... :mad:
..if we're gonna keep the TV-production terminology.
That would be nice. TNG, DS9 and Voyager all lasted seven seasons, so why not make the May update "Star Trek Online: The Next Generation - Season 1" or something like that. Enough has happened in the in-game story that a rework of the playable universe might be in order.
That would be nice. TNG, DS9 and Voyager all lasted seven seasons, so why not make the May update "Star Trek Online: The Next Generation - Season 1" or something like that. Enough has happened in the in-game story that a rework of the playable universe might be in order.
why not? Dungeons and Dragons online got rebranded several times since it got F2P.First it was Dungeons and dragons Online - Eberron, then i think it was dungeons and dragons Online - Eberron Unlimited at the start of F2P for them, but since they added the menace of the underdark expansion they retitled it to just Dungeons and dragons Online unlimited.
I thought at first it was the Romulan Adventure Zone, I was septical of a Romulan faction, but this seems to more or less confirm it. The Spotlight Video, more work with Denise aka Sela, the may update is bigger then a season (only a expansion pack type would be bigger).
Nah, it doesn't confirm anything of the sort. It could still be a large story arc, series of arcs, content based thing. Remember seasons were specifically said to be about systems/mechanics and not story arc content. So the lack of information is still leaving open a large amount of room for speculation. And if it is just a lot more story content and missions and FEs and stuff ... all related to the Romulan Star Empire and the continuation of the demons of light and darkness (who took Sela oh so long ago) ... that would pretty much require more Denise Crosby voice work.
Until there's something concrete that says "Yes, new faction" ... I just don't have the gullibility to think there's a new faction in the works.
Borg ships doesn't necessarily mean Cubes and Spheres, they could be referring to some sort of Borg assimilated designs of more conventional ships. I don't think Cubes and Spheres would be practical anyway, they are just way too big. To be honest I would be seriously disappointed if they made the most visually uninteresting ships in the game playable, it would turn the game into a farce. Flying around in giant boxes and giant bowling balls? This is Star Trek, not Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Online.
If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
I'd be careful with that much optimism. You really ought to temper it with some caution or you're just setting yourself up for a huge letdown.
Romulan faction seems likely, but I wouldn't even begin to get my hopes up for a finished KDF alongside it.
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The subject is the most important part, because he has a decision to make based on it:
whether to read or delete right away.
[lockbox suggestion] opposing-races theme (e.g. Saurian vs. Gorn)
Not sure whether that's too long, but it gives a good idea of what's to follow.
He's dead, Jim.
To each his own I suppose.
Now, in terms of Borg ships, here's what my take would be:
Partially Assimilated ships.
The "consolation" prize would probably be Deassimilated Intrepid/Defiant/B'Rel. No built in console but Borg-adapted stats. Probably redone as 3/3/3 consoles. (The Borg like symmetry, right?) Unusual BOff seating. Capable of displaying Assimilated set visuals without assimilated set + unlocks this costume option for other versions of the ships.
Liberated Borg BOs in more flavors. (Female Tac/Sci, Male Eng/Tac) as a "consolation prize" level reward.
Recovered Undine Captive BO as an ultra-rare, unique grand prize BO.
Big grand prize: The Dauntless, recovered from the clutches of the Borg.
Also adds more flames to the new Romulan Faction rumour.....
Not a bad idea, but not a great idea either.
Good point, you'd have to update the Character Creator anyway, to build a Romulan faction charactser.
Would be mighty hard to make a Hirogen with the current system.;)
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
Equipping more Traits than we could before, huh? Interesting.
Well, there goes the Probert version with some kind of console.
Shame too, I don't buy ships often, and I was looking forward to an improved C-Store Amby.
Indeed, ditto here.
You wouldn't have to completely remake it though.
As I said elsewhere:
I think here's what we'll see.
You pick traits.
The right trait combo lets you be a species, which is like a trait set bonus.
After selecting species, you select faction, which will effectively be a kind of mega-trait.
Species will limit costume options and expand them in certain ways. Faction does the same and sets permissions for what ships you fly, what optional dialogues you get in missions, and in very rare cases, what missions you play.
My bet is that the content team is ripping factionality out of the game's missions and applying a coat of polish. My inkling is that you will no longer receive most missions from command but they will all be reframed as neutral distress calls or hails that any faction may respond to. You may get extra options depending on faction but these will be similar to profession and species optionals.
So my bet is that species and faction will become meta-traits you get from trait selection. Effectively set bonuses, of which you pick one.
THEN, PvP will also be made... differently factional, where you're presented with an issue (ie. relocation of colonists, as in Insurrection) and you pick a side. You may have Roms/Cardies/Klingon/Feds fighting Roms/Cardies/Klingons/Feds. The sides are based on which side you've chosen. It may be a competing rep system deal where you want to consistently choose Offense/Defense or Red/Blue on a given PvP map. But being Federation or KE won't be what determines your side.
Scratch that, ive actually got an interest in seeing the rommies.
And More JHAS incoming... Better get saving!
Great work guys, looking forward to it
Cubeageddon - You are the last hope. Find it in the Foundry!
The Space Race - An alternate to PVP - In Foundry Now!
No, No, No.
Make it to be more adapted and assimilated stuff instead.
Having the quadrants arch enemys ship piloted by fed and kdf seems wrong, very wrong.
And defenetly not in the spirit of "trek".
Oh well, seeing cubes and sphere's flying everywhere might be interesting.... :mad:
..if we're gonna keep the TV-production terminology.
But yeah. Big No to Borg ships for players. I will go on strike if that happens.
That would be nice. TNG, DS9 and Voyager all lasted seven seasons, so why not make the May update "Star Trek Online: The Next Generation - Season 1" or something like that. Enough has happened in the in-game story that a rework of the playable universe might be in order.
why not? Dungeons and Dragons online got rebranded several times since it got F2P.First it was Dungeons and dragons Online - Eberron, then i think it was dungeons and dragons Online - Eberron Unlimited at the start of F2P for them, but since they added the menace of the underdark expansion they retitled it to just Dungeons and dragons Online unlimited.
Nah, it doesn't confirm anything of the sort. It could still be a large story arc, series of arcs, content based thing. Remember seasons were specifically said to be about systems/mechanics and not story arc content. So the lack of information is still leaving open a large amount of room for speculation. And if it is just a lot more story content and missions and FEs and stuff ... all related to the Romulan Star Empire and the continuation of the demons of light and darkness (who took Sela oh so long ago) ... that would pretty much require more Denise Crosby voice work.
Until there's something concrete that says "Yes, new faction" ... I just don't have the gullibility to think there's a new faction in the works.
Nah, probably just to Fed. THe KDF will get a borg sphere instead.
And the KDF sphere will get more firepower and maneuverability.
AND a Battle Cloak. :rolleyes:
But all I heard was Andorian Starship this month...