Vulcan D'Kyr Science Vessel is epic , but why is only science vessel?.
I know that is science vessel but can we get like Eng/Tac retrofits in both C-store and Fleet shipyards , because i know that lots of people would kill for it lol.
Suurok class combat cruiser/science vessel is another proposal - that fat sexy beast is my favourite vulcan ship , can we haz it?...pretty please
There is also one ship that need to be in STO.....T'Plana-Hath type starship - ship in witch vulcans made first contact with pinkskins
We got odysseys / Heavy Escort Carriers / Caitian Atrox Carrier and bunch of others... it is shame that there is no much more ships from other races.
It is nice, but what would they do with it? A sci/escort?
It might be a good tier one ship alternative. like three universal engine, or one lt BO set.
You and me both. I'd LOVE to see the Surak make it into STO, but I'd kill a baby seal for a Starfleet ship with the annular warp ring.