Please give us more bridges and do some work on the current ones. I know a lot of players that enjoy this aspect of the game and there is money to be made buy selling good bridge packs. Please do not let this slip through the cracks of this wonderful game. Do not give up on them, look at what you can do with starbase interior. I would pay Dil or zen to upgrade my ship interior. I imagine there are others out there that would do the same. Thanks for your time!!
The only bridges worth the 400 Zen price tag are the Belfast and and the Constitution. Such a shame these two can only be purchased in costly bundles with other things I have no interest in.
I like to have a bridge appropriate to the ship I am flying. It doesn't have to be fancy, but I like to have the correct deck plan, and for the scale of the bridge to be appropriate to the ship.
I don't like huge drops my officers can brake their necks falling down. I don't like console textures incorrectly scaled to the geometry they inhabit and I don?t like bridge officers sitting with their legs in the floor.
The bridge packs currently on offer need considerable polish, but I don't think they are going to get it, and so I don't recommend any one buy them. Of course with no one buying them cryptic wont make any more. Oh well.
As for new bridges, with the Ambassador rolling out tomorrow I'd love to have a proper bridge appropriate to that period. "Yesterday's Enterprise" showed it to be an odd amalgam of the Movie Era sets with bits and pieces of TNG tech, but even just having the Galaxy battle bridge and the Constitution-refit interiors from Wrath would be huge.
The NX interior is my white whale, though. Specifically the Season 4 redress which added just the right amount of colour. Anachronistic or not, I might not be happy until we get that in the game.
And with the talk of people wanting bridges for the newer ships, I drew up THIS Bridge concept for the Regent (when I thought the Regent was inspired by my DTNE entry.
The man himself beat me too it.
*ducks and runs off*
I bought a bridge or 2, went once in, then only came back for DOFFing and a quick access to account bank while in space. Oh, and a romulan episode that ask you to go to your bridge.
Did I miss something fun to do while on the bridge ?