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End Free 2 Play



  • byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think as far as free to play goes this is one of the better ones. But I counter that by the fact I really don't like the free 2 play model at all for any game because it ruins the immersion and takes away the level playing field. I mean this is a game set in a world which was supposed to not have currency? Yet the whole game revolves around it.

    I also don't think the subscription model is good enough US15 a month and all you get are some vet rewards and $5 worth of currency?

    So I am playing and enjoying the game. But I wish it was a sub game with a level playing field and no mass grind or pay to win. I would sub but I don't think the rewards are worth it. I'd rather buy $15 currency than spend $15 to sub for a month. because even when I sub the stores and lock boxes are still going to be there I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who sub and still spend extra on more ZEN. I guess that's the scenario where PW make bank and it more than makes up for the f2p only players.

    F2P works but is it great? I don't think there are any truly great f2p MMO's EVE is best but it's not the classic F2P model. It just has a model where you can choose to grind in game currency to pay for game time or spend money to buy in game currency and it actually works well. I could just sub and play as I want and the F2P or pay extra model really didn't affect me.

    I think the best game model is that of Guild Wars, which Secret world kinda now has too not that I've tried it. Buy the box, play the game for free. Pay for expansion packs, that are actually worth it. just needs a free trial for good measure so you know if you like the game before you have to buy it. I always regret spending what was it around US$70 on the WOW box and I hated the game and could not even get half way through the first month because of the TRIBBLE kiddy cartoon graphics and gameplay.

    one think I wont do is come here and mock a game that I've got many hours of playtime and some enjoyment out of and haven't spent a penny on.
  • thisisoverlordthisisoverlord Member Posts: 949 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    csgtmyork wrote: »
    ^ Exactly.

    If you want to see a HORRID F2P model, again, go look at SWTOR. Then weep and be glad for STO.

    If you want a proper F2P model that isn't trash like this one or SWTOR.

    Go to DDO.

    Honestly you know what the real problem is with this game when it comes to pay/time structure, those with time can grind themselves to death are fine, but people like me who are time poor and not even that cash rich have no avenue for advancement at all.
  • byzanathosbyzanathos Member Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If you want a proper F2P model that isn't trash like this one or SWTOR.

    Go to DDO.

    Honestly you know what the real problem is with this game when it comes to pay/time structure, those with time can grind themselves to death are fine, but people like me who are time poor and not even that cash rich have no avenue for advancement at all.

    I dont think that's true, it just means that you have to be smart efficient and accept the fact that it will take more time.
  • tsurutafan01tsurutafan01 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    , but people like me who are time poor and not even that cash rich have no avenue for advancement at all.

    The solution to this is to stop playing a genre of game that by it's very design model is obviously not for you.

    The flaw here isn't with the game.

    "We are smart." - Grebnedlog

    Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This game has continually gone to the dogs since Free 2 Play was released. The problem is now, pretty much EVERYTHING in the game requires money if you want to be a decent player and Cryptic has taken a road of blatant exploitation of their player base. This has unfortunately become the literal translation of a Chinese sweatshop in which you grind and grind to get little reward that has really any value.

    So I think Cryptic should abandon the Free 2 Play model and go back to the Subscription Model which they had when this game came out. Sure, there were problems back then too but at least they developed some new content without the incessant need to get greedy and try to make the player, even subscribed players like myself now, pay for everything.

    Its unfortunate that such a game like this has gone the way it has, however if people stopped buying zen and focused on only the free features, then this game would rapidly change back to the subscription base and free stuff that we used to have because we were PAYING for the game back then.

    This game could easily survive on subscriptions alone, even with the amount of lifetimers but Cryptic want their new coffee machine or water cooler so they do not actually want to change back. Why change if the sheep are buying into it?

    Aside from the loss of the majority of the player base, your initial statement is just wrong. You can get everything you want ingame, without purchasing zen with real money. Fleet ships, fleet weapons, zen-store ships, everything.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Everything costs money and yet it doesn't at the same time.

    everything can be earned by just playing the game. the dilithium exchange was at about 86 at one point. dilithium is getting easier to earn, half the stuff is totally optional and you dont need any of the c-store ships and items to play the game or be successful. you only need these items if you want these items, or perhaps if you are a real hardcore pvper.

    free to play has brought more players in, allowed them to staff up and content is only going to arrive faster and faster as time goes on and it will be free. if you want to spend money then its only because you want to and not because you need to.
  • paneth48paneth48 Member Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    aside from my LT I got when it was on special at launch, I have never felt the 'need' to spend money, but some one had to for me to get some of the things I wanted and it must have been worth it to them or eles why would they spend the money?

    The Jem Dread I got all on EC, from selling lockboxes oddly enough, and I never had to pay a dime for it.

    Is it better as a F2P? That is debatable, for sure Cryptic seems healthier for it.

    Also the last two games I have played (In recent months) were Secret World and TOR, both of which started off as sub based games and dropped to f2p models. Currently only games I can think of that can still really get away with Pay monthlies is WoW and E.V.E online, one is overbloated with people and the other one, well no one can offer quite the same system they can.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 924 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    csgtmyork wrote: »
    If you want to see a HORRID F2P model, again, go look at SWTOR. Then weep and be glad for STO.

    "Oh, looky here at this cool and useful mission reward....oh, but you can't have it because YOU'RE NOT A SUBSCRIBER, NOOB!!"

    Or the fact that there's an entire TIER of gear you can't equip unless you pay for the authorization to use it....or subscribe.

    Yeah, I don't see that in STO.

  • shar487ashar487a Member Posts: 1,292 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I left SWTOR despite having a then-max level Sith Assassin because content denial just isn't my thing :) Not to mention the lack of end-game content...
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yes but that 45% of players that do quit would be a lost cause to the 55% who stay and keep paying for the game to be properly developed and not botched because they need to constantly release stuff like lockboxes to keep profits up.

    I fail to see how a game like this can sustain itself financially and still be a balanced and fun experience?

    Here's a fun fact sparky, the game is actually PROFITABLE as a F2P game. As pure subscription? Not so much.

    They're not going back. Just close this thread as it's only going to lead to forum rule violations.
  • csgtmyorkcsgtmyork Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    "Oh, looky here at this cool and useful mission reward....oh, but you can't have it because YOU'RE NOT A SUBSCRIBER, NOOB!!"

    Or the fact that there's an entire TIER of gear you can't equip unless you pay for the authorization to use it....or subscribe.

    Yeah, I don't see that in STO.

    Not to mention that you can only do 3 space missions a week as a F2Per. Oh right, you can't even sprint till you get your character to a certain lvl as a F2Per. Or send mail. Or trade. Or do lots of other things.

    So yeah.... The more I look for a good F2P MMO, the more I like STO.
    "Correction. Humans have rules in war. Rules that make victory a little harder to achieve, in my opinion."
    Elim Garak
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am not too happy about the whole gambling aspect, but this game was dying before F2P. Even though a lot of that was Atari running it into the ground, I suspect that if it continued with a subscription model, it would never have the life or development revenue that it has today.

    STO still has problems, but it is by far the best Star Trek game ever produced and it is constantly being developed.
  • warbird001warbird001 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am not too happy about the whole gambling aspect, but this game was dying before F2P. Even though a lot of that was Atari running it into the ground, I suspect that if it continued with a subscription model, it would never have the life or development revenue that it has today.

    STO still has problems, but it is by far the best Star Trek game ever produced and it is constantly being developed.

    No offense but that is complete bull, I will list the better Star Trek games right here...

    - Star Trek: Bridge Commander
    - Starfleet Command Series
    - Star Trek: Armada
    - Star Trek: Elite Force 1

    All of these games were vastly superior to STO because they were developed by people who actually cared about Star Trek and wanted to make a fun experience, not whoever could make the most money.

    STO could be vastly improved by taking aspects from all these games

    Bridge Combat - Bridge Commander
    Space Combet and Ship Customisation - Starfleet Command
    Fleet Support and Logistical Support - Star Trek: Armada
    Ground Combat - Elite Force

    Thats a better Star Trek game right there... and that only took 5 minutes to work out.
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    warbird001 wrote: »
    No offense but that is complete bull, I will list the better Star Trek games right here...

    - Star Trek: Bridge Commander
    - Starfleet Command Series
    - Star Trek: Armada
    - Star Trek: Elite Force 1

    All of these games were vastly superior to STO because they were developed by people who actually cared about Star Trek and wanted to make a fun experience, not whoever could make the most money.

    STO could be vastly improved by taking aspects from all these games

    Bridge Combat - Bridge Commander
    Space Combet and Ship Customisation - Starfleet Command
    Fleet Support and Logistical Support - Star Trek: Armada
    Ground Combat - Elite Force

    Thats a better Star Trek game right there... and that only took 5 minutes to work out.

    No offense, but that is a subjective judgement on my part which cannot be proved correct or incorrect. I respect that you have a different opinion; however, I disagree.

    I played several of those games and they were quite well-made. However, they offered nowhere near the depth of content that this game offers, which is why I conclude this game, despite its flaws, is by far the best Star Trek video game ever created.
  • warbird001warbird001 Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    No offense, but that is a subjective judgement on my part which cannot be proved correct or incorrect. I respect that you have a different opinion; however, I disagree.

    I played several of those games and they were quite well-made. However, they offered nowhere near the depth of content that this game offers, which is why I conclude this game, despite its flaws, is by far the best Star Trek video game ever created.

    I'm sorry but I had to smirk when you mentioned "depth" in this game. Please refer me to what kind of depth you mean because its certainly not in the gameplay or the story? So what do you mean by "depth" exactly.

    Plus, its a bit silly to say the Bridge Commander lacked "depth" considering the whole game was written by a renowned Star Trek writer. If you do not believe me, look it up. I do not see any renowned Star Trek writers queuing up to write for Star Trek: Online.
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    STO has one of the gentlest freemium models ever. And good for PWE and Cryptic for making it work!

    I don't mind buying ships or respecs or whatnot from the Zen store, though I do feel dirty paying money for lockbox keys - but that's just me. I appreciate where Cryptic is coming from, they have to ensure that non-faction-canon ships aren't omnipresent, but I would like to be able to pay for some of those ships straight-up. And sure, the lockboxes were irritating at first, when their drop rate was like a 50% chance on killing anything (even shooting down borg torps, lol!) but that's been fixed, and it's quite pleasant.
  • logicalspocklogicalspock Member Posts: 836 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    warbird001 wrote: »
    I'm sorry but I had to smirk when you mentioned "depth" in this game. Please refer me to what kind of depth you mean because its certainly not in the gameplay or the story? So what do you mean by "depth" exactly.

    Plus, its a bit silly to say the Bridge Commander lacked "depth" considering the whole game was written by a renowned Star Trek writer. If you do not believe me, look it up. I do not see any renowned Star Trek writers queuing up to write for Star Trek: Online.

    I mean exactly what I wrote. The amount of content in any other Star Trek game pales compared to STO.

    It would take many times longer to play through all the Cryptic designed missions and scenarios than any other game. And then there is the Foundry, with its massive database.

    Most other Star Trek games have no more than 20 hours of unique content. A few might have double that. STO literally has thousands of hours and it is constantly expanding thanks to continued development and continued foundry mission creation.

    Compare the number of missions you can run, the amount of group content (such as STFs and PvP), the number of planets you can visit, the number of canon locations, canon ships, et cetera.

    The amount of content STO has is many orders of magnitude more than any other Star Trek game.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It's funny to see people praising solo games, which have a very short playability time. Once you're done you're done. With STO you can have fun for months.

    Anyway. Without the F2P this game would be dead now. I have a friend who plays since beta and he told me that prior to season 5 and the F2P conversion, you could cross sectors and beam aboard stations without seeing anyone. The game also had very little content. Oh, you had ships for free but nothing to do with them. Now you have content (like it or not, it's not the topic), of course you have to pay for your ships or to farm for them at some point but at least you can choose how much you want to pay and how much you want to farm.

    I think no other F2P game is that generous.
    Lenny Barre, lvl 60 DC. 18k.
    God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I would keep the F2P option, but make subscription worthwhile. Right now its simply not, when the best ships are won in lotery and the "normal" ships are subpar.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • katanic123katanic123 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    dalnar83 wrote: »
    I would keep the F2P option, but make subscription worthwhile. Right now its simply not, when the best ships are won in lotery and the "normal" ships are subpar.

    Dalnar has it right, as a monthly subscriber I don't feel the rewards for my monthly subs are suitable, if I went free to play I could purchase more Zen with what I normally pay a month in subscriptions than i receive as a stipend where the sense in that, Increase the monthly Stipend an Increase the amount of Dilith a Gold & Lifetime member can refine a day!
    Captain Cavillian
  • deathspeedmkdeathspeedmk Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I like the free to play model, as it makes you work hard for your gain...However, some things are not very worth while for the work money invloved.

    Some things I feel are next to impossible to earn however, just by playing the game day in and out for a mouth I bet I still can not get a 2.5k zen ship... This is VERY annoying to me, so this brings me to the actual problem. The problem is not the price of the ship, its the problem of how much it is in real life, ?15-20 for a ship....Im sorry but for in game content that is ALOT, you can buy the whole of the DLC for Fallout:NV for that which add something more to the game itself.

    What do you get with ?20 on STO, aside from one of the best ships in the game..does it really help you get your goals every time you fly it? not really does it really add anything extra to the game...No..

    So you see, I would not get my money for just a in game ship. I would rather work for it in a realistic time scale, even if it takes a few weeks of a few hour sessions to get it. Put it like this you will still need about 100k dl to even come close to 2.5k zen and that will take 2 months to get.

    Last of my point, yes maybe for a subscriber you are short changed. But thats not the only thing one is short changed on for what they really get.
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am sure that Cryptic must have open this thread during lunch hour and had a round of laughs at your...naiveness
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • lotusteadragonlotusteadragon Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Whose naivety? STO really is one of the better Free to Play MMOs around. The great thing is that one is not forced to play. I get the feeling some people hang around complaining because bitterness has become their best friend, and can't do without it. Seriously, if it's so bad one feels that one must spew nothing but bile, it is time for that person to leave.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I personally hope when Neverwinter shows its model can succeed, they come back and dump subs entirely over here. Just let people unlock things alacarte and be done with it.

    Eliminate subs!
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I seriously doubt STO or CO will dump subs entirely due to lifetime subscriptions. IMO, it is the reason why being a subscriber hardly gives anything of use. PWE wants people to be F2P, but lifers exist so they have to give lifers something. If STO did not have lifetime subscriptions, then everyone would be F2P.
  • nassirisnassiris Member Posts: 111
    edited January 2013
    This game has continually gone to the dogs since Free 2 Play was released. The problem is now, pretty much EVERYTHING in the game requires money if you want to be a decent player and Cryptic has taken a road of blatant exploitation of their player base. This has unfortunately become the literal translation of a Chinese sweatshop in which you grind and grind to get little reward that has really any value.

    So I think Cryptic should abandon the Free 2 Play model and go back to the Subscription Model which they had when this game came out. Sure, there were problems back then too but at least they developed some new content without the incessant need to get greedy and try to make the player, even subscribed players like myself now, pay for everything.

    Its unfortunate that such a game like this has gone the way it has, however if people stopped buying zen and focused on only the free features, then this game would rapidly change back to the subscription base and free stuff that we used to have because we were PAYING for the game back then.

    This game could easily survive on subscriptions alone, even with the amount of lifetimers but Cryptic want their new coffee machine or water cooler so they do not actually want to change back. Why change if the sheep are buying into it?

    There is no way STO will go back to subscription for the simple reason they are making a killing with the F2P model. I would have to say that the drop boxes and key's are their Golden Egg's.
  • noristaenoristae Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    For all the complaint about free to play, there's a few steadfast things that've held up in WoW, various Muds, and other games, be it free to play or pay to play...

    1) Some people have money to burn and can still be.... pains. Be it free to play or pay to play, see the playerbase on World of ******** or Evercrack.

    2) Regardless of pay to play or free to play, the people that are interested in a quick fun time will eventually burn out. If they have too much money, they may try to push the forum and the dev's to advance the game more to their pace, before still burning out.

    3) No amount of pay to play will make up for poor product, see again the diminished playerbase of WoW, still gotta pay to play it, but a lot of folks gradually leave because quality got... pathetic. To the point, imho, that the development and creativity in the Muds that I play on seemed better.

    4) Free to play is the trend for the net, and works to get players. Someone gets impatient, they spend a 5 or a 20 and instant gratification. That works for most of the youngers that play. When they get older, they'll view it differently. A sucker is born every minute, and a lot of them make it to 18 and credit cards.

    5) Lets follow that trend, Jimmy pays to play, talks up the game to his buddies. Gets them to playing, they talk it up to their other friends... from Jimmy, we're now up to 20 or 30 people playing for free.... but Bill can get that new officer for duty assignments for a 20$, Jessi can get that outfit for her character for a $5 or a 10$... It continues for a few years as they leisure play while spending every few days, the amount so little, they barely notice it. Like an impulse buy at the grocery...

    6) and that's what this model is for on the internet. It's the equivalent of the candybar or the soda at the register in a grocery store. I can get a 2 liter coke for 1.28 at WalMart, or I can get a 20 ounce for 1.59... I still sometimes get the 20 ounce because its cold. But I could've got 3 times the product for less.

    7) Welcome to the World of Business. Presentation is everything.

    8) IRE runs MUDs. Text based games!!!! That you use a telnet client to play!!! And they charge MORE for their monthly memberships... PER Game!... And MORE for the big currency!!! And it still works. At least here on STO, we have a graphics engine. And decent quality graphics. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • orici1701orici1701 Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    noristae wrote: »
    For all the complaint about free to play, there's a few steadfast things that've held up in WoW, various Muds, and other games, be it free to play or pay to play...

    1) Some people have money to burn and can still be.... pains. Be it free to play or pay to play, see the playerbase on World of ******** or Evercrack.

    2) Regardless of pay to play or free to play, the people that are interested in a quick fun time will eventually burn out. If they have too much money, they may try to push the forum and the dev's to advance the game more to their pace, before still burning out.

    3) No amount of pay to play will make up for poor product, see again the diminished playerbase of WoW, still gotta pay to play it, but a lot of folks gradually leave because quality got... pathetic. To the point, imho, that the development and creativity in the Muds that I play on seemed better.

    4) Free to play is the trend for the net, and works to get players. Someone gets impatient, they spend a 5 or a 20 and instant gratification. That works for most of the youngers that play. When they get older, they'll view it differently. A sucker is born every minute, and a lot of them make it to 18 and credit cards.

    5) Lets follow that trend, Jimmy pays to play, talks up the game to his buddies. Gets them to playing, they talk it up to their other friends... from Jimmy, we're now up to 20 or 30 people playing for free.... but Bill can get that new officer for duty assignments for a 20$, Jessi can get that outfit for her character for a $5 or a 10$... It continues for a few years as they leisure play while spending every few days, the amount so little, they barely notice it. Like an impulse buy at the grocery...

    6) and that's what this model is for on the internet. It's the equivalent of the candybar or the soda at the register in a grocery store. I can get a 2 liter coke for 1.28 at WalMart, or I can get a 20 ounce for 1.59... I still sometimes get the 20 ounce because its cold. But I could've got 3 times the product for less.

    7) Welcome to the World of Business. Presentation is everything.

    8) IRE runs MUDs. Text based games!!!! That you use a telnet client to play!!! And they charge MORE for their monthly memberships... PER Game!... And MORE for the big currency!!! And it still works. At least here on STO, we have a graphics engine. And decent quality graphics. Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!

    you need help, its up to the player if he or she wants to go gold or lifer. you clearly have far too much time on your hands, as a gold player soon to get lifer im happy with the work they do and the graphics are good. and to be truthful i dont care about your reasons, they are pointless as its a free world
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Sure there are a lot of F2P aspects of the game that suck like the grind and I think it is time to put the grind content and the rep system on hold and produce some more fun content rather than leaving it to the playerbase and the foundry to churn out thhe good stuff while the devs spend maybe 30 minutes thinking up a new grind and a month or so implementing it.

    The old STF system for example maybe it wasn't as certain to give you the gear but the random chance element and the having a piece of kit tied to each STF forcing you to play all of them to complete sets made life more interesting and fun rather that the current "ISE grind" we have now where you don't do anything else because its inefficient, seriously devs, put that back in alongside the rep system!

    and the fact the grind is ALL DPS based and most of the new things also benefit escorts more than the other classes doesn't help matters much, that focus needs changing to make the others more playable, more fun and ultimately more profitable.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Pre FTP the STO team had 20 employees. Post FTP the STO team now has 50, with a new Rom Micro-Faction and new FE coming out.

    Yes, please, stop FTP. :D
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
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