I Will Be Checking this 5:00 Mountain Time! On February 1st :rolleyes:
Hello fellow Warriors, Trekkies, and Gamers. I'm centered around fleets that either:
A- Are an RPG type of fleet
B- Project Fleet (Work hard to make their Star Base Boss)
C-Elite STF's
Well, I would add a D but these are really what I'm looking for, A hybrid of these 3 would be even better. I'm okay with things like PvP and anything else else but I would prefferably choose these types. I know there are some fleets out there that want to have character info so I have included it below.
My Main KDF Character Stats.
Class: Tactical
Level: 40 (Probably going to change soon, I level quickly.)
Ship: Qin Raptor If I decide to buy something from the C-Store when I'm lvl 50 this will change.
Species: Klingon
Prefered Weapon Type (Cause I can:cool:): Polaron.
Gender: Male
I do have a Ps3 Incase this fleet is one of those really big ones on multiple consols. Also I used to play a lvl 44 Fed Science, Let's jjust say I screwed it up.
That's pretty much all. Remember I'm checking this around 5:00 Mountain Time. Feb 1st.