Is there an updated ETA timewise for this patch to be complete (I stink at time conversions, so a # would be helpful (1H:20M...)
Saw that we can switch our android BOFF after this patch...So to be cure, this means I take off all the items he has, RELEASE/DUMP him, and reclaim from CStore for no charge (or do i have to go to esd (I obviously already have one...)
The anniversary ship is due ABOUT a month from now (early feb?)
Oh, a follow-up...Since I see that the patch will do some winter event stuff, I wonder if now (OR SOMETIME SOON) we will be able to trade-in the excess winter epohh tags that we have left over from the event...And the q pictures left over...For dil or rom mks or whatever...SOME trade-in should be feasible...
Is there an updated ETA timewise for this patch to be complete (I stink at time conversions, so a # would be helpful (1H:20M...)
Saw that we can switch our android BOFF after this patch...So to be cure, this means I take off all the items he has, RELEASE/DUMP him, and reclaim from CStore for no charge (I obviously already have one...)
The anniversary ship is due ABOUT a month from now (early feb?)
And wasn't there something to be claimed for a 700day vet from this patch now?
Thanx Brandon or whomever from PWE answers
The OP has a link to see the maintenance start time in all different timezones, and then just plan for 2 hours from that time
Yes, but not the C-Store. It's available from the BOFF vendor on ESD and Qo'noS, if you're a 700-day vet or a LTS.
More info soon(tm).
Andorids are the 700-day vet rewards.
Winter Epohh tags (5 at a time) can be turned in for GPL at the same console in Quark's on DS9 or near the Dabo tables on Drozana. No turn in for the autographs, but feel free to keep them if you'd like We have not announced plans on what the fate of them will be, but might as well hold onto them in your bank.
btw every1 talk about that foundry .. can u make foundry as offline app we can download and make stuff or just test them offline and when we make good mission or somethin we can upload that again in foundry in-game ... this is just idea'*
The following have been added to tonight's patch notes thread:
The KDF replay version of Assimilation will no longer grant the Borg set piece.
I just did it for the first time on my KDF toon yesterday and didnt get the Borg piece... was it replay only? What a ripjob. (Shouldnt have been removed anyway...)
yup they shouldnt remove that item from game but replay if u have mission activated from beffore s7 or reputation system u still have console as reward from mission as i have but that will be removed ... thx God i pickup all of them for my 10-toons "chars" before this "how they call" massive grind
*Yawn* I knew it was going to take longer to patch...Whenever I watch the pot. I am going to walk away from cpu, so maybe it will be done sooner I think u guys KNEW I was on waiting because I posted earlier
*Yawn* I knew it was going to take longer to patch...Whenever I watch the pot. I am going to walk away from cpu, so maybe it will be done sooner I think u guys KNEW I was on waiting because I posted earlier
Big brother is watching you... Do you really think they care about you? They see lots of activity in the forums and want to grant us some extra time to finish it...
If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
I have been here since Beta, and was happy to achieve veteran and lifer awards. It does irk me though that people can essentially "match" me buy buying a lifetime sub. The stipend isn't really enough to satisfy me.
I wish I could have a special ship or BOFF or something that would distinguish my achievements. Maybe something with accolades as well, a reward for those beyond a title.
Is the Tholian Red Alert (space) going to finally be more accessible? Still a major headache to get in before it's filled.
Are the Romulan Mark missions going to be adjusted to yield more marks? It is a REAL pain trying to grind them. Omega as well, but for me a slightly lesser extent. For NOW...
You know, that LOADED dabo accolade is almost impossible. A higher amount to bet would make it more feasible.
This is very interesting...text typo's are being fixed but tholian RA's are still messed up. The exchange is still messed up...There are issues that have been present for months when there has been tons of data sent, i know lots of data has been sent from me alone...3 different accounts in my house that crash all the time and send error reports.
Is there any news on anniversary rewards?
If they make something idiot proof. They will come out with better idiots
Is there an updated ETA timewise for this patch to be complete (I stink at time conversions, so a # would be helpful (1H:20M...)
Saw that we can switch our android BOFF after this patch...So to be cure, this means I take off all the items he has, RELEASE/DUMP him, and reclaim from CStore for no charge (or do i have to go to esd (I obviously already have one...)
The anniversary ship is due ABOUT a month from now (early feb?)
Thanx Brandon or whomever from PWE answers
The OP has a link to see the maintenance start time in all different timezones, and then just plan for 2 hours from that time
Yes, but not the C-Store. It's available from the BOFF vendor on ESD and Qo'noS, if you're a 700-day vet or a LTS.
More info soon(tm).
Andorids are the 700-day vet rewards.
Winter Epohh tags (5 at a time) can be turned in for GPL at the same console in Quark's on DS9 or near the Dabo tables on Drozana. No turn in for the autographs, but feel free to keep them if you'd like
Brandon =/\=
I just did it for the first time on my KDF toon yesterday and didnt get the Borg piece... was it replay only? What a ripjob. (Shouldnt have been removed anyway...)
The doors, Mister Scott!
Brandon =/\=
Sniff...Sniff...I still miss the Breen Bio-Thermal Dampener
Boo... Let me in already, Argh!!!
Big brother is watching you... Do you really think they care about you? They see lots of activity in the forums and want to grant us some extra time to finish it...
If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
I wish I could have a special ship or BOFF or something that would distinguish my achievements. Maybe something with accolades as well, a reward for those beyond a title.
yer killin me flakes, looks like this will be the first day since season 7 that i haven't loged on to at least start rep projects, race or doff
Are the Romulan Mark missions going to be adjusted to yield more marks? It is a REAL pain trying to grind them. Omega as well, but for me a slightly lesser extent. For NOW...
You know, that LOADED dabo accolade is almost impossible. A higher amount to bet would make it more feasible.
They checked on the server tribble, found it needed more food and rest, and decided another 30 minutes would cover it....
If Star Trek Online was an Open-Source (GPL) Game, we would have a low-grind fork.
Is there any news on anniversary rewards?
Come Visit the 44th Fleet
Brandon =/\=
Brandon =/\=