Hi Branflakes ( Brandon ),
on behalf of the community we are all very upset what happend. We all feel sorry about it and we were really happy how much work you have to done for us. A lot of us got together twice now and discussed on how and what we can do better in the future. We really want this tournament/league back. We loved to have your support in the very first place. I know some time has to past to actually talk about something like this in the future again.
With this thread we want on 1 hand to show you our gratitude and on the other our interest in further tournaments/leagues being supported by Cryptic/PWE.So now guys let show Brandon how big the PvP Community is.Please add this to your respond:fleetname
Flota Hispana / Spanish Fleet
Also voicing for:
Turkish RP Heros
i agree PVP is the future of the Game...
PVE and PVP and very important
And the Players i think learn now with the mistakes we made and work to improve the tournament
Federation :: Fleetless :: Klingon
Jorge Silva - Tac | Nayja - Sci | Jorge E. Silva - Eng
Jorge R. Silva - Tac (Romulan Fed)
Nayja K Silva - Sci | Vurg'jah - Tac
SVKELITE / Mosquito Squadron
Leader of SvKELITE
.The Spanish Inquisition.
Representing SVK Elite/ Mosquito Squadron
To be honest, I dunno about the support of Cryptic/PWE, why is that a necessity?
To win the prize of a game that you already own which is signed by the people that the majority of the community constantly whine and complain about...?
Nevertheless I support the future of PvP and whatever decision BranFlakes makes!
Female Fight Club
I'd like to revisit this as the first space PvP Boot Camp class nears its graduation. I think it will be great to tie in with it, bring many more participants, and allow for a couple months of the community to come to some kind of consensus on rules.
Also, don't ever think for one minute that one incident of severe disappointment would ever cause me to stop supporting the community.
Brandon =/\=
Sad Pandas
I might also suggest saving "Feedback" threads for after a tournament is complete.
Zenith Nader - R.R.W. Nader4President - Tactical Rom KDF
Hei Qin - I.K.S. Apex Revenant -Tactical KDF
- Nova Aurora Polaris -
We are really grateful for all you have done, and we love you long time!
Turkish ERP Heroe's
[LAG industries]
I would like to say that I think that currently have a set of rules that the bulk of the pvp community agrees with. The rules exist to deal with a set of bugs/exploits or that existed at a set point in time and to be honest this list is constantly fluctuating, new bugs come and and go as new content comes and goes. As items are nerfed
I think its a mistake to spend months arguing over rules which no matter what will be out of date anyway.
We have a good set of rules and the majority of people support those. Lets just make this happen. If we have to wait months for a cryptic supported tournament (which I would love to see one) lets run this one now as a proof of concept. Lets take it for a wet run and try and smooths out the kinks of the process. We can have an official tournament in time when we have a fully functioning template to work with
Thank you Brandon!
Division Hispana
So damn true ...
Raumpatruille Elysion
have fun kill bad guys
-thrusters on full-
Turkish RP Heroes
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
Gator / Mal / Wash