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Let's Ride

magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
edited January 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Howdy Klinks! Been back for awhile and checking out the new content. I like what I see but I'm a bit annoyed at everything we get is cross-factional. And I'm not sure the Klingons would be so willing to help the Romulans whom they have had a long standing fued with but hey who knows lots of time has went by so maybe some of those old wounds have healed. Anywhoo I read above about a possible KAW3 this year, I was one of those who volunteered last year for the unofficial KAW2, and thought maybe we ought to do something to inspire interest in the KDF more than once a year.

I'm an old biker guy and we make several runs to various places every year for reasons such as:

- Or just because we can to have fun

Anyway I thought it would be cool to do something of this sort on the KDF side. Valentines Day is coming up and I thought maybe we could organize a run to Defera for a weekend of KDF awareness and have some fun. We could camp out at the ruins and hold some events such as starship races, PvE & PvP matches, and maybe an Orion girl wet T-Shirt contest. If it goes well then we can organize others, maybe do a Summer run to Bajor and a Fall run to New Romulus.

Let me know what you think.
Post edited by magnumstar on


  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I love this idea. I'll be keeping an eye out for dates and information.
  • magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think its a good idea too jack but i'll wait on more input from the community before I start organizing. I will put this out there though. I'd like to be able to provide a badge/patch of some sort for the KDF, something that says Defera Run 2013. So I'm asking anyone out there with artistic ability to come up with something for us. Make it something you can drop in photobucket so folks can get it. I doubt Cryptic would make one for us but it would be cool if they made a patch and a black leather jacket we could put it on. If this goes over really well then a lot of folks will be logging in for the event and spending money in the store so it would serve Cryptic to throw us a bone.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Im always up for any KDF awareness week idea.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • purvee1purvee1 Member Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    patrickngo wrote: »
    so..hmmm...PvP Boot Camp was going before Cryptic signed off on it, maybe the KDF community SHOULD take that page from the PvP'ers and form a KDF week committee (like a ConCom) to organize, promote, and arrange events, and lobby Cryptic for support and a firm date?

    (just floating an idea here...)


    Just a couple of threads down...
  • magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I think some folks misunderstood what I was planning, The Defera Run isnt for KAW3. This is something I thought we could do in addition to KAW. KAW is only once a year so I thought we could do some more stuff to further enhance interest in the KDF faction. The Runs would be short, only 2-3 day events and would be annual events that happen at different times throughout the year. For instance the Defera Run would always be around Valentines Day and would be an annual event that happens every year. I also have planned a run to Bajor in the Summer and New Romulus in the Fall. The Runs would be sort of what we do in my motorcycle club.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Nothing says we cant have more than one KAW........
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My suggestion would be, Once whoever is organising events for Klingon awareness week sets a firm date we can then plan dates for the first Defera run for either the start or the finish of that week. Personally I like the end of the week. To me it'd be fun to start out with some mass killings in Kerrat, Then maybe some raids on some cargo freighters in PI-Canis (to stock up on snacks and adult beverages). Then Maybe swing over Gamma Orionis to to flex our muscles against the Borg Queen. By the end of the week be at Deferra for the Rally.
  • stulpnagelstulpnagel Member Posts: 104 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    there should be more more ship fluidity in the whole omega leonis sector block, not for a week but forever.
  • magnumstarmagnumstar Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I wasn't planning on incorporating the Defera Run with KAW but if thats what folks want then I'm all for it. I was thinking KAW was an annual thing that happend in the Spring or Summer. Last year it was in Aptil, I know this because I helped sponsor some of the events and prizes. Kaw2 was an unofficial event, that is we didnt get any help from Cryptic with any of it. Anyway regardless if KAW3 gets off the ground or not I would still like to make the Defera Run, dates Feb 14-16. Anyway I'm going to need some help getting the word out so please notify your Fleets that this will be happening and I will come up with and post a rough itinerary. I need help getting the word out because it seems the creator of my Fleet doesn't want anything to do with this event. Here's the link to last years Klingon Awareness Week, it will give you some idea on what we did.

  • insanerandomnesinsanerandomnes Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    FINALLY player organized events. Theres a tiny game I used too play that was called Vendetta Online, or VO, which held a weekly race through the different solar systems called the Deneb run, based on the solar system where the race started. I was thinking of organizing a racing league for a while, and even setup a ship made for racing. That race sounds like a lot of fun, might show up in my Garumba.

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