Approaching lvl 40 (tactical) and I am torn between what ship to get. I got a Mirror Qin from a lockbox (in case my ship choice goes south), so I am looking at either the Hegh'ta or the Vo'quv. Both have aspects I like, but I am looking for some outside perspective as to what is better for me.
Time is a funny thing; There is always too much of it. Except when you need it the most, then there is never enough.
Approaching lvl 40 (tactical) and I am torn between what ship to get. I got a Mirror Qin from a lockbox (in case my ship choice goes south), so I am looking at either the Hegh'ta or the Vo'quv. Both have aspects I like, but I am looking for some outside perspective as to what is better for me.
As a Tactical officer, I think the Quin would be more fun at 40. What's better for you is entirely subjective, but here's what I did to what I think was good effect.
By lvl 40 I also had the Mirror Quin Raptor. Other than outward appearance the difference between our version is that they drop a tac duty ensign slot in exchange for an ensign engineer. This subtle difference makes for what I saw as structural bonus in terms of consoles and skills, and best of all - it doesn't cost 120K in dilithium
I built several variations as I started the inevitable grind for dilithium with the space STF's. Ultimately it evolved into a very capable cannon/torp or cannon/mine build. The Tricobalt mine version was fun for a week, but got boring quickly. Seriously... tricobalts are like using dynamite to go fishing.... fun the first time, then after boring.
My Build (pre S7)
3x DHC Disruptors
1x Quantum Torpedo
2 Disruptor Turrets
1x Quantum Torpedo
3x Disruptor Induction Coils (Rare/Blue is fine, and cheap)
1x Zero Point QuantumnChamber (blue again)
1x armour (based on who I was fighting)
2x Neutronium or simular
As for the 2 science slots, these had rotating various consoles from Point Defence to shield emitters. I ended staying with point defence primarily.
Shield batteries
Engine Batteries
The skills focused primarily on cannon RF and Volley, HY and TS for torps, with boffs chosen accordingly.
This basic build worked very well until I could afford a LvL 50 purchase. I completed easily 100+ each on all STF's using this craft before I graduated to my Siege Garumba.
If I were to make any changes post S7, the Omega torpedo is an excellent choice.
Decided on the Vo'quv as my "what if..." choice. Not regretting it.
Slaver + B'rel for hangers
Aft; 2 Plasma turrets, 1 antiproton turret. (plan on making all 3 anti)
Fore; 1 antiproton beam (ship has free subsystem targeting), 1 Har'pengh and 1 tricobalt.
Doing o.k with just 1 lt cmdr tactical station, I got scatter volley for turrets and high yield 3 for the tricobalt. Damage output is far higher than what I do on my fed Tactical. Plus since the Vo'quv has a high shield multiplier, I have just over 12k in shields (Reman mk XI) and almost 48k in hull. Destroyed a Borg Cube in less than 12 seconds, myself included. Haven't got used to the drift the Vo'quv has, and the Hvy tricobalt has a bigger aoe blast than I thought it would.
An RCS console and she is pretty nimble. Science consoles buff my tractor beam/repulsors that my cmdr science station uses.
It's a nice ship, better than I thought it would be.
Time is a funny thing; There is always too much of it. Except when you need it the most, then there is never enough.
I went for the Haj Heavy Bird of Prey. With rapid fire cannons, toprpedo spread on my rapid fire transphasic torpedos, it makes for an evil support vessel. Its great to de-cloak of the stern of an enemy npc or a fed player, unload a barrage of torps and cannon fire, then quickly activate the wide spread cannon volley and high yield torp for the second barrage. This tactic brings much damage to my foes!
It all depends on your fighting style. My fed avatar has a large cruiser, which is slow and lumbering, but its heavily armed. My BoP is for heavy hit and runs. The battle cloak never ceases to be valuable though, especially when your on STF missions, and the queen starts firing her OP weapons at you!
My Haj is fully armed with dual heavy antiproton cannons, and anti proton turret, rapid fire transphasic torpedo and a transphasic cluster torpedo on the rear for good measure. I know that people would say get some quantums or plasmas, but my ship has the "honour guard" kit, so aesthetically it all matches up!
As a Tactical officer, I think the Quin would be more fun at 40. What's better for you is entirely subjective, but here's what I did to what I think was good effect.
By lvl 40 I also had the Mirror Quin Raptor. Other than outward appearance the difference between our version is that they drop a tac duty ensign slot in exchange for an ensign engineer. This subtle difference makes for what I saw as structural bonus in terms of consoles and skills, and best of all - it doesn't cost 120K in dilithium
I built several variations as I started the inevitable grind for dilithium with the space STF's. Ultimately it evolved into a very capable cannon/torp or cannon/mine build. The Tricobalt mine version was fun for a week, but got boring quickly. Seriously... tricobalts are like using dynamite to go fishing.... fun the first time, then after boring.
My Build (pre S7)
3x DHC Disruptors
1x Quantum Torpedo
2 Disruptor Turrets
1x Quantum Torpedo
3x Disruptor Induction Coils (Rare/Blue is fine, and cheap)
1x Zero Point QuantumnChamber (blue again)
1x armour (based on who I was fighting)
2x Neutronium or simular
As for the 2 science slots, these had rotating various consoles from Point Defence to shield emitters. I ended staying with point defence primarily.
Shield batteries
Engine Batteries
The skills focused primarily on cannon RF and Volley, HY and TS for torps, with boffs chosen accordingly.
This basic build worked very well until I could afford a LvL 50 purchase. I completed easily 100+ each on all STF's using this craft before I graduated to my Siege Garumba.
If I were to make any changes post S7, the Omega torpedo is an excellent choice.
Admiral Thrax
Slaver + B'rel for hangers
Aft; 2 Plasma turrets, 1 antiproton turret. (plan on making all 3 anti)
Fore; 1 antiproton beam (ship has free subsystem targeting), 1 Har'pengh and 1 tricobalt.
Doing o.k with just 1 lt cmdr tactical station, I got scatter volley for turrets and high yield 3 for the tricobalt. Damage output is far higher than what I do on my fed Tactical. Plus since the Vo'quv has a high shield multiplier, I have just over 12k in shields (Reman mk XI) and almost 48k in hull. Destroyed a Borg Cube in less than 12 seconds, myself included. Haven't got used to the drift the Vo'quv has, and the Hvy tricobalt has a bigger aoe blast than I thought it would.
An RCS console and she is pretty nimble. Science consoles buff my tractor beam/repulsors that my cmdr science station uses.
It's a nice ship, better than I thought it would be.
It all depends on your fighting style. My fed avatar has a large cruiser, which is slow and lumbering, but its heavily armed. My BoP is for heavy hit and runs. The battle cloak never ceases to be valuable though, especially when your on STF missions, and the queen starts firing her OP weapons at you!
My Haj is fully armed with dual heavy antiproton cannons, and anti proton turret, rapid fire transphasic torpedo and a transphasic cluster torpedo on the rear for good measure. I know that people would say get some quantums or plasmas, but my ship has the "honour guard" kit, so aesthetically it all matches up!