Hello there! I was tooling around the galaxy the other day and decided to engage in some Mirrorverse PVE when it dawned on me; wouldn't it be cool if PWE released an option (C-Store of course) where we can purchase the ability to designate our ship an ISS classification in addition to the already existing USS or NX classes?
Perhaps this could be a bundle of sorts. I'm thinking not only could we classify our ships ISS from the Mirrorverse, but also have the options to add Mirrorverse color designs to our ships as well. And since we're talking bundle, maybe there could be some kind of ground weapon, or perhaps a Mirrorverse cloaking device and maybe some duty officers / ex-Mirrorverse Boff options.
I'm not exactly sure what others might think about this but since I'm a fan of the Mirrorverse and the stories it spawns, this would be a very welcomed addition to the C-Store.
There are already ships that can be designated "ISS":
the Mirror Universe ships from the lockboxes.
I don't think there is any need for non-Mirror-Universe ships to have thie charcteristic.
There are already ships that can be designated "ISS":
the Mirror Universe ships from the lockboxes.
I don't think there is any need for non-Mirror-Universe ships to have thie charcteristic.
I think you missed the point...
Her suggestion would MAKE a "non-Mirror-Universe ship" become a Mirror Universe ship. Having a C-Store option for Mirror skins and I.S.S. designations would have nothing to do with the lockbox ships. Since those ships come in pairs and are the opposite in set up as the "good universe" and therefore they would keep their uniqueness in that way As for a C-Store bundle or option, that would allow us Mirror fans to have the skin/designation for all non lockbox ships.
AND, it would also be for BOTH factions. Fed and KDF. So KDF players can't complain that once again they're getting left out.
And like all C-Store items, if you don't want it... don't buy it.
the Mirror Universe ships from the lockboxes.
I don't think there is any need for non-Mirror-Universe ships to have thie charcteristic.
I think you missed the point...
Her suggestion would MAKE a "non-Mirror-Universe ship" become a Mirror Universe ship. Having a C-Store option for Mirror skins and I.S.S. designations would have nothing to do with the lockbox ships. Since those ships come in pairs and are the opposite in set up as the "good universe" and therefore they would keep their uniqueness in that way As for a C-Store bundle or option, that would allow us Mirror fans to have the skin/designation for all non lockbox ships.
AND, it would also be for BOTH factions. Fed and KDF. So KDF players can't complain that once again they're getting left out.
And like all C-Store items, if you don't want it... don't buy it.