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zmaczzmacz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I wonder...everyone's always thinking stuff like DPS..but my question is...

What's the maximum one player could heal ?

I got 8K+ instants now and like 15K+ HoT's..

Is there someone who can do like double that ?

And with healing I do mean hull healing on aliied ships..
(at maximum aux..125..)

and also...not just single shot..but like ALL over time...

Like you can do an Energy to SIF..once every 15 secs..so if you got like 8K heal,
that would correspond to a total of 533 HoT
A hazard emiitters could do another 8K once every 30 secs.., so 266 Hot..
the one which name I keep forgetting goes like 15K over time..once every minute or so..
For calculation I'll figure it one minute..250 Hot..
that brings me to 1050 HoT total...(that would be 1050 healing each sec on average...
(or more accurate 63000 Hp restored each minute..)

Now...if you use everything at your disposal to increase that number...how high would you get it ? (so...more than 63K health per minute..each and every minute)
Post edited by zmacz on


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    zmaczzmacz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Wow...I didn't expect a 0 reply thread...usually there's at least one answer within like 5 mins...

    Maybe you're all thinking about it yes ?
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Please don't bump... give people some time to get around to answering. Bumping is a form of spamming.

    Sorry I don't have an answer for you, or I'd give you one.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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    trahltrahl Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    With HE3 I've managed 25000 but that's all I really have.

    Ordinarily a hull tank is a bad idea, however. Shield tanking is used so often because it diminishes kinetic damage by 90% while exceeding the hit point regen of a good hull tank.
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    pwstolemynamepwstolemyname Member Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    If you realy want to build a support ship then you should also concern yourself with resistances. A practical support build will include constant use of tactical team so the only healing abilities avaliable to you will be hazard emmiters, transfer shield strength, extend shields and auxilery power to structual integrity field. You could also put attack patern delta on some one to increase their resistances.

    Over healing your target serves no purpose so resistance buffing is the key to keeping a fragile ally alive. For this reason auxilery power to structual integrity field and extend sheilds are the two best support abilities.
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    zmaczzmacz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bluegeek wrote: »
    Please don't bump... give people some time to get around to answering. Bumping is a form of spamming.

    Sorry I don't have an answer for you, or I'd give you one.

    This was no attempt to bump...

    I waited nearly a day..

    The games I used to play would have had several replies by then...

    I guess people prefer playing to talking in here..

    But still no actual reply...

    Back to the point...

    I'm not talking the actual abilities involved, I know them...

    I mean the best outfit for one's ship to increase the repair abilities to the max...

    I'm an engineer..so I know a lot about repairing other ships..
    But the why is more about keeping the transport in No Win alive...
    Thus far I have tried back to back of enginering team, hazard emis, and aux to struct..
    And yes extend shields and transfer shields in combination with TAC..
    But still, when hitting scene 5/6 most of the times the rest of the team gets wiped out too quickly..
    And although I'm able to keep up repairs for another minute or two, I get killed...

    I see regular messages of some people beating the last level of No Win..
    And I'd like to make it that far as well..

    Thanx for your time..
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    praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've got Aux to SIF 3 at around 11-12k and EngTeam 3 at around 15-16k. I forget what Hazards is at.

    Three ways to bump your healing:
    - SIF Generator Consoles (Engineering)
    - A proper Deflector
    - EPtAux DOffs. You can stack 3 of these and they really send your heals (all of them, not just Aux-based ones) through the roof.

    The Vesta's Fermion Generator is an awesome heal as well and benefits from all of the above. Think of it as a Hazards 4.5 and Transfer Shield Strength 4.5... with a longer duration.
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