Some corrections concerning the Fleet Assault Cruiser:
1) Actual Boff layout is
Cmdr Eng
LtCmdr Tac
Lt Eng (not Lt Tac)
Lt Uni
Ens Tac (not Ens Eng)
2) Cost is 4 fleet modules (1 with discount), not 5
3) Power boost is +10 weapons, +5 to others. Not +5 to all.
4) It is actually named the Fleet Assault Cruiser Refit, signifying the fact that the Assault Cruiser Refit (Regent) provides the module discount.
Correction concerning Fleet Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit:
Cost is 5 fleet modules (1 with discount), not 4
Cheers! Looks like I didn't update it after the blog first came out with the wrong results! xD
I've also clarified that any normal ship with a special console can be used on any existing counterpart of that ship (eg. Ablative Armour on the Fleet Intrepid)
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
I've also clarified that any normal ship with a special console can be used on any existing counterpart of that ship (eg. Ablative Armour on the Fleet Intrepid)
Hmm, may cause slight confusion between Special Consoles or Weapons that are ship-restricted (e.g. Ablative Armour) and those which are not restricted (e.g. Wide Angle Quantum). Perhaps distinguish between these two categories with formatting?
Hmm, may cause slight confusion between Special Consoles or Weapons that are ship-restricted (e.g. Ablative Armour) and those which are not restricted (e.g. Wide Angle Quantum). Perhaps distinguish between these two categories with formatting?
Good suggestion, I'll plant italics on the ship it can be used on (eg. Fleet Intrepid can use Ablative Armour but it doesn't come with it) and leave the normal ones in standard format.
The Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit Special is actually the transwarp ability to warp to any sector, not the console, but I'll add the console to the Retrofit, not the fleet one (like I did with the Assault Cruiser Refit listing the 180 Quantum Torpedo, but didn't put it on the Fleet version).
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Updated the Spreadsheet with the following changes:-
Updated the following ship stats
Battlecruiser Retrofit
Renamed to Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit
Added stats to the following ships:-
Support Cruiser Retrofit
Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit
Also updated the "Ship Comparison Tab" with this ship, to compare the Support Cruiser Retrofit with the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, Assault Cruiser Refit and Odyssey Star Cruiser.
I have also compared the Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit with the K't'inga Battlecruiser Retrofit, Vor'cha Battlecruiser Retrofit and Negh'var Heavy Battle Cruiser.
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
I'm showing the inertia rating on my D'Kora at 40. Also, the bonus power levels for it depend on if it's in Battle Mode, or Defensive Mode. I don't really know how you want to handle that last one.
This is also true for the Vet ships. When the console is activated there is a shift in stats and power. +5 to Weapons and +30 to Targeting (accuracy).
I also think there is an innate +10 to weapons with this ship but can't confirm it, just eyeballing my power levels puts me over 125 when set to 95 and only 3 in weapons performance and using the borg console.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Seven of Eleven
"live long enough to be assimilated, resistance is futile"
This is also true for the Vet ships. When the console is activated there is a shift in stats and power. +5 to Weapons and +30 to Targeting (accuracy).
I also think there is an innate +10 to weapons with this ship but can't confirm it, just eyeballing my power levels puts me over 125 when set to 95 and only 3 in weapons performance and using the borg console.
I chose to use the innate power bonuses that the dev blog specified, but if it changes, then it doesn't matter then
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Updated the Spreadsheet with the following changes:-
Updated the listing order of all ships across all tabs
Updated the following ship stats
Fleet B'rel Bird-of-Prey Retrofit
Renamed to B'rel Fleet Bird-of-Prey Retrofit
Added the following ships to the following tabs:-
Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit
Fed Ships
Fleet Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit
KDF Ships
I apologise for any incovenience I caused anyone during the reordering of the spreadsheet
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Updated the Spreadsheet with the following changes:-
Updated the following ship stats
Battlecruiser Retrofit
Renamed to Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit
Added stats to the following ships:-
Support Cruiser Retrofit
Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit
Also updated the "Ship Comparison Tab" with this ship, to compare the Support Cruiser Retrofit with the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, Assault Cruiser Refit and Odyssey Star Cruiser.
I have also compared the Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit with the K't'inga Battlecruiser Retrofit, Vor'cha Battlecruiser Retrofit and Negh'var Heavy Battle Cruiser.
Are you going to add the Yamaguchi and K'Maj to your spreadsheet?
Are you going to add the Yamaguchi and K'Maj to your spreadsheet?
Check my previous post
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Updated the Spreadsheet with the Following Changes:-
Updated the following ship stats
Aquarius Destroyer
Shield Modifier updated from 0.66 to 0.85
Fleet Aquarius Destroyer
Shield Modifier updated from 0.72 to 0.94
K't'inga Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.85 to 1.0
Fleet K't'inga Battle Cruiser Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.94 to 1.1
Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.85 to 1.0
Fleet Heavy Cruiser Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.94 to 1.1
Escort Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.7 to 0.9
Fleet Escort Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.77 to 0.99
Scourge Destroyer Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.83 to 0.9
Fleet Scourge Destroyer Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.92 to 0.99
Fleet Norgh Bird-of-Prey Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.66 to 0.88
Somraw Raptor Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.65 to 0.83
Fleet Somraw Raptor Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 0.71 to 0.92
Science Vessel Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 1.01 to 1.3
Fleet Science Vessel Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 1.11 to 1.43
Research Science Vessel Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 1.1 to 1.3
Fleet Research Science Vessel Retrofit
Shield Modifier updated from 1.22 to 1.43
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Updated the Spreadsheet with the Following Changes:-
Updated the following ship stats
Fleet Norgh Bird-of-Prey Retrofit
Base Hull updated from 16,500 to 24,750
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Updated the Spreadsheet with the following changes:-
Added the following ships to the following tabs:-
Andorian Kumari
Fed Ships
Andorian Charal
Fed Ships
Andorian Khyzon
Fed Ships
Also updated the Ship Comparisons tab to include these three ship varients alongside the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship, Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier, Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier, Mobius Temporal Destroyer and the Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit.
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
The "Marauder Patrol Cruiser" is now called the "Marauder Flight Deck Cruiser" iirc. It also has a crew of 2000, not 1200.
Play my missions on Holodeck! Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series) Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series) Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
First of all great, spreadsheet. This certainly is a great start to getting a Starship comparison database up and running. Thank you for the creation and maintentance of the sheet.
I have a MVAM Advanced Escort - Prometheus Class - crew size should read 150 not 200.
It seems they nerfed the Fleet Patrol Escort Refit. Instead of a 1.045 Shield Modifier, it now has a .99. At least that's what it says in my fleet ship requisition.
It seems they nerfed the Fleet Patrol Escort Refit. Instead of a 1.045 Shield Modifier, it now has a .99. At least that's what it says in my fleet ship requisition.
You do know you just raised up a post from a year and a half ago? Things might have changed. :rolleyes:
I would like to see the flight deck carriers added as a seperate part of the carrier tab.
New home of the Romulan Republic.
I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
Don't forget the Risa 2x Ships, too add to your list.
I like list that this, so you can see how the ships compare. Note for you if you can shade each color entry so one can stand out from each entry. That's what I use to do for Cisco Catalyst Network Switches on GOV Campus Farm which had over 5,000 of them. STO with star ships might peak there soon!
Thanks for your spreadsheet and your time effort putting this all together for us all!
Cheers! Looks like I didn't update it after the blog first came out with the wrong results! xD
I've also clarified that any normal ship with a special console can be used on any existing counterpart of that ship (eg. Ablative Armour on the Fleet Intrepid)
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Hmm, may cause slight confusion between Special Consoles or Weapons that are ship-restricted (e.g. Ablative Armour) and those which are not restricted (e.g. Wide Angle Quantum). Perhaps distinguish between these two categories with formatting?
Good suggestion, I'll plant italics on the ship it can be used on (eg. Fleet Intrepid can use Ablative Armour but it doesn't come with it) and leave the normal ones in standard format.
The Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit Special is actually the transwarp ability to warp to any sector, not the console, but I'll add the console to the Retrofit, not the fleet one (like I did with the Assault Cruiser Refit listing the 180 Quantum Torpedo, but didn't put it on the Fleet version).
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Also updated the "Ship Comparison Tab" with this ship, to compare the Support Cruiser Retrofit with the Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, Assault Cruiser Refit and Odyssey Star Cruiser.
I have also compared the Kamarag Battlecruiser Retrofit with the K't'inga Battlecruiser Retrofit, Vor'cha Battlecruiser Retrofit and Negh'var Heavy Battle Cruiser.
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
This is also true for the Vet ships. When the console is activated there is a shift in stats and power. +5 to Weapons and +30 to Targeting (accuracy).
I also think there is an innate +10 to weapons with this ship but can't confirm it, just eyeballing my power levels puts me over 125 when set to 95 and only 3 in weapons performance and using the borg console.
"live long enough to be assimilated, resistance is futile"
I chose to use the innate power bonuses that the dev blog specified, but if it changes, then it doesn't matter then
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
I apologise for any incovenience I caused anyone during the reordering of the spreadsheet
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Are you going to add the Yamaguchi and K'Maj to your spreadsheet?
Check my previous post
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Cryptic needs to seriously improve their fleet versions and fix the cstore version consoles...or change them into something that is actually useful.
Are they on their under a different name?
Yamaguchi is the Fleet Support Cruiser Retrofit, row 13.
Fleet Kamarag is row 25 on the KDF sheet, row 83 on the Comparison one.
Thanks again for your work!
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Also updated the Ship Comparisons tab to include these three ship varients alongside the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship, Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier, Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier, Mobius Temporal Destroyer and the Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit.
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
Return of Ja'Dok Series (6 Part Series)
Enemy of the Exile Series (4 Part Series)
Task Force Ja'Dok Series (3 Part Series)
::WARNING:: This game is not intended for use as a source of self-esteem.
First of all great, spreadsheet. This certainly is a great start to getting a Starship comparison database up and running. Thank you for the creation and maintentance of the sheet.
I have a MVAM Advanced Escort - Prometheus Class - crew size should read 150 not 200.
Thanks - DiRozzo
You do know you just raised up a post from a year and a half ago? Things might have changed. :rolleyes:
I have an idea for what Season 11 should be; Season 11: The Big Bug Fix.
I have not been able to read my bug tickets in over a year, not even the tickets about not being able to see my tickets.
I find the drama of your signature proof of your immaturity, this means you, DR whiners.
I like list that this, so you can see how the ships compare. Note for you if you can shade each color entry so one can stand out from each entry. That's what I use to do for Cisco Catalyst Network Switches on GOV Campus Farm which had over 5,000 of them. STO with star ships might peak there soon!
Thanks for your spreadsheet and your time effort putting this all together for us all!
Time will only tell!