Hey guys, I recently bought myself a Mobius and am wondering if dropping major Lobi on the full Temporal Warfare Set is worth the price of admission. I'm intrigued by its set power and the insane maneuver/cooldown bonuses it gets when equipped on a Mobius or Wells.
I know the Tachyokinetic console is definitely worth the buy, as it's useful on any ship, but the weapons worry me that they'll cut into my damage potential, since the Mobius is basically an escort, and like any escort, it tends to work best mostly mounting cannons.
I mean, I'm not especially concerned with maximum optimization or PVP, but I'm just trying to make sure I don't gimp myself and can carry my weight in Elite STFs and Fleet actions.
Here's my initial build thoughts (with the set):
Shield/Engine/Deflector: MACO/Borg/Borg + Borg console (I know it's not in that set anymore)
Fore Weapons: Antiproton DHC x 3, Chroniton Dual Beam Array (it says it's an array, but the stats say it's a beam bank) Aft: Antiproton Turret x2, Temporal Disruption DeviceConsoles:
Ablative/Neutronium Armor x1, Tachyokinetic Converter
Sci: F
ield Generator x2, Borg Console, Zero-point Energy Console
Antiproton Mag Regulator x4BoffsCder Tac: Tactical Team 1, Cannon Scatter (considering switching to Torp Spread/High Yield to take advantage of TDD), Attack Pattern Beta 2, Rapid Fire 3 (considering switching Beta to Omega 3 and CRF3 to CRF2)
Lt Tac: Tactical Team 1, Cannon Rapid Fire 1 1
En Eng: Emer. Power Shields 1
Ltc Universal (Sci):: Transfer Shield 1, Haz. Emitters 2, Grav Well 1
Lt Universal (eng): Emer Power Shields 1, Reverse Shield Polarity 1
Doffs: (unoptimized, I know, but I can't afford better ones at the moment)
Blue Energy Weapons Officer (Cannon Ability Cooldown boost)
Green Shield Distribution Officer (Shield Regen on Brace for Impact)
Blue Gravimetric Scientist (Shockwave on Gravity Well)
Blue Warp Core Technician (Additional Power on Emergency Subsystem abilities)
What do you think, guys? Should I splurge 600 lobi?
The rest of the set is... okay? But the set bonus isn't worth the monetary cost.
If you're already using Antiprotons, then it can be a neat damage augment but who uses chroniton torpedoes?
The beam is pretty and has a unique proc (2.5% chance slow speed and turn) but a very rare beam of any type and same level has more base damage. Its does anitproton dmg so to get the max out of it from tactical consoles you'd also need antiproton weapons. The disruption device is a great tricobalt torpedo when used with high yield but it doesn't do chroniton damage. So if you have 2/3 of the set the bonus 25% chroniton dmg is pretty useless. Unless you put in a chroniton torpedo or chroniton mine, which deal subpar dmg in comparison to other types of torpedos and mines. To make good use of the weapons you'd need beam overload and torpedo high yield. Which take up slots better used for your cannons or attack patterns.
If you want dps your better off using other builds. Its just too unwieldy to place the 2 weapons on your ship slots and a HY or BO on your Boff slots. I have to admit though the 3/3 set bonus power is great. A 4 km radius affect that reduces enemies movement, turn rate and power recharge while it does the opposite for you + reduces ability cooldowns. Although its a 5 min cooldown.
I've tried many different builds to maximize the dps with the temporal set and I've found that the best layout parsing the most dps was; Fore: 2 DHC, TDD, DBB Aft: 3 turrets with the Lt. C. universal slot as a tactical boff so you will have room for cannon and attack pattern abilities PLUS a HY and BO ability and the Lt. Universal as a sci boff for Hazard emitters.
And definitely get the Tachyokinetic console it very usefull on all ships.
I use 2 MK XII purple DHC AP cannons, the Chroniton DBB, MK XII Adv Fleet Chroniton Torp launcher at the front, 2 MK XII purple AP turrets, Borg Cutting Beam, Temporal Disruption Device at the aft.
I'm a Joined Trill Eng so I'm using the full MACO MK XII Adapted set
Tac- 3 MK XII blue AntiProton Mag Regulators, Zero Point Energy console
Eng- Neutronium Alloy MK XII blue, Theta Radiation console, Tachyokinetic console
Sci- Borg Console, MK XII blue Emitter Array, MK XI purple Particle Generator
Does this mean you're basically abandoning Engineering except for the solo ensign slot? My liberated borg lady will be sad :P
This is incorrect - As with season 7 the damage of the TDD was changed to chroniton and now does get the damage boost with the 2/3 set. I am at work right now but I can take some screenshots later that show a boost with the set as compared to no set.
What I am curious is, what are people doing for point allocations, having that Uni LTC gives us (tacs) the chance to play with Grav Well or EWP and other control-ish abilities... Any Tacs actually respecing a bit to make sure of Grav Part/Gens to boost abilities like Grav Well?
I also have the full Temporal Warfare set and both Temporal ship consoles. However, I stopped using the Manheim Device since it is too big a liability in its present form. I did not bother re-spec'ing on my tac for GW or any other sci abilities since our cannons and torps do the best talking
Regarding the Chroniton Beam Bank -- it is worth while to use with Antiproton DHC's since its proc slows the target dramatically, thereby cutting defense rating and ramping up damage while slowed. It also hits hard with +40% crit severity (my tac is spec'd for optimum criticals).
My Mobius uses the following gear:
Full Mk Borg Set (Mk XI or XII)
Forward Weapons: Chroniton DBB + 2 AP DHC's + 1 Quantum (PVP) or Romulan Hyper-plasma launcher (PVE)
Aft Weapons: 1 AP Turret + 1 Cutting Beam + 1 Temporal Disruption Device
Devices: Red Matter Capacitor, Subspace Field Modulator
Engineering: 1 Rule 62 Multipurpose Combat Console, 1 Zero Point Energy Conduit
Science: 1 Tipler Cylinder, 1 Tychyokinetic Converter, 1 Field Generator, 1 Universal Assimilated Module
Tactical: 4 AP Mag Regulators
The ship enjoys 8.9% base critical hit chance without any buffs. It routinely placed 1st in fleet actions while I was using it. However, now I'm running a Breen Chel Grett warship with full plasma weapons to test out the latest Romulan faction gear.
Wait, was the Chroniton DBB changed since its STO entry? The STO screen of the tooltip says the Chroniton DBB is an antiproton weapon. And for the record I've never heard of a non-projectile weapon that does Chroniton damage. Then again, they DID just release a beam that does kinetic, so all's fair in love and MMOs, I guess.
It's always been an anti-proton weapon with a chroniton-style slow effect. Yes, it is the only direct-damage weapon with a slowing-proc at this time.
That chrono weapon will change the face of battle. I kinda like where all this is going. When a certain type of play style becomes over used. They either invent another weapon type or they nerf it (I really hate nerfing, did you guys see what they did to the Doffs? So Sad...) Anyhow they are trying to force out the dog fighting style that most seem to think is op with pets and weapons like these eventually DHC's will become a liability and more exotic builds will have it's day in the sun.