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Help me build THE PVP Fed.

ferowsiferowsi Member Posts: 21 Arc User
edited January 2013 in PvP Gameplay
I want to create a Federation character that is the ultimate destroyer.

I was thinking a Engineering or Science character with a Fleet Aquarius Destroyer vessel.

Beyond that I have no clue, haha, Help?

I do want it to be a fast attack, obliterator of ships.
Post edited by ferowsi on


  • guriphuguriphu Member Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sounds like you want a tac. Sci has sort of that role, but only in a team setting, setting up kills for the team to finish, rather than blasting them through on your own. (Tacs, by comparison, wait for the team to set up a kill, then make with the shooty.)

    The two passives you will need are Accurate and Evasive. The other two don't particularly matter, so you can pick whatever species you want. Alien, with it's potential 4 space passives, will have a tiny edge over most species, which have a maximum of 3, but the difference is minimal. Alien also has the most dress-up options, and is therefore super OP in at Fashion v Fashion.

    There are plenty of guides to setting up a tactical officer for pvp, and they all follow the "super ultra mega spike damage" path, so I won't go into that. Instead, I will just leave you with two things:

    1: The Aquarius Destroyer is too fragile for PvP. Get a Fleet Patrol Escort, a Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier, a Fleet Advanced Escort, or if you can afford it, a Jem Hadar Bug.

    2: Join a PvP fleet. STO is not a solo game, and you can't learn very much from guides and forum posts.
  • aquitaine985aquitaine985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    All player types are equally useful in PVP, you just have to know what each is capable of. Cruisers don't "destroy" thing per-say, but they do make sure it's allies escorts can do their job, for example.

    If you're going down the escort path, don't try an Aquarius. It's just awful. While it's turn-rate is great that's pretty much it. Not to mention it'll cost you 4 or 5 fleet ship modules just to get one...

    Have a look at all the escorts available, their all good at something. Personally I go for either the Defiant or the Jemmy for aggressiveness.

    As guriphu said below, consider a PVP fleet to join it too, or at least hang out with. You're welcome to hang with us ;) and get a few tips.

    Good luck!
    Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
    A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
    2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
  • zarathos1978zarathos1978 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    For PvP you may try a sci or tac in tactical Vesta with MES III and VM III and Aux cannons (with high shield/aux power setup). It will require quite specific gameplay, with your ship being sort of F-22 (or BoP) which strikes and vanishes, no dogfights etc. but I think it could work.

    But this will be either a lone wolf ship for Ker'rat or for a team that you know really well and played with for long time, othervise it would be rather squishy ship, as you will need to dedicate the two highest sci slots for stealth and offensive powers and the universal lt.cmdr for tactical to get CRF II and HYT II.

    And, of course, some real money or long grind to get Vesta in three pack (3x Aux cannons).

    I played with simmilar idea - just for MVAE. Worked pretty well, but the ship was extremely squishy, I think worse then BOP as you needed full Aux to MES and full Weapon power for cannons and could not swith the power as the ship relied on Alphas and hit-run tactics.

    But for killing it worked pretty well in Ker'rat and C&H - quite a BoP hunter. Loved to kill them when they were decloaking for Alpha strike not realizing that my black MVAE was nearby :D

    For PUGer as myself it was pretty useless in Arenas.

    It should work with Vesta a little better cause of Aux cannons and more capable shielding, but then Vesta is less manoeuvrable then MVAE so who knows.
  • ferowsiferowsi Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Tactical vesta? isn't that slow as heck?
    And isn't the defiant squishy? or is there a fleet/c-shop version of it that ups its beefiness?
  • cliftona91cliftona91 Member Posts: 254
    edited January 2013
    The Vesta isn't slow, it doesn't even come close to being slow. Now Carriers, or at least the Fat Vo'quv and Kitty Carrier, those are slow.

    As for a Defiant being squishy, built wrong, they are squishy (actually they are crunchy, not squishy, like salad croutons), but we all have seen or flown Defiants that moved so fast, it seemed like they were taking a severe beating when really, everything coming at them just missed completely. So built right, they aren't so easily destroyed.

    As for what ship you would want to fulfill how you want to play, Escorts are what you need to look at. Which one you pick depends on which one you like the best.

    For more durability, go for the Patrol Escort or the Fleet Patrol Escort, or the Escort Retrofit or Fleet variant (they are the Saber class ships you get at Tier 2, just beefed up to Tier 5 standards). These ships have more Engineering console slots and more wiggle room with Engineering Bridge Officers.

    For more Science tricks, the Advanced Escort, Multi-Vector Advanced Escort, or the Fleet Advanced Escort is the ship for you. They are less durable than the previous ships I mentioned, but have more Science Consoles and Science Bridge Officer slots, and you can slot some Science heals to make up for lost Engineering power.

    For sheer destructive power, the Tactical Escort Retrofit or the Fleet Version is your ship. The Fleet Version even possesses 5 Tactical Consoles. That is a lot of damage to be unleashing on your enemies, and they can be slotted with the Cloaking Console for surprise Alpha's.

    You should not get the Aquarius, it is severely gimped. It is squishy as hell, possesses fewer weapons than other Escorts, and although it has more Engineering consoles and universal slots, it's weak hull and shields, and no battle cloak (which is the only thing that keeps the Bird of Prey's on the Klingon side from being terrible ships), make this possibly the worst Escort in the game.

    And I doubt you will have the money to purchase the Jem'hadar Attack Ship, hence why I didn't mention it in the Escorts to choose list.
  • ferowsiferowsi Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The t4 ship defiant or the refit?
  • illcadiaillcadia Member Posts: 1,414 Bug Hunter
    edited January 2013
    If you're going the 'alien tac all space traits' road (which is a solid option, mind), or even 'alien, [any career]', you basically need the following traits:

    Accurate (+accuracy is very solid)
    Elusive (+defense is actually pretty hard to get, outside of 'going really fast')

    Outside of these traits, there's 'Efficient Captain', which is a solid investment, or my personal favourite:

    +10 Starship Sensors
    +10 Starship Flow Capacitors
    +10 Starship Particle Generator

    Which is a solid boost, even if you aren't running a science heavy build.

    Another Fed or KDF option is to play as a "Joined Trill". While trill have a mandatory ground trait (Hyper metabolism), Joined Trill also offer the following, which is very solid for space PVP:

    Joined Symbiote
    +3.3 Starship Hull Repair
    +3.3 Starship Shield Emitters
    +3.3 Starship Weapons Training
    +3.3 Starship Warp Core Potential
    +6.7 Starship Graviton Generators
    +6.7 Starship Particle Generator
    +6.7 Starship Subspace Decompiler
  • rudiefix1rudiefix1 Member Posts: 420
    edited January 2013
    Best "destroyer" in game is not from federation side :D

    @rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
    @rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
    @rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
  • cliftona91cliftona91 Member Posts: 254
    edited January 2013
    ferowsi wrote: »
    The t4 ship defiant or the refit?

    My posted said Retrofit, the one with the cloaking device, not the one with Quad Phaser cannons
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have used the three pack Vesta combined into one ship for PVP before. I performed surprisingly well in it and even managed to take out a FED ship with the primary beam weapon (drained its shields and hull with cannons a blazing - remember, the dual cannons on this ship is 405 each in destructive power). I think the other powers associated with this ship can also come in handy if you have a good team and communication.

    I own the Defiant retrofit with cloaking device.... I picked it up on sale a while back for 16$! Admittedly, despite being a tact captain and jumping into this game without having read everything first I was overwhelmed by the ship. Sounds silly, I know but it is extremely agile (compared to cruisers) and my builds for this ship keep falling short. That being said, the moral of the story is to read everything and anything and if you have real PVP'ers willing to help out and give advice, my god man listen! :D

    My only complaint about the Defiant is that the cloaking device is that you cannot re-cloak once you have engaged in battle which, frankly, sucks as that would help somewhat in escaping the teaming mass of Klingons converging on your location to wipe you out.
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • edited January 2013
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  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    This is painfully true! Evul Klinguns!:mad:

    now that i got the maco shield on it, its true! the fed version was a good deal more resilient compared to the kdf version, having the all impotent maco and a higher shield mod. but ya kdf vet ship FTW now. :D
  • edited January 2013
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  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited January 2013
    now that ive spent some time with the steamrunner.... i think the opening poster should spend a little time in that ship....

    it is VERY sci weak...only 1 ens sci power....but...

    2 lt engineering boffs in a ship that has a cmdr and ltcm tac boffs does give it a very tanky feel....and great burst options

    have fun kill bad guys
  • ferowsiferowsi Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm saving up for the defiant right now! Thank you all for your help.

    As for the Steamrunner, when Cryptic releases torpedoes that can be fired above the 10 KM range(A pipe dream I know), I'll get the Steamrunner.

    If you've played the Star Trek RTS you'll know why, the Steamrunner was a torpedo boat and I loved that little ship. I went tac with my original human stfo because I thought I could get the steamrunner.
  • thishorizonthishorizon Member Posts: 1,158
    edited January 2013
    ferowsi wrote: »
    I'm saving up for the defiant right now! Thank you all for your help.

    As for the Steamrunner, when Cryptic releases torpedoes that can be fired above the 10 KM range(A pipe dream I know), I'll get the Steamrunner.

    If you've played the Star Trek RTS you'll know why, the Steamrunner was a torpedo boat and I loved that little ship. I went tac with my original human stfo because I thought I could get the steamrunner.

    fear not sir!

    i can show you how to build that steamie to tank like a boss, and deliver amazing alphas....

    sturdier than the defiant....not as punchy as the jem hadar... and no need for torps!

    pm @CaptainHorizon in game!

    have fun kill bad guys
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