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The Klingon level change is awesome...

picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User
So I tried to start a Klingon... way back when. Leveling was INSANE. If I had to do that little Alpha/Bravo sorty thing even one more time I was going to scoop my own eyes out with a rusty spoon.

But I think they raised the starting level of the Klingon character so that you can do all the featured episodes almost right off the bat to level. AND... IT... IS... AMAZING.

Is it true that all the episodes are only available like this for a limited time? Because it should deff be a 24/7 way to level your Klingon character. You get awesome XP, enjoy the stories, and get some quite good leveling gear along the way. Much better than Alpha/Bravo Alpha/Bravo Alpha/Bravo Alpha/Bravo Alpha/Bravo Alpha/Bravo Alpha/Bravo Alpha/Bravo in any case.

So all this new content is really good I think it should be available all the time. What reason is there to restrict it?
Post edited by picardtheiii on


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    tatyanasergeitatyanasergei Member Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The missions are available all the time. Only certain mission rewards are limited time only.
    Centurion Tenir - R.R.W. Taldor
    Legacy of Romulus, Round One Closed Beta Tester
    "The Republic may need to work with Starfleet and the Klingons now, but trust neither of them."
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    voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    As Stated, The Featured Episodes are part of the overall story of the game, they don't go away.

    What the reruns are are two things. First, when the episodes were first introduced (the individual story arcs not the system itself) they gave out unique rewards for completion. I forget all of them, but I know the Reman officer is one, as is the Shard of Possibilties for completion the Romulan and 2800 series respectively. After the Rerun period ends. These prizes will no longer be awarded (until the next rerun).

    The second thing is after the introduction of Lobi, they hid a single lobi crystal in each episode. There are accolades for finding the hidden lobi. Admittedly you don't get much but it is a nice addition for those who don't like the lockboxes.

    I recently ran a new toon in the spectres one, and got all the lobi and the first time reward on my first run through, was pretty cool.
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    therealtedtherealted Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    There was once a time, before the starting level was raised, when a young KDFer could start the Featured Episodes right out of the gate and keep him/her/itself happily busy until the first KDF-specific mission became available.

    Then it was decided that the KDF experience needed to be "re-leveled" - which meant level-gating the FEs so that folks like you only had the sorties for their early PvE experience.

    It was a good thing. I'm sure of it. "They" told me so.
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    alexhurlbutalexhurlbut Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    downside; you don't get to start with the starter B'rel BOP anymore. Making it for any KDF player who had one from start and still has it a real prize. (albeit a Tier 1 prize)
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    harryhausenharryhausen Member Posts: 148 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Sorties!? You had sorties!?

    I levelled my Klingon main at launch, and PVPed all the way to BG1.

    Now get off my lawn, you kids!


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