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Torpedo madness

xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I'm sure that some of you have already tried this, but I thought this was kind of an interesting build that people might like to give a shot. This is in no way a "nerf" video, this build does about as much damage as my conventional builds.

This is just a quick video showcasing an Omega & Hyper Plasma launcher w/ 3 purple projectile Doffs in a CSE pug.


Please excuse the crudeness of the video editing.

I should have hit Brace for Impact! Probably would have died regardless.
Post edited by xantris on


  • lakenoplakenop Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    xantris wrote: »
    I'm sure that some of you have already tried this, but I thought this was kind of an interesting build that people might like to give a shot. This is in no way a "nerf" video, this build does about as much damage as my conventional builds.

    This is just a quick video showcasing an Omega & Hyper Plasma launcher w/ 3 purple projectile Doffs in a CSE pug.


    Please excuse the crudeness of the video editing.

    I should have hit Brace for Impact! Probably would have died regardless.

    I approve.
  • topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I look forward to testing this out when I hit T5 rep, good work sir.

    As an aisde, it's nice to see the standard of PUGs increasing - while it's still not perfect I remember when running a public CSE was completely pointless and tantamount to failing within a few minutes. I've been running with the ESTF & Fleet lot for so long I'd forgotten pugs still existed :D

    What's the general standard like these days?
    Kirk's Protege.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    topset wrote: »
    I look forward to testing this out when I hit T5 rep, good work sir.

    As an aisde, it's nice to see the standard of PUGs increasing - while it's still not perfect I remember when running a public CSE was completely pointless and tantamount to failing within a few minutes. I've been running with the ESTF & Fleet lot for so long I'd forgotten pugs still existed :D

    What's the general standard like these days?

    If you do good damage and pay attention and are a solid player, you can carry 95% of space based pugs to optionals. Otherwise, you end up complaining about rainbow beam boats failing missions for you in the "worst STFS thread".. You'll notice the rainbow chel'gret beamboat that flys by me @ 7:00, the quality of the average player hasn't changed much at all.
  • vesolcvesolc Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    topset wrote: »
    I look forward to testing this out when I hit T5 rep, good work sir.

    As an aisde, it's nice to see the standard of PUGs increasing - while it's still not perfect I remember when running a public CSE was completely pointless and tantamount to failing within a few minutes. I've been running with the ESTF & Fleet lot for so long I'd forgotten pugs still existed :D

    What's the general standard like these days?

    Actually, it's worse. This is all ones mans job. GJ xantris
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have been trying to build something like that for days and failed. Your version looks like it works and is fun. Could you explain the build?
    From what I can tell you have Torp spread 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp spread 3, Pattern beta 3.
    Unknown, Pattern Beta 2, Scatter volley 3.

    What is that unknown skill? At the start of the vide you press 4 skills on the top tray. Pattern Alpha I know but what are the others? Are those tac skills and are they vital for the build? I am an Eng pilot.

    Do you use torpedo or DHC weapon damage boosting consoles? Do you use the set that boosts Hvy plasma torps or the set that boost all torp damage or something else?
    Thanks for the video.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    I have been trying to build something like that for days and failed. Your version looks like it works and is fun. Could you explain the build?
    From what I can tell you have Torp spread 1, Scatter Volley 1, Torp spread 3, Pattern beta 3.
    Unknown, Pattern Beta 2, Scatter volley 3.

    What is that unknown skill? At the start of the vide you press 4 skills on the top tray. Pattern Alpha I know but what are the others? Are those tac skills and are they vital for the build? I am an Eng pilot.

    Do you use torpedo or DHC weapon damage boosting consoles? Do you use the set that boosts Hvy plasma torps or the set that boost all torp damage or something else?
    Thanks for the video.


    Tac Cmdr: TS1, APB1, CSV2, ABP3
    Tac LtCmdr: TT1, CSV I, CSV2

    Two conn tac team doffs so you can cycle TT1 off a single ens slot.

    You could probably swap atb1 and csv2 and do more overall damage, but I just kept my BO layout from my single torp setup.

    The trays up top are tac skills, they obviously help a lot, but no they are not vital. You'll still do more damage than 90% of players in a pug as an engineer as long as you know what you are doing.

    I use Plasma infuser consoles with Romulan weapons.. They buff the burns(not the proc, but the built in plasma burn) on the Omega and Hyper Plasma as well as my cannons. An no, no torp sets. I use two piece Omega for tet gliders and two piece adapted Borg for Omega amplifier. You actually do more damage with a third turret instead of the cutting beam, but I like it for shooting down heavy torps... And cuz it's a lazor.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,259 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have been having loads of fun with your setup but is it a bug that you get this many torps http://imageshack.us/f/210/plasmazx.jpg/

    I was just in PvP testing what you posted.
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    I have been having loads of fun with your setup but is it a bug that you get this many torps http://imageshack.us/f/210/plasmazx.jpg/

    I was just in PvP testing what you posted.

    Nope, it happens when you launch a Ts3 and/or proc your projectile boffs multiple times in sequence.
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