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Regarding alts in new rep system

nathanaeljenathanaelje Member Posts: 10 Arc User
Does anyone still use alts? Since S7 release I have found it difficult to keep up with the main character on my account. Tomorrow I'll hit tier 5, with alts mostly on tier 1 and I just think it's a stupidly large amount of work to get other toons to the same tier.
I hope the Devs think up an easier way to keep alts on par with the main character on an account, but until then I feel like alts are dead.
Anyone else have thoughts on the matter?
Post edited by nathanaelje on


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    zahinderzahinder Member Posts: 2,382 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I do think reputation creates a 'cost' to max out alts.

    Then again, you can do the vast majority of content without the reputation rewards, so...
    Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH

    Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?

    Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?

    Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
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    darkstarkiriandarkstarkirian Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    zahinder wrote: »
    I do think reputation creates a 'cost' to max out alts.

    Then again, you can do the vast majority of content without the reputation rewards, so...


    the only content excluded with rep is the 5 New Romulus missions. The rest of the game is unaffected, content wise.

    Just want that MkXII Flamethrower... :D
    [SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
    Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
    Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
    Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
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    azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It took a good portion of my free time, but I juggled around 6 characters and now I can finally relax as they are now unlocking Tier 5 Rom and Omega reputation.

    And with the Romulan reptuation, I'll have the entire store unlocked so I don't have to bother with the Romulans anymore (not going to bother with their space sets). And Omega gear unlocks is going back to normal status and can do when I have the time.

    So after the Winter Event, I can relax (grinding DL, Rom, Omega, and Fleet marks was / is incredibly stressful).
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    picardtheiiipicardtheiii Member Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It took a good portion of my free time, but I juggled around 6 characters and now I can finally relax as they are now unlocking Tier 5 Rom and Omega reputation.

    And with the Romulan reptuation, I'll have the entire store unlocked so I don't have to bother with the Romulans anymore (not going to bother with their space sets). And Omega gear unlocks is going back to normal status and can do when I have the time.

    So after the Winter Event, I can relax (grinding DL, Rom, Omega, and Fleet marks was / is incredibly stressful).

    Lol, wow. Well I applaud your dedication. Sounds more like work than play though! It's all I can do to do everything I want to do on my main each day. Without the ability to redo my traits I've been tempted to roll an alt but just haven't been able to make the commitment. I'm still holding out hope for the retrait token anyways.
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    pegasuscicpegasuscic Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Does anyone still use alts? Since S7 release I have found it difficult to keep up with the main character on my account. Tomorrow I'll hit tier 5, with alts mostly on tier 1 and I just think it's a stupidly large amount of work to get other toons to the same tier.
    I hope the Devs think up an easier way to keep alts on par with the main character on an account, but until then I feel like alts are dead.
    Anyone else have thoughts on the matter?

    I have been doing rep system for 1 of each specialty for my toons. 1 Sci(she's the highest, almost T5 on both) 1 Eng(mid T4 on both) and 1 Tac(early T4 for both). Recently I have stopped doing the Romulan rep on the Eng and Tac until I get my Sci completed. Then will probably finish the Tac and then the Eng. I have barely started my Klink and my other 6 toons are just languishing.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."-Commander William Adama
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I find I can do it on only 2 characters, one Fed character and one KDF character. Luckily I only have 3 characters where one was created as an experiment and I don't care about how she does. As you can see, I don't have a problem with alitism.
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    duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    i'm maxing my Sci KDF main, his copy - also a sci KDF main (using them for PVP with identical build - so when i hit the 8k Dill i can just switch toons)

    and the Tac KDF.

    2 of them will be hitting T5 in some 3-5 days, the third is on T2 now as i started the toon only 3 weeks ago.

    I will not be bothering maxing another toons, cause there will be more reputations to come, so maxing these 3 will be enough "work".
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    mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Yeah, I'm entirely focusing on my main toon, Fed engineer. He'll be finished with rep leveling tomorrow. Once he has all the tier 5 toys and such I want, I'll go from there.

    I might end up focusing on my other more played toons first. At least Omega grinding for awhile for most toons, since I had plenty of Omega Marks from season 6 conversion that were just leftovers.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
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    ruinsfateruinsfate Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Initially I was only gonna do it with two chars, my fed sci and tac, but then I found a reason to play my eng again. Then I started up a new tac I enjoy. It was a fair bit of a grind managing four, but not terribly so. It's a lot easier now the sci and 1st tac are at t5, and the eng is a day or two away. The new tac is into t5, so it's almost over bar the shopping, but I can take that slowly if I want to. My kdf tac just makes do with what was in her s7 conversion box, and some marks from raising romulan winter pig-bees.
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    theroyalfamilytheroyalfamily Member Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm not actively doing the rep system on any of my toons as of now. Sure, when I get marks, or supplies, I throw them in, but right now I'm focusing on leveling another toon, getting dil, and racing.
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    stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Eventually one day I will complete the Rep system on all my Alts, all 44 of them. However; It is not my priority at the moment. The system is not going anywhere so there is plenty of time.

    I have my alts and love to play with each one, flavor of the day kinda of thing, so in essence not much has changed.

    I did however; started the rep projects on a few of them that are already VA and Lt Gen.

    As of to date, no time for rep, simply because of the Winter event.
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    yakumosmithyakumosmith Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    While we are able to play most content without doing the rep system, there is no guarantee this will always be the case.

    While you can still do STF's without using the Rep system, you can no longer get appropriate gear.

    If you don't do the rep system, your characters are effectively weaker than everyone elses. (which matters for 1st/2nd places a lot of the time)

    The rep system has effectivey reduced the value of alt characters. Why would I run a SB24 on a character who hasn't any of the rep system space bonus' when I could run it on one with all the space bonus'? Answer is I won't.

    Alts are now relegated to running the "easy" Officer reports for the Dil/FM's or dedicated DoFFers. Before, alts where legitimate characters you built up, now they are like alts everywhere else, they are only good for funneling in resources to the "mains" and taking advantage of development gameplay errors.

    I have 4 characters that used to do STF's, they will get Omega rep. I will then force myself to do the Romulan Rep so these characters are sill useful Vs other players. The Rep system isn't really optional if you want to compete, thats why there is a lot of ill feeling around it.

    For those saying "take your time, no need to rush"...I don't want to be in this position again, where i'm having to grind 2 systems at once, with the Rep systems relatively easy to code and impliment, we'll see a lot more of these going forward. If you don't clean up and finish the Rep systems now, you risk having 3, 4, 5 rep systems to grind at a later point.

    I feel sorry for new players.
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    warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Hey whaddya know, leveling up a gazillion toons simultaneously takes time. Who'd have thought that. :eek:
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    imminentstorm135imminentstorm135 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    How I've decided to handle it is to progress each toon through the rep system one at a time. I am just about finished on my main and will be starting my first alt next week.
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    gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I see it this way:
    #1 it is temporary. Eventually you're done. That means either you have nothing to do, or you meaninglessly grind on something else. Or you can rank up an alt.

    #2 there is no award for being fast. So, why do I care if I get to rank 5 in August 2014 instead of Dec 2012? Did my main get better stuff because he got there sooner? Meh, maybe, because there was non-anti-proton gear and borg Doffs in the old system but not in this one. But in general, I don't really see any upside to the race and no downside to taking my time.

    #3 it's content I'm going to play anyhow. I like the mine trap event. I enjoy having epohh pets. I love going to new romulus and ruining that ferengi's day in the warehouse. That I get reputation from this at the same time is irrelevant.

    #4 it's a source of dilithium. Not all of my alts need or get top-end gear. So for most of them, any dilithium they earn ranking their rep is not going to get spent on gear but probably dumped into fleet projects or given to my main. And I can turn my marks into dilithium at any point if I run an STF or something similar.

    So, I got 4, none have hit t3 yet, and I'm enjoying the ride. I'll have at least one more (I plan to get a Ferasan once I finish buying the costumes I want). and I predict I'll enjoy the ride with him too.
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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    mostly romulan rep is only problem for my alts, fortunatley it isnt very necessary to have on every character like omega is. I have 4 of them I took to t2 romulan rep and stopped, and all are close to t5 omega since their reason for existing in the first place is to spam stfs and farm dil so they always have enough omega marks. My advice just do rom rep past t2 for only 1 character so you can try the toys, but don't stress over it to much for alts.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    latinumbarlatinumbar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Felt like 'work'.

    But now that I'm done, it feels better. 40K dilithium reward x 6 :D
    Come join the 44th Fleet.
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