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How does your Fleet manage Privileges?

sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
Not sure where to post this...apologies if this is the wrong site.

So our fleet has gotten fairly large, almost 300 members, and is doing quite well (ppl having fun, getting along together, teaming and grinding together, etc.). But a number of differences of opinions among the Leaders have cropped up and I was wondering how other Fleets were handling certain issues, such as:

Increases in the lower level ranks can be relatively quick and without controversy as fleet privileges are limited. However, you will always get people who want to climb the ladder faster than others and, in fact, wish or demand to join even the highest fleet rank based on their contributions of x, y and/or z. We feel we already have more than enough top dogs. What criteria do you use for promos and where do you draw the line on max rank? I've heard horror stories of people being promoted to a high rank, robing the fleet bank, and even someone kicking everyone else out of a fleet and taking over complete control (guessing that person must have been prematurely promoted to the highest rank to accomplish this).

Access to Fleet Ships and Provisions:
Our current policy is to restrict access to only the top three ranks, Leaders, Senior Officers, and Officers. With Season 6, we implemented a policy that promotion to Officer was contingent upon contributions of at least 200k Fleet Credits (per the Leaderboard). This could be done through several alts as long as gross or total credits exceeded 200k. Also, if someone had contributions in multiples of 200k that person could have a corresponding number of alts promoted to officer (e.g., a gross contribution of 450,000 credits by 6 alts would allow the player to choose any 2 toons to gain the rank of officer and access Fleet provisions).

Sometimes we have promos to allow lower ranked players a chance. For example, we held a contest for those among the lowest ranks, and if they contributed at least 100k within a two week period they would be promoted to Officer. Now, some Leaders think we should expand access and lower the Officer threshold to 150k permanently since we have a fairly large supply of provisions (the focus is on ships mostly). Others are concerned that with the increasingly (almost exponentially) large resource demands required for projects as you increase in Tier, a lowering of the Officer threshold would hinder us from reaching T5 as why should a player contribute more than the minimum as long as he/she has access to the fleet supplies they want while personal rep and equipment are in themselves large dil and resource sinks.

So what are your fleet policies? What works and what doesn't? Any warnings or words of advice would be greatly appreciated.
Post edited by sonulinu2 on


  • bohiapbohiap Member Posts: 535
    edited December 2012
    I'm part of a small fleet, so it may not help much. We have the fleet leader and then two ranks. New members of the fleet have no privileges. Once you've been around for a while, and have shown to be contributing- basically showing that you're going to stick with us-you get promoted and have access to to the fleet stores and fleet banks. The policy is in place to prevent horror stories like you mentioned.

    I had a large reserve of fleet marks sitting doing nothing, along with some other resources, when I joined. I dumped then all in as soon as I get the chance. So for me I moved up quicker than I thought I would. I wasn't even thinking about the stores at first. If I remember right when I got access to the store all I bought, at first, was a pulsewave assault weapon.

    I think our model works well. For a larger fleet you would need more ranks. But- who is what should depend on the needs of the fleet. We're a small fleet so we only have one top dog. If the fleet is larger, you may need more. Especially if you're split up into divisions like RP, STF, PvPers or by profession etc. But, you only need so many leaders in an organization.

    If you have someone that's a hard charger ad wants to move up faster let them contribute as much as they can. But, you can't have it like the episode of Buck Rogers with three generals and one private. I understand wanting to have access to the fleet stores, but if you're just demanding higher rank that's wrong. That's just EP from a drama queen. In that case I'd tell them to earn it like everybody else.
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm a part of a big KDF fleet - with 2 toons..
    The people are nice and i would say it is one of the best fleets in da game.

    Access to shops is given character-wise when reaching 75k donations.

    Anything above this is the job of the leader. We do have one leader and i am OK with that.

    There are people with rights to promote people, create Fleet actions, whatever though..


    Prior to this fleet I was in another KDF/FED fleet, also with one leader, and some very nice people were in.
    But, EVERYBODY had access to the shops and nobody really donated.

    So after donating for more than 1 million Fleet Credits across my toons in 2-3 weeks, and seeing people in the fleet chat talking about what they are going to buy, and how they are not going to donate, because there is no need to, i have contacted the leader and proposed closing shops for lowest ranks (the new people - everybody there had the right to invite new folks).

    He said something about "democratic" discussion, so after some days with no change/response - i've left.

    Since then, i have earned myself 1000 Zen and 100k Dillithium, Omega Torpedo, the Assimilated Console... yeah..


    All my other toons are proud members of the IRF, a small but very nice fleet where the Star Base is not taken very seriously :)
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Here's kinda the system my fleet has:

    We're fairly large too, but also quite casual, to the point that nobody really fusses too much about stuff.

    Top rank: Our fleet leader sits here, as a protection against the very worries you have. Even then only on one toon, but at least if something should go wrong, he can repair most of the damage.

    2nd rank: Greater leadership rank. Able to do anything at all except kick out our fleet leader.

    3rd rank: Lesser leadership rank. Considerable bank access, able to promote up to officer, etc.

    4th rank: Usually this is the cut off point, VERY few people get promoted past this point.

    5th rank: Pretty much middle ground between the 4th and 6th ranks.

    6th rank: Almost the same, just slightly lesser bank access then the 5th rank. We usually promote people to this and the 5th rank if they show more initiative and seem to be in the fleet for the 'long haul'.

    7th rank: Slight bank access, able to buy from fleet stores. The reason we allow it so early on is because we have gobs and gobs of fleet provisions anymore, so we don't really care. It leaves room for possible abuse and griefing, true, but even so, a person would have to still have fleet credits to spend to waste them anyways.

    Bottom rank: No privileges, no bank access, nothing. Generally people stay at this rank for a few days, but if they show actual interest and such in doing things, they are promoted.

    (I think I got all the ranks right)

    We have a dedicated TS server, but nothing is mandatory, not even donating. After all, they have to donate if they want to buy things. Generally if someone needs something out of the bank, they can take it or if they can't, we don't mind giving it to them (within reason of course).

    So in short, structured enough to prevent anarchy and chaos from ruling, but still loose enough to let people do what they want.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • velquavelqua Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    In my fleet, I have divided sections for both member advancement and administration. The first rank is our Recruit rank, which all new people get. For a couple of weeks, we keep them at that rank to give them those individuals a chance to see what the fleet is like and decide if they want to stay or not.

    We promote Recruits to Member, the next rank up, after the two weeks and after they have show some level of activity and promotion. Members have access to the Fleet Bank, Chat, and can invite to our starbase.

    Our next member rank advancement is Contributor. This is where those members who contribute and earn a minimum of 35K Fleets Credits are given access to the Fleet Store. Of course, we do require a minimum of one month participation at that rank.

    Our final member rank advancement is our Elite Force. These consist of Contributors who have reached Tier 5 on both Romulan and Omega Reputations and have both MACO and Omega ground sets.

    As for our administration ranks, we have Junior Officer, Senior Officer, and Leader. The Senior Officers can do almost anything with a few exceptions with regards to changes to the fleet structure, name, and a couple of other items. The Junior Officer has less power than the Senior Officer. As for the Leader--ME--I can do what I want. :P ...but I try to consider the members before I implement anything big for the fleet. ;)
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The fleet I belong to is also very very large. The policy is that any character that wants to use provisions has to have 200K earned in the leaderboard. Any alts are all counted separately.

    Really 200K is nothing, a few weeks if you're starting from zero. And thanks to embassies there's almost always something that one can contribute with.
  • stark2kstark2k Member Posts: 1,467 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I agree with many here in regards to Fleet Store Access:

    However; I am part of a medium size Fleet that has 3 Fleets, yes 3



    Reserve - mainly for alt toons

    All three are currently involve with Starbase Projects and are close to or at Tier 4 on the Starbase chart.

    Tips for promotion & Fleet store acquisition:

    Always remember on thing, you cannot advance your starbase without the assistance of your members.

    A) Our Reserve fleet has a 100K contribution Policy per toon, not account wide.

    - The Toon that reaches a 100K contribution or more standard has open access to the Fleet Store - That specific toon is then promoted to a special Rank that has Fleet store access.

    - In regards to general promotions: Keep in mind that not everyone can be leaders. Make this clear to everyone - Only promote folks that you know very well as leaders.

    - While people love the spirit of democracy, in truth, unless you have folks that are like minded, it will not work. There is tendency for abuse and even Fleet leadership Jacking.

    Meaning, limit the number of top leaders - I know a Fleet that has over twelve people as leaders - That is too many, and too confusing. You want to eliminate as much confusion and contradictions as possible.


    Each leader or person that is of a command rank should have a specific function and all promotions of lower rank players should be discussed with everyone that holds a leadership position.

    Remember this is online gaming, and everyone is behind their avatars.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sonulinu2 wrote: »
    Others are concerned that with the increasingly (almost exponentially) large resource demands required for projects as you increase in Tier, a lowering of the Officer threshold would hinder us from reaching T5 as why should a player contribute more than the minimum as long as he/she has access to the fleet supplies they want

    Maybe it's naive of me, but..... why wouldn't you keep contributing to your fleet? Isn't stuff like that part of the point of belonging to a group that works together? :confused:

    That's one of the reasons I've never joined Guilds or similar things in other games I've played, like WoW - I've not wanted my playtime to become constrained to supporting a group (i.e, constantly being dragged into "help us with _____" activities. If I joined a collective group like that, I would feel obligated to come to the support of the other members at all times, to the detriment of my own play. But maybe that's a rare attitude. :()
  • sonulinu2sonulinu2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kiralyn wrote: »
    Maybe it's naive of me, but..... why wouldn't you keep contributing to your fleet? Isn't stuff like that part of the point of belonging to a group that works together? :confused:

    That's one of the reasons I've never joined Guilds or similar things in other games I've played, like WoW - I've not wanted my playtime to become constrained to supporting a group (i.e, constantly being dragged into "help us with _____" activities. If I joined a collective group like that, I would feel obligated to come to the support of the other members at all times, to the detriment of my own play. But maybe that's a rare attitude. :()

    It's not naive, but it is interesting. 80/20 rule applies here, a few members are contributing. Most of these just want to get to the minimum contribution amount so they can access the Fleet stores. A very tiny group is contributing immense amounts of resources.

    We offer assistance, advice, opportunities for fleet sponsored STFs, Epoh tagging runs, Fleet Mark runs, pvp, etc. but the active members are always relatively few compared to the total number. This includes Fleet Chat. Granted our membership of 300 includes alts so the actual number of players/accounts is much smaller. Nonetheless not everyone feels compelled or obligated to support the fleet. I guess people want a place they can call home, seek advice on the rare occasion they need help, but mostly go solo. I think it's strange since the active members are a great group of people. Funny, helpful, experienced, very competent and doing things all the time. Best Fleet/guild I've ever been a member of including other mmo's.

    I think your view that contributing to the fleet is a 'detriment' to your own play is not correct. In just one example of this, by contributing to the fleet you gain access to fleet supplies. Even if the stores were open to everyone without limit, people can't purchase anything without having fleet credits, which you can only obtain from contributing to the SB and/or Embassy. Just my humble opinion.
  • ru4tedwardru4tedward Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    We just implemented a new system that seems to make everyone pretty happy.

    Rank 1 - Recruit access to fleet mail, fleet chat and 1 item in bank slot 1 per day. This is to prevent fleet thieves from bouncing in and pulling down lots of booty then leaving.

    Rank 2 - Member. Full access to the bank (except slot 1 and the fleet cash), fleet mail, fleet chat, etc. Requires 70,000 lifetime fleet credits earned for promotion.

    Rank 3 - Leader An ornamental position that allows the member to make fleet actions.

    Rank 4 - Fleet Admiral (we had 30 FAs in the old system [game max] so we kept the title) Add access to fleet credits, create fleet uniforms, officer chat, may deposit bank slot 1

    Rank 5 - Promotion officer. As Fleet Admiral, but may promote below rank, demote below rank and kick from fleet.

    Rank 6 - Holdings officer. As fleet admiral, but has access to the holdings management. Requires a short training course and an understanding of the starbase provisions management. (Note, cannot promote as promotions officer)

    Rank 7 - no option, full access to make changes. Currently 5 officers on different continents. Because of the demotions changes (which happened the day after we implemented this), we are VERY leery of promotion people to this position again. Promotion above FA requires unanimous approval of this rank.

    For those curious, Our fleet bank 1 is intentionally loaded with items for the lower ranks. There are one item of each rank 3, 5 and 7, of: engine, space shield, deflector, sci console, eng console, tac console, phaser dual beams, photon torpedoes, sci kit, eng kit, tac kit, sniper rifle, pulsewave assault, ground shields, and polyweave armour. All items are craftable with common craft supplies (which are available in the last bank slot).
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    ru4tedward wrote: »
    We just implemented a new system that seems to make everyone pretty happy.

    Rank 1 - Recruit access to fleet mail, fleet chat and 1 item in bank slot 1 per day. This is to prevent fleet thieves from bouncing in and pulling down lots of booty then leaving.

    Rank 2 - Member. Full access to the bank (except slot 1 and the fleet cash), fleet mail, fleet chat, etc. Requires 70,000 lifetime fleet credits earned for promotion.

    Rank 3 - Leader An ornamental position that allows the member to make fleet actions.

    Rank 4 - Fleet Admiral (we had 30 FAs in the old system [game max] so we kept the title) Add access to fleet credits, create fleet uniforms, officer chat, may deposit bank slot 1

    Rank 5 - Promotion officer. As Fleet Admiral, but may promote below rank, demote below rank and kick from fleet.

    Rank 6 - Holdings officer. As fleet admiral, but has access to the holdings management. Requires a short training course and an understanding of the starbase provisions management. (Note, cannot promote as promotions officer)

    Rank 7 - no option, full access to make changes. Currently 5 officers on different continents. Because of the demotions changes (which happened the day after we implemented this), we are VERY leery of promotion people to this position again. Promotion above FA requires unanimous approval of this rank.

    For those curious, Our fleet bank 1 is intentionally loaded with items for the lower ranks. There are one item of each rank 3, 5 and 7, of: engine, space shield, deflector, sci console, eng console, tac console, phaser dual beams, photon torpedoes, sci kit, eng kit, tac kit, sniper rifle, pulsewave assault, ground shields, and polyweave armour. All items are craftable with common craft supplies (which are available in the last bank slot).
    The forum rules forbid posting in threads that are over 30 days old. If you want to have a discussion about something in an older thread it is recommended that you start a new thread - as this one will probably get closed when a Dev or Mod sees it.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • foundrelicfoundrelic Member Posts: 1,380 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My fleet, and a fleet my KDF alt is in, both use the same "rule".

    You earn your access.

    You hit 100k credits earned you can request store access.

    You hit 1,000,000 credits earned (With a specific amount of time in the fleet) and you've got access unlocked permanently.

    No one but the founder(s) will ever be in the top level of the fleet and they are the only ones who can remove someone from the fleet.

    This is done to prevent "serial shoppers".

    Folks who hop from fleet to fleet buying everything but contributing nothing until they're kicked.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    The forum rules forbid posting in threads that are over 30 days old. If you want to have a discussion about something in an older thread it is recommended that you start a new thread - as this one will probably get closed when a Dev or Mod sees it.
    Cosmic explains it as well as I could :P

    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

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