Was wondering if isolators vs powerleach is working as intended because i can still drain people to 0 ans people still drain me to 0 even with max isolators only on the kdf side though stacking plasma-leach and power drain and polorons. put those together you will suck everyone to 0...
i have 9 to insulators, and general several siphon countermeasures, its been a wile since power drain has been an issue to me. oh, except when 2 carriers have 2 hangers of advanced interceptors. gg :rolleyes:
pol procs, siphons, leach, tykerns, if someone puts that much effort into power drain he should be able to 0 someone once in a wile
it is just leach syphoon not the drones and polorons all you need to 0 someone out or at least take them to 0 in most of their power kinda sucks fighting this where you cant do anything batteries only help so often lol
pol procs, siphons, leach, tykerns, if someone puts that much effort into power drain he should be able to 0 someone once in a wile