So, Romulans have never been shown with a large amount of ships, both in the game, and in Star Trek in general. Even so, if/when we ever get a Romulan faction of any kind, and their ships to actually fly and use, what would you all want?
Here's some ideas I have:
D'deridex class: Requires level 50
1,500 crew
Turn rate: 6.5
4/4 weapons (basic equipment is plasma weaponry)
Consoles: 4 engineering, 3 science, 2 tac. Fleet level would gain an extra sci or tac console
1.05 shield modifier
40,500 hull
+10 weapons, +5 shields, +5 aux
Can equip cannons
Has Quantum Singularity Drive cloaking - It is a battle cloak, like a BoP will get, but more easy to detect, especially if you are moving. If you are far away and sitting still, you are more difficult to detect. When de-cloaking, provides a bonus to all power levels for 5 seconds.
TOS-era BoP : Lt level ship
30 crew
Turn rate: 11
2/1 weapons
Consoles: 1 of each, maybe an extra tac console
.90 shield modifier
9,500 hull
+5 weapon power
Can equip cannons
Standard cloak
Comes equipped with a unique console that upgrades your next Plasma torpedo attack (shares cooldown with other torpedo abilities). Launches a very very powerful plasma torpedo, with a shorter range than normal, but otherwise does not lose any strength until it hits or runs out of range. Has a larger bleed through than normal, but drains a huge amount of weapons power, and even some power from other systems (50 from weapons, at least 15 from all others). The console can be used on any Romulan ship.
Scorpion Fighter: Lt level
5 crew
Basic shuttle stats, but with better turn, and can equip cannons.
Has shuttle-level plasma weaponry, and a built-in CRH 1
On a similar note:
Romulan Shuttle: Lt level
15 crew
Basic shuttle stats but with somewhat better hull and shields
Standard cloak
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
I don't remember the D'deridex ever battle-cloaking in any missions in the game. On the other hand it could pop off Viral Matrix and PSW both. I thought it packed disruptors beams too, not plasma? On the other hand, where it would cheat and fire off volleys of multiple high-yield plasma torpedoes, that might make an interesting special weapon or console or something (unless the new Hyper Plasma Torpedo does that).
Built-in cloak
1.0 shield mod
12 turn rate
0.15 impulse modifier
36,000 base hull
I'd like to see Warbirds as a ship-type all their own. Sort of like Klingon battlecruisers.
They can mount cannons
They're highly tac-based, but inferior tactically to escorts
They're tanky, but not as tanky as either normal cruisers or battlecruisers
They're more maneuverable then either cruisers or battlecruisers, but not as manueverable as escorts
They'd have some sort of special ability relating to being powered by a quantum singularity.
Rom BoP (Frigate level)
Rom Mogali (Cruiser level)
Rom D'deridex (Battleship level)
Rom Scimitar (Dreadnought level)
The Scimitar would likely be ruled out until we get R6(60).
There could be room for Refits and Retrofits to squeeze out more tiers of the other ships.
There could also be old Romulan D7's at lower tiers/ranks.
You've also got the Talvath which would give you a Science Vessel.
There's the Pi scout ship, which could also serve as a lower tier/rank vessel.
As an option to the D'deridex, don't forget the Valdore from Nemesis.
Then there's also the option of heading to Memory-Beta for the "non-canon" stuff...
The Romulans have "uniform" military
Every Romulan ship should mount the same weapons lay out
a romulan firing phased tetryon would be a silly idea
So wait, you're saying that unlike the Starfleet guy - the Romulan shouldn't be able to fly...
the Breen Chel Grett Warship, sporting Adapted KHG, using the Borg and Romulan secondary sets, while trying to decide if they want to use the Romulan Plasma or Dominion Polaron w/ Romulan Embassy Consoles for weapons?
Romulans would have to fly Romulan ships, with Romulan gear, and with Romulan weapons?
Yes the Romulan guy should have a ROMULAN ship with a romulan crew and standard romulan weapons
he is compensated by the fact that at higher ranks he becomes "the Warbird from hell" firing spreads of plasma torps
He would have less uniform options (but more off duty options as romulans wear off duty outfits a lot)
He would have less "customisation" and more Romulan uniformity
He might have the odd Reman aboard (someone has to make the Coffee) but not a crew of oddball aliens in bikinis
Romulan Women are of course extremely attractive but are not sex objects
All Romulans could have Romulan weapons which SCALE (all the way to Purple Mk XIV at highest ranks)
and no option to mount non standard hardware
Romulan Women are of course extremely attractive but are not sex objects
Hrmmm, there's frontpage Romulan woman... and then there's the average Romulan woman that we've seen on TV or in the movies that pretty much looks like the average Romulan man...
The Shuttle and Scorpion Fighter are a given, as is the Deridex and Mogai/Norexan (Valdore Warbird). Seeing as we've got an ENT-era Bird of Prey in the game already, that's another given. I'm not so sure about the TOS-style Bird of Prey though, if anything, that'll serve as a Zen item similar to the original Constitution, though I fear very few people will be interested in that to warrant the creation.
I don't remember the D'deridex ever battle-cloaking in any missions in the game.
I don't think a 'battle cloak' would serve the Romulans. The Klingons have them for a reason; they're warriors and like fighting. Romulans are more about caution and spy-like. Instead of declocking and firing weapons, Romulans would be better off having an ability that they can use whilst cloaked, though upon use, they slowly declock.
I want this from Armada. Griffin-class Medium Warbird
The Griffin is a nice design, but Tier 5? I'd save that spot for the Deridex and other true Warbirds. The Griffin (in my mind) should stand around the same pace as the Akira and Excelsior.
Nor should a D'deridex be able to equip anything bigger than single cannons. It should use beam banks and arrays as primary weapons. Its base hull should be 43k and 46k for the fleet version.
Why shouldn't the Deridex be able to equip cannons? The Negh'var can. maybe restrict it to dual cannons or something, but I see no reason to remove cannons completely.
Why shouldn't the Deridex be able to equip cannons? The Negh'var can. maybe restrict it to dual cannons or something, but I see no reason to remove cannons completely.
he did not rule out single cannons but they have to try and match it up to what is shown on screen as best they can.
the negh'var had duel cannons in ds9. to my knowledge the d'deridex only ever used single cannons. if there is any canon refrences to duels then fair enough
he did not rule out single cannons but they have to try and match it up to what is shown on screen as best they can.
the negh'var had duel cannons in ds9. to my knowledge the d'deridex only ever used single cannons. if there is any cannon refrence to duels then fair enough
No they don't. How many Steamrunners and Akiras or Prometheus' do we see onscreen spamming phaser cannons? Let alone disruptor, polaron, anti-proton or tetryon cannons?
The only ship we ever see using phaser cannons is the Defiant.
So by that logic, the only Fed ship ingame that should get DHCs should be Defiant.
Also, if we follow the show, Federation ships should not get any energy weapon except phasers, since the Federation has deemed distruptors as inhumane, and adding disruptors to a Federation ship would require a complete rework of the entire ship..
In other words, if one faction is stuck with "stuff we only see on the show", all factions need to be.
The Griffin is a nice design, but Tier 5? I'd save that spot for the Deridex and other true Warbirds. The Griffin (in my mind) should stand around the same pace as the Akira and Excelsior.
Well, I'd at least want a tier 5 or fleet refit to fit that bill. That'd be sexy as hell on that spaceframe. And both ships you mentioned have tier 5 refits. :P
Have to agree actually Romulans Did invent the cloak
everyone elses is a knock off
As to Dual cannons Im not aware of a Romulan vessel that uses them
HMM, well actually just about every ship in STO with a cloak should have a "battlecloak", we've seen the Defiant, K't'ingas and the Romulan Bird of Prey in "Balance of Terror" cloak in combat.
With the Klingon Birds of Prey, Cryptic said they only gave those the BC to give them something unique.
Given the general Romulan obsession with cloaks, I agree they should have Bcs on all their ships.
It would set them apart from everonye else.
Well, I think the Valdore in "Nemesis" pretty much qualifies as a ship armed with Dual Cannons, given it fired lots of bolts from its wingtips.
So there's at least one ship that qualifies.
IMO, the Mogai (which is also the class name of the Valdore in the Pocket Books novels) shouldn't be an escort, but a cruiser.
It maneuvered like one in "Nemesis" and it's actually 600 meters long and 900 meters wide.
Random thoughts on the topic:
Perhaps the Romulans could have two types/lines of "Warbrids", one with DCs (Mogai) that's more like the Klingon battlecruisers.
And one for tanking and support (D'deridex) without DCs that acts more like Star Cruisers.
Klingons basically have two lines of escorts (Raptors and BoPs) so the Romulans could be unique by having two lines of cruisers (Mogai and D'Deridex) and only one line of Escorts (BoPs).
Single cannons should be fine for the D'deridex. The dual cannons on cruisers is a Klingon thing. Giving it to the Romulans too is just another way to make Fed cruisers even more worthless compared to their alien counterparts. The Klingons get full frontal cannon firepower and they have turn rates to use it effectively. The Romulans should get full frontal beam firepower as a mark of originality, otherwise they'd just be Klingon clones. I also think they should also be able to equip 360 degree arc shuttle-strength beam arrays in the rear.
Romulans are not Klingons and you should not want their ships to be cookie-cutter versions of Klingon ships.
Also, all Romulan ships should get battlecloaks. They INVENTED the cloaking device, for crying out loud. It is perfectly reasonable that their version of the cloak would be objectively better than Klingon cloaks.
Excluding the Enterprise show (where the Klingons already had the cloak) the Romulans did invent the cloaking device yeah, but there is nothing to say that Klingon Engineers can't tweak it. You've said it youself, Romulans are not Klingons. Klingons use a battle-cloak because of who they are and what they stand for as an empire/society. Romulans, I don't think would have the need for a battle-cloak. They don't go out looking for trouble like the Klingons do. What purpose would it serve? One minute you state that you don't want the Romulans to be a clone of the Klingons in regard to their cannons, yet you're making them a clone of the Klingons by giving them the battle cloak.
Also, if we follow the show, Federation ships should not get any energy weapon except phasers, since the Federation has deemed distruptors as inhumane, and adding disruptors to a Federation ship would require a complete rework of the entire ship..
In other words, if one faction is stuck with "stuff we only see on the show", all factions need to be.
Well, I'd at least want a tier 5 or fleet refit to fit that bill. That'd be sexy as hell on that spaceframe. And both ships you mentioned have tier 5 refits.
Valid point, I'd expect there to be one then, yeah.
Perhaps the Romulans could have two types/lines of "Warbrids", one with DCs (Mogai) that's more like the Klingon battlecruisers.
And one for tanking and support (D'deridex) without DCs that acts more like Star Cruisers.
Klingons basically have two lines of escorts (Raptors and BoPs) so the Romulans could be unique by having two lines of cruisers (Mogai and D'Deridex) and only one line of Escorts (BoPs).
In the very first TOS episode that featured the Romulans, what they seemed to be using was an enhanced battle cloak with a high yield plasma torpedo, right?
Science Vessels to tier 5. This route would include the canon "Science ship" we see, as well as the canon "Scout". Can mount cannons, perhaps have 1 less weapons slot fore/aft to make up for it. This wouldn't obsolete Federation ships, and Klinks don't have science ships to worry about anyway.
Warbards to tier 5. Could start with ships like the Shrike from Armada, including the Griffin from Armada, ending in the D'Deridex. Thinking Shrike-->Raptor-->Shadow-->Griffin-->D'Deridex. They'd get DHCs, but they'd sacrifice a rear weapons slot compared to cruisers of other factions. This way Klingons would still maintain some uniqueness, and Feds would still have an advantage. Turning would be faster then Feds, slower then Klinks. Shields would be slightly better then Feds, with hull lower then both Klinks and Feds. All would have some special power to represent their unique power source--the quantum singularity.
Birds of Prey to tier 5. Could start with the current Bird of Prey ingame, possibly ending in the Mogai, since the Mogai is an "escort" ingame. Most would have to be made up, but that's never stopped Cryptic.
And there's absolutely no reason for them to have anything different with their hardpointing system then Klinks or Feds. That's ludicrous.
No they don't. How many Steamrunners and Akiras or Prometheus' do we see onscreen spamming phaser cannons? Let alone disruptor, polaron, anti-proton or tetryon cannons?
The only ship we ever see using phaser cannons is the Defiant.
So by that logic, the only Fed ship ingame that should get DHCs should be Defiant.
Also, if we follow the show, Federation ships should not get any energy weapon except phasers, since the Federation has deemed distruptors as inhumane, and adding disruptors to a Federation ship would require a complete rework of the entire ship..
In other words, if one faction is stuck with "stuff we only see on the show", all factions need to be.
Let me clarify as I was not clear. When i said 'as best as they can' what i meant was matching up game mechanics with canon. i did not mean they follow canon only as that has never been the case.
escorts use duel cannons in the game. every one of them as that is what escorts use (for game mechanic reasons only). cruisers and battleships do not. if you want to have a cruiser use cannons that circumvents the game mechanics, then there really needs to be an onscreen refrence to back it up. like the negh'var
Griffin-class Medium Warbird
Tier 5
950 crew
4 fore, 3 aft
Can mount dual cannons
3 eng consoles
3 sci consoles
4 tac consoles
Cmdr Tac, Lt. Cmdr Tac, Lt. Cmdr Eng, Lt Eng, Lt. Sci, Ens Uni
Built-in cloak
1.0 shield mod
12 turn rate
0.15 impulse modifier
36,000 base hull
I'd like to see Warbirds as a ship-type all their own. Sort of like Klingon battlecruisers.
They can mount cannons
They're highly tac-based, but inferior tactically to escorts
They're tanky, but not as tanky as either normal cruisers or battlecruisers
They're more maneuverable then either cruisers or battlecruisers, but not as manueverable as escorts
They'd have some sort of special ability relating to being powered by a quantum singularity.
Rom BoP (Frigate level)
Rom Mogali (Cruiser level)
Rom D'deridex (Battleship level)
Rom Scimitar (Dreadnought level)
The Scimitar would likely be ruled out until we get R6(60).
There could be room for Refits and Retrofits to squeeze out more tiers of the other ships.
There could also be old Romulan D7's at lower tiers/ranks.
You've also got the Talvath which would give you a Science Vessel.
There's the Pi scout ship, which could also serve as a lower tier/rank vessel.
As an option to the D'deridex, don't forget the Valdore from Nemesis.
Then there's also the option of heading to Memory-Beta for the "non-canon" stuff...
Birds of prey are commander level commands
Romulans should not have tiered ships at all
they should have A ship with preset FIXED abilities and it should he a Warbird
the same one we have to fight in the Romulan missions
The one that scales? So Romulan ships should be like shuttles?
The Romulans have "uniform" military
Every Romulan ship should mount the same weapons lay out
a romulan firing phased tetryon would be a silly idea
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
So wait, you're saying that unlike the Starfleet guy - the Romulan shouldn't be able to fly...
the Breen Chel Grett Warship, sporting Adapted KHG, using the Borg and Romulan secondary sets, while trying to decide if they want to use the Romulan Plasma or Dominion Polaron w/ Romulan Embassy Consoles for weapons?
Romulans would have to fly Romulan ships, with Romulan gear, and with Romulan weapons?
Twisted, that's really out there...
he is compensated by the fact that at higher ranks he becomes "the Warbird from hell" firing spreads of plasma torps
He would have less uniform options (but more off duty options as romulans wear off duty outfits a lot)
He would have less "customisation" and more Romulan uniformity
He might have the odd Reman aboard (someone has to make the Coffee) but not a crew of oddball aliens in bikinis
Romulan Women are of course extremely attractive but are not sex objects
All Romulans could have Romulan weapons which SCALE (all the way to Purple Mk XIV at highest ranks)
and no option to mount non standard hardware
Hrmmm, there's frontpage Romulan woman... and then there's the average Romulan woman that we've seen on TV or in the movies that pretty much looks like the average Romulan man...
she is a Renegade woodelf
also i dont remember them ever firing duel canons on the d'deridex either. only single for them and duel for the morgi.
This. 5 more realistic:P
You mean a large amount of designs right? Cause I saw quite a few Warbirds during the Dominion War.
The Shuttle and Scorpion Fighter are a given, as is the Deridex and Mogai/Norexan (Valdore Warbird). Seeing as we've got an ENT-era Bird of Prey in the game already, that's another given. I'm not so sure about the TOS-style Bird of Prey though, if anything, that'll serve as a Zen item similar to the original Constitution, though I fear very few people will be interested in that to warrant the creation.
In regards to the Battle Clock: I don't think a 'battle cloak' would serve the Romulans. The Klingons have them for a reason; they're warriors and like fighting. Romulans are more about caution and spy-like. Instead of declocking and firing weapons, Romulans would be better off having an ability that they can use whilst cloaked, though upon use, they slowly declock.
The Griffin is a nice design, but Tier 5? I'd save that spot for the Deridex and other true Warbirds. The Griffin (in my mind) should stand around the same pace as the Akira and Excelsior.
Why shouldn't the Deridex be able to equip cannons? The Negh'var can. maybe restrict it to dual cannons or something, but I see no reason to remove cannons completely.
Edited, and now I agree.
everyone elses is a knock off
As to Dual cannons Im not aware of a Romulan vessel that uses them
he did not rule out single cannons but they have to try and match it up to what is shown on screen as best they can.
the negh'var had duel cannons in ds9. to my knowledge the d'deridex only ever used single cannons. if there is any canon refrences to duels then fair enough
No they don't. How many Steamrunners and Akiras or Prometheus' do we see onscreen spamming phaser cannons? Let alone disruptor, polaron, anti-proton or tetryon cannons?
The only ship we ever see using phaser cannons is the Defiant.
So by that logic, the only Fed ship ingame that should get DHCs should be Defiant.
Also, if we follow the show, Federation ships should not get any energy weapon except phasers, since the Federation has deemed distruptors as inhumane, and adding disruptors to a Federation ship would require a complete rework of the entire ship..
In other words, if one faction is stuck with "stuff we only see on the show", all factions need to be.
Well, I'd at least want a tier 5 or fleet refit to fit that bill. That'd be sexy as hell on that spaceframe. And both ships you mentioned have tier 5 refits. :P
HMM, well actually just about every ship in STO with a cloak should have a "battlecloak", we've seen the Defiant, K't'ingas and the Romulan Bird of Prey in "Balance of Terror" cloak in combat.
With the Klingon Birds of Prey, Cryptic said they only gave those the BC to give them something unique.
Given the general Romulan obsession with cloaks, I agree they should have Bcs on all their ships.
It would set them apart from everonye else.
Well, I think the Valdore in "Nemesis" pretty much qualifies as a ship armed with Dual Cannons, given it fired lots of bolts from its wingtips.
So there's at least one ship that qualifies.
IMO, the Mogai (which is also the class name of the Valdore in the Pocket Books novels) shouldn't be an escort, but a cruiser.
It maneuvered like one in "Nemesis" and it's actually 600 meters long and 900 meters wide.
Random thoughts on the topic:
Perhaps the Romulans could have two types/lines of "Warbrids", one with DCs (Mogai) that's more like the Klingon battlecruisers.
And one for tanking and support (D'deridex) without DCs that acts more like Star Cruisers.
Klingons basically have two lines of escorts (Raptors and BoPs) so the Romulans could be unique by having two lines of cruisers (Mogai and D'Deridex) and only one line of Escorts (BoPs).
Excluding the Enterprise show (where the Klingons already had the cloak) the Romulans did invent the cloaking device yeah, but there is nothing to say that Klingon Engineers can't tweak it. You've said it youself, Romulans are not Klingons. Klingons use a battle-cloak because of who they are and what they stand for as an empire/society. Romulans, I don't think would have the need for a battle-cloak. They don't go out looking for trouble like the Klingons do. What purpose would it serve? One minute you state that you don't want the Romulans to be a clone of the Klingons in regard to their cannons, yet you're making them a clone of the Klingons by giving them the battle cloak.
Quoted for truth.
Valid point, I'd expect there to be one then, yeah.
I would support this.
Spocks father was a very devious man.:D
Romulans would have 3 trees
Science Vessels to tier 5. This route would include the canon "Science ship" we see, as well as the canon "Scout". Can mount cannons, perhaps have 1 less weapons slot fore/aft to make up for it. This wouldn't obsolete Federation ships, and Klinks don't have science ships to worry about anyway.
Warbards to tier 5. Could start with ships like the Shrike from Armada, including the Griffin from Armada, ending in the D'Deridex. Thinking Shrike-->Raptor-->Shadow-->Griffin-->D'Deridex. They'd get DHCs, but they'd sacrifice a rear weapons slot compared to cruisers of other factions. This way Klingons would still maintain some uniqueness, and Feds would still have an advantage. Turning would be faster then Feds, slower then Klinks. Shields would be slightly better then Feds, with hull lower then both Klinks and Feds. All would have some special power to represent their unique power source--the quantum singularity.
Birds of Prey to tier 5. Could start with the current Bird of Prey ingame, possibly ending in the Mogai, since the Mogai is an "escort" ingame. Most would have to be made up, but that's never stopped Cryptic.
And there's absolutely no reason for them to have anything different with their hardpointing system then Klinks or Feds. That's ludicrous.
Let me clarify as I was not clear. When i said 'as best as they can' what i meant was matching up game mechanics with canon. i did not mean they follow canon only as that has never been the case.
escorts use duel cannons in the game. every one of them as that is what escorts use (for game mechanic reasons only). cruisers and battleships do not. if you want to have a cruiser use cannons that circumvents the game mechanics, then there really needs to be an onscreen refrence to back it up. like the negh'var