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Why not turn tactical and engineer captain powers into team abilties

sophlogimosophlogimo Member Posts: 6,507 Arc User
In space combat, it is said that engineer captains are very selfish, with their healing powers that affect themselves and only themselves.

But that is not the only class that is selfish. There is the other selfish one, the one that gets to be "the hero".

Isn't that something that should be fixed for both classes? I definitely think so.

Now, what could one do? I have a proposal: Get rid of self-only-buffing powers as such. All captain powers (the class-specific ones, that is) should be scaled down in magnitude, but should affect the whole team at once. (I originally thought only of engineers and tacticals, hence the subject line, but it actually applies to scis as well)

  • Attack Pattern Alpha now increases not the Tactical captain's ship's damage by 50%, but the whole team's damage by 10% per ship.
  • Subnucleonic beam now affects each team member's target (as long as it is in the 90 degree arc of that team member), but lasts shorter.
  • Miracle Worker gives about 20% of its current shield heal and hull heal, but to all team members at once.

And so on.

I know this is highly unlikely to happen. But wouldn't it be even more fun than what we have now?
Remember, STO is nothing but a cosmetics game, where only the rule of cool matters. The game mechanics are intentionally out of balance, don't try to "optimize" anything, as it would just frustrate you.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Personally I like those you mentioned just fine the way they are, as for the ones that do affect the team the timer could be shortened by half would be nice.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Fire in my mark is a team power. I don't want to increase the whole teams damage by 10%, most of you suck. Plus, that's what tac fleet does.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    Miracle worker is the Engineers last ditch action to save HIS ship

    you are suggesting that poor old scotty leaps from ship to ship fixing things at distances of hundreds of kms in a few seconds

    ATTACK patterns should also NOT carry over
    imagine Im in attack mode and all of a sudden some lt commander tac decides to overrule me and put me in a different pattern (id have him arrested for getting us killed of course)
    Live long and Prosper
  • ehgatoehgato Member Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1st sry for mi english.

    _I Dont know why Crytic made this game (startrek "ESCORT" online) eng and scie are forced to "support" all the escort and each new escort get more power and more self heals, look at the steamrunner ...

    _Im a startrek fan thats why im here, but each patch im get more disapointed and at the end i will no longer loging anymore but to Cryptic or PWE dont care this they only wantme farm dilithium endless for gold players because they cant persuade my to become a gold player...

    _Please Cryptic PWE dont kill this game......
  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    What about an Escort Captain dealing damage and making enemy ships explode is selfish? The ship class description at the shipyard says this is what they are suppose to do.
  • gingerf1shgingerf1sh Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    • Attack Pattern Alpha now increases not the Tactical captain's ship's damage by 50%, but the whole team's damage by 10% per ship.
    • Subnucleonic beam now affects each team member's target (as long as it is in the 90 degree arc of that team member), but lasts shorter.
    • Miracle Worker gives about 20% of its current shield heal and hull heal, but to all team members at once.

    I'd rather have 50% damage to my own weapons than 10% to the 3 Cruisers spamming heals on themselves as I can make use of it effectively, they can't/won't.
    My main concern is that every class would feel the same to play, I might be clicking buttons with different icons but I'd have the same damage, healing and debuff potential (within the confines of the ship and BOff layout) as a Tac that I would as a Sci or Eng, I just wouldn't have control over the other two classes use of their buffs and debuffs but I'd still get them. The character classes already play very similar, homogenising them even further because people don't want to play to their ship and character classes strengths just doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
    sophlogimo wrote:
    I know this is highly unlikely to happen. But wouldn't it be even more fun than what we have now?

    I can't say it would, and before the inevitable screaming that I'm a Tac looking to protect my advantage my Sciscort gets far more use than my Tac/ Escort does.
    Make them all feel the same and it won't matter what class or character I'm playing. I don't think that's 'fun' at all TBH.
    I agree with the op, 100%. Too many escort captains say that cruiser captains should be supporting and giving to the team, while the escorts go and do all the damage and gain the best rewards for themselves. It's time the escort captains were dragged down from their position at the top of the pile and forced to do more for the whole team. I'd gladly support engineering captain powers all working like group heals if tactical captain powers all worked like group damage buffs.

    To be entirely honest, I'd be grateful for the average Cruiser to actually have a decent build. Most have pitifully low damage potential but to make it worse they don't even share a heal: if an Escort can share heals (and they're usually the only heals I'll receive) then surely the Odyssey with 60k hull and 13k shields can throw the occasional Engineering Team or HE to the Escorts?
    I can't speak for others but in a game that's all about damage, if those Cruisers can't do it themselves then just help the damage dealer to do it, sitting and laughing as it has to run away to heal just drags the whole thing out for no reason.
    He can't even shoot straight. - Joseph Stalin on his son's (failed) suicide attempt.
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Escorts should indeed be blowing stuff to tiny bits

    Your escort is a light support vessel your job is to keep the annoying little fleas off the big ships
    so engaging fighters , mines and probes is your first duty
    to protect the lumbering kings of the battlefield like the carriers

    meanwhile the Cruisers should engage multiple targets and do what they are designed for

    Anchoring a battle line
    Live long and Prosper
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    I know this is highly unlikely to happen. But wouldn't it be even more fun than what we have now?


    Fleet powers (Science Fleet, Tactical Fleet, Engineering Fleet) already do what you're looking for. There's zero need to take the powerful self buffs and turn them into watered-down team buffs when we already have watered-down team buffs.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • oldschooldorkoldschooldork Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    And what about us solo players that don't play stf's or team with anyone (and there are more of us then you think)? So I have to suffer just to make things easier for you? How about instead of tampering with the abilities we already have, put out the idea of coming up with some NEW abilities. Or maybe when the team is formed offer the option of making your abilities affect the team. Simple solutions and everyone's happy...in theory anyway.
    I don't care what the header says, I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, an "ARC user".
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    maelwy5 wrote:
    Fleet powers (Science Fleet, Tactical Fleet, Engineering Fleet) already do what you're looking for. There's zero need to take the powerful self buffs and turn them into watered-down team buffs when we already have watered-down team buffs.
    Actually, that would only apply to APA and GDF - all other captain class-specific powers actually do something else than the respective fleet does. And for APA and GDF, one could replace the damage buff with things like an Accuracy buff or a Critical Hit chance buff.

    Tactical Fleet gives +Damage and +Accuracy (and thus +Critical); Engineering Fleet gives +System Power and +Damres; Science Fleet gives +Turn and a buff to science abilities (and therefore hull and shield heals).

    Additionally, many abilities are either already ally-targettable (like EPS Power Transfer) or work for teammates just as well as for yourself (Fire on My Mark, Sensor Scan).

    This also applies for ground combat: Engineering Proficiency, Scientific Aptitude, etc.

    There's a reason why you don't see these abilities used very much: They might be team-wide buffs, but the boosts they provide are very weak. Whilst they can make things run slightly smoother, they will not turn the tide of a fight - they are more "flavour" than "useful".

    So I repeat: There is zero need to take the powerful self buffs and turn them into watered-down team buffs. We already have watered-down team buffs that are hardly ever used - we don't need more of them. And we certainly don't need more of them at the expense of abilities that are genuinely situationally useful like APA and Miracle Worker.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • gingerf1shgingerf1sh Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Is it actually making the class play styles similar? I am not so sure about that. After all, you still choose to increase the damage just now, you still decide to debuff the enemy with subnuc just now, to increase shield damage resistance just now, and so on. Only now you make a tactical decision for the whole team, which requires a bit more thought.

    So what's the difference between the classes then? All of them will have SubNuc, all will have APA, all will have RSF, MW, Scattering Field etc, the only difference will be which button you press but every class will have access to every Captain ability. That sounds pretty homogeneous to me.

    sophlogimo wrote:
    May I ask you why it has to be sciscort? Because I would expect it to be because you like to blow stuff up. Like everybody else, only you are willing to choose the ship that's needed for that. Is it that?

    I like Science and I like fast, maneuverable ships. I can't deal the damage of a Tac but I can debuff the target I'm firing on so that the whole team benefits. Unlike a Tac where I can just hit anything and kill it with a Sci it's usually in my interests to time my abilities so that I get more use for them: is the full Aux Sensor Scan that's coming up better for me or the Tac that's firing on a Cube 10km away? Is the SubNuc that just came off CD better for me or my team mate? Should I hit Scattering Field now or save it for my team mate who's about to lose shields and running out of CDs?

    sophlogimo wrote:
    You are forgetting that the (engineer) cruiser captain wants to be The Hero, too. Which is a legitimate desire, wouldn't you agree?

    Cruisers are the big guys, they can keep a whole team of Escorts alive if they so choose but many choose not to. that's what Cruisers are good at but instead everyone wants to play one of the most defensive ship types in an offensive manner.
    If they want to DPS then they need an Escort, why spread all Captain abilities across all classes because some just won't accept that they ship they like the look of isn't suitable for the role they want to fill?
    He can't even shoot straight. - Joseph Stalin on his son's (failed) suicide attempt.
  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Seperation of classes is fine and needed.

    The problem I see is, that playing a non damage class effectively and beneficial to a team is more difficult and the rewards are mostly damage based (which is Crypric'S design fault) , so it is not worth the effort really for the min/maxers.

    Only way to counter this, is to make playing engineer and science, and the respective ship classes, more attractive.
    The key there would be better individual rewards either directly or indirectly.

    That would of course create the question from the tacscorts why they don't get as good rewards all of a sudden and they'd cry"unfair!"
    The answer is easy, but would not be accepted because most of us are lazy in nature and want to go the way of the least resistance: because it is by design more difficult to play an engineer or a science... therefore the reward is greater.
    Want the greater reward, work more for it.

    In the end it all hinges on a good and balanced game design.

    The design is not balanced, reward and effort is out of whack, so people play the easiest/most efficient class.

    Once they get used to playing that way, any objective that would favor the more difficult playstyle will meet resistance of the now tactical majority, so it gets nerfed and be tac friendly again and be "fair" for those unable or unwilling to adapt their playstyle: playing another class or play cooperatively with another class.

    Of course there will still be engineers and science, and some of them are even good at what they do (and some think they are, because they have no other experience to compare it to), but the reward will always be lacking for them despite the greater relative work they put in.

    If cryptic had designed things differently and damage was complicated to produce, it might very well be the engineer or the science captain that turned out to be the most efficient class, but that would only be another slightly unbalanced system.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    I know this is highly unlikely to happen. But wouldn't it be even more fun than what we have now?

    We already have it in the form of One Fleet power, Tactical Fleet
    +xx% All Damage strength for 30 secs
    +x Starship Maneuvers for 30 secs
    +xx Starship Targeting Systems for 30 secs
    This can be used on self and friends. FOMM can be considered team play as it decreases the resistances of the target for everyone. Tactical team is a team ability for yourself and 4others.

    Science Fleet
    +xx% Turn rate
    +x Starship Operations Training
    This Fleet ability is only used on the player and does not effect the team.
    Dampening Field (space) is a Team ability. SNB can be considered a team ability since all benefit from the target losing thier buffs. The same can be said for Sensor Scan.

    Engineering Fleet
    +xx all damage resistance for 30 secs
    +xx Starship Warp Core Training for 30 secs
    +xx Engineering Training for 30 secs
    This fleet ability is only used on the player and does not effect the team. In fact none of the Engineering Captain abilities help the team at all.

    Seems like the Engineer class is the one that needs to step up and help in a team setting with thier Captain abilities and fleet powers.
    Funny though, as I thought all Fleet powers where team based.

    Why handicap the Escort player for knowing how (or learning how from someone else's experience) to play thier class and the ships designed for it just becuase the Science or Engineer did not learn thier class and how to play them?

    Why handicap the Escort player becuase the game is designed around Pew-Pew? Why not insist and demand the game be made better to accomidate the Science and Engineer class contributions to combat instead?

    Push to have healing count towards rewards, or better yet just push for rewards not based on the level of one's participation.
    ehgato wrote: »
    _I Dont know why Crytic made this game (startrek "ESCORT" online) eng and scie are forced to "support" all the escort and each new escort get more power and more self heals, look at the steamrunner ...

    What new self heals has the Steamrunner gotten? Two LT Engineer BOffs and a Ensign Science?
    At best the player can run EPTS1, AtB1 (x2) and EPTA1 as a ATB build with a HE1 for his hull heals. Thats hardly a tough nut to crack. Its a shield tanker that dies quickly if you get to his squishy hull, and its not hard to get there on the average player.
    At worst the Player hates the ATB concpet and runs EPTS1/EPTS2 on one LT and ET1/A2Sif1 on the other with TSS1 in the Ensign science slot. The same still holds true, the escort is squishy when you get past his defenses - more so than the Cruiser.

    Unless one picks the Heavy Escort Carrier the most heals a Escort has availible is what they can place on a LT Engineer BOff or if they choose the MVA escort they can use a LTC Science for healing. Without looking at the lockbox ships and the Vetran destroyer, the Escort has little in the way of healing compared to the Cruiser.

    Frankly the Escorts have learned (thanks to many players testing and experimenting and Hilberts guide) how to maximize thier strengths over thier weaknesses.
    My question is why haven't the Cruisers players stepped up and done the same?

    Seriuosly, if one is wanting to be a DPS cruiser then it seems simple.
    Pick the Cruiser that best allows for BOff Tac powers (ACR,FAC,FAHCR/ KDF has a easier time making a DPS BC) and build accordingly. Each of those vessels has at least a Commander Engineering and LT Engineering BOff which allows for plenty of protection from EPTS3, A2Sif3, AtB1, ET, etc and with a LTC Tac BOff for TT1, BO2, ApO1, etc.

    You could easily build this;
    Ens: Tac TT1
    LTC: Tac BO1, BFaw2, ApO1
    Com: Eng EPtS1, AtB1, Dem2 A2Sif3
    LT: Eng EPtA1 AtB1
    Uslt: Sci HE1, TSS2

    Cycle your EPtS1, EPtA1, AtB1 (X2), ApO1, A2Sif3, and TSS2 for your defense and cycle BO1, Bfaw2 or Tac ability you wish up to T3 with the DEM2.
    Slap MACO shields with Aegis (x2) for the +10% defense. Get 3 Purple technicians and some DEM DOffs, (2) Nuets, a RCS, and a Armor, (2) SEA or (2) FG or one of each, three tac consoles and have fun.
    You will do DPS and not have to be the healer.
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    You are forgetting that the (engineer) cruiser captain wants to be The Hero, too. Which is a legitimate desire, wouldn't you agree?
    I have no issue with anyone being the hero if they do within the profession they have chosen to play at the time. If one wishes to break out of a role and do soemthing different then that player needs to research how to do it and do it, not expect the game to be changed to accomidate them.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    gingerf1sh wrote: »
    If they want to DPS then they need an Escort, why spread all Captain abilities across all classes because some just won't accept that they ship they like the look of isn't suitable for the role they want to fill?


    The problem is folks want to fly that big Enterprise Cruiser and obliterate enemies instantly. But the Enterprise never did that. The most memorable battles were long and drawn out, usually decided by engineers pulling out all their tricks to keep the ship together.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    maelwy5 wrote: »

    Fleet powers (Science Fleet, Tactical Fleet, Engineering Fleet) already do what you're looking for. There's zero need to take the powerful self buffs and turn them into watered-down team buffs when we already have watered-down team buffs.

    Unless the descriptions are wrong (and they may be) it looks like only the Tactical Fleet team buff helps the whole team. The Engineer and Science may need to be changed to do the same.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bitemepwe wrote: »
    Unless the descriptions are wrong (and they may be) it looks like only the Tactical Fleet team buff helps the whole team. The Engineer and Science may need to be changed to do the same.

    Engineering and Science fleet have been team abilties since as long as I can remember (at least July 2010)
    The Wiki and the Short descriptions have never been particularly accurate... ;)

    Skillpoint Cap increased to Level 51

    Players now earn a new Rank at 46 and unlock these new Fleet Abilities at 48. These are click team buffs that last for a 30 second duration. Depending on the captain, the buffs provide the following:
    Tactical Fleet provides a damage and attack vector skill buff to your entire team over the duration. Tactical Fleet bonuses do not stack with other active Tactical Fleets.
    Science Fleet provides a shield damage resistance and science skill buff to your entire team over the duration. Science Fleet bonuses do not stack with other active Science Fleets.
    Engineering Fleet provides a damage resistance and engineering skill buff to your entire team over the duration. Engineering Fleet bonuses do not stack with other active Engineering Fleets.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • mreeves7amreeves7a Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Current Stats for the Fleet abilities (as of Dec 18, 2012):

    Tactical Fleet II:
    +30% All Damage for 30 seconds
    +16 Starship Maneuvers for 30 seconds
    +16 Starship Targeting Systems for 30 seconds

    Science Fleet II:
    +16 Starship Shield Emitters for 30 seconds
    +16 Starship Power Insulators for 30 seconds
    Reduces Damage to Shields by 33% for 30 seconds

    Engineering Fleet II:
    +26.6 All Damage Resistance Rating for 30 Seconds
    +16 Starship Hull Repair for 30 seconds
    +16 Starship Warp Core Potential for 30 seconds

    I would say that there are currently some pretty powerful team buffs already in place. The problem is that people don't seem to know that they exist, likely because by the time you get them, your captain's powers window is likely full, so these last abilities don't get automatically added.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    maelwy5 wrote: »
    Engineering and Science fleet have been team abilties since as long as I can remember (at least July 2010)
    The Wiki and the Short descriptions have never been particularly accurate... ;)

    Skillpoint Cap increased to Level 51

    Players now earn a new Rank at 46 and unlock these new Fleet Abilities at 48. These are click team buffs that last for a 30 second duration. Depending on the captain, the buffs provide the following:
    Tactical Fleet provides a damage and attack vector skill buff to your entire team over the duration. Tactical Fleet bonuses do not stack with other active Tactical Fleets.
    Science Fleet provides a shield damage resistance and science skill buff to your entire team over the duration. Science Fleet bonuses do not stack with other active Science Fleets.
    Engineering Fleet provides a damage resistance and engineering skill buff to your entire team over the duration. Engineering Fleet bonuses do not stack with other active Engineering Fleets.

    Then STOwiki is wrong (again) and this thread is pointless as the different classes already have Captain abilities that contribute to the team. I thought they did but who knows what may have been borked in past patches that goes unnoticed?

    Thanks for clearing that up.:D

    That having been cleared up, I do feel that the Science Fleet and Engineering Fleet may need to do a little more than they currently do.

    Or if the above post is accurate , then things are fine.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Let me guess... your tactical escort obliterates enemies instantly?

    The problem that you mention, as I see it, ist that everybody wants to blow up stuff, and is rewarded for blowing stuff up, but one class is just better at it than everybody else - making everbody else support cast.

    Do you want to play support cast? I don't, and I don't know anyone who wants to. Everybody wants to be The Hero in one way or another.

    So how do you solve that without breaking the original class descriptions? By simply making all those abilties team skills, thus encouraging team play.

    And yes, the powers would still benefit the individual player in single-mission mode, so that is also taken care of.

    Yes I have a Tactical Captain in an Escort, and no I don't blow up enemies instantly. I have one in a Bird of Prey also. When I want to lurk under cloak and suprise people with High burst damage that is what I do. I also have an Engineer in a Cruiser When I want to sit back and help the squishy Escorts stay alive by Healing I do that also. Making all classes Vanilla by giving them the same abilities isn't the answer. Their needs to be an incintive to to play a support role.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Because right now, one class is just selfishly OP compared to the others, and everybody in their right mind knows this.

    Tacs really aren't that overpowered.

    It's just that many people consider increased DPS to be the final word in "what's good".

    An Engineer Captain's Damage Mitigation and Power management, and a Science Captain's balance of DPS/Mitigation and Utility can be just as effective as a Tactical Captain's Increased Mobility and Damage Output. It's just that it's a lot, lot simpler to leverage and see different results from +damage than from anything else (particularly in PVE).

    Mixing and matching the Ship Types can draw out the benefits of the different "classes" though - For example: a Tac in a Cruiser, or an Engineer in an Escort, etc. can strike a very useful balance between survivability and damage output. The best Endgame PVE Tanks I've seen have been certain Tac players in Cruisers.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    How is this for a suggestion

    when forming a team the captains get say 3 minutes to choose a leader and Agree (all of them) to that
    if they do then HIS skills work for everyone

    if they don't they don't
    Live long and Prosper
  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Then, in pve, you are doing it wrong or are only fighting the Borg bosses. :P
    Most of my time spent in this game nowadays I'm playing PVP simply because PVE is too easy.

    sophlogimo wrote: »
    And what would that be? The sight of the explosion of an enemy ship that you caused is a big incentive to play a tac escort, and that is even disregarding that the tactical escort will get the better rewards in fleet actions and such. How do you counter all that?

    To me playing with a team and knowing that I was able to contribute heals and Draw Aggro so that Escorts could maneuver about unimpeded is its own reward, as much so as seeing things blow up from my torpedo spreads. For Fleet actions why not add rewards for those that do the most healing, and team rewards for those that don't have ships destroyed at all.
  • maelwy5maelwy5 Member Posts: 593 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Tacs really aren't that overpowered.
    Yes, they are, and in a very selfish way.
    It's just that many people consider increased DPS to be the final word in "what's good".
    Many people including the game engine that dishes out the rewards for fleet actions and things like that. Many people including those who do pve single player content and know the ancient art of counting the time until the kill.

    Tacs are fast killers in a game where killing fast is the only real objective. That is OP.

    What you're stating here is the classic logical fallacy of "Damage is good, everything else is worthless".
    Killing fast is not the trick - Killing fast and not dying is.

    (At least usually. Because even then, there are some cases where you don't even have to kill at all - Freighter Fleet missions, for example...)

    There isn't a very heavy penalty for dying - but there is a penalty. And watching the respawn timer creep up and up and up won't do much for your DPS rate.

    At lower levels of difficulty (basically all PVE before endgame, and quite a lot afterwards) then yes, you can certainly get by with a Tac Escort. That's the fault of the game being easy once you've mastered the nuances of gameplay and the mechanics of all the various player and BOFF abilities - like anything, STO gets easy with practice, and the bar is set fairly low in PVE in order to let new players feel that they're not being penalised for making unoptimised build choices.

    But once you start encountering Teamed Content that is actually designed to be challenging, then other teammate combinations start to be better performing - you won't see many teams of 5x Tac Escorts running the endgame raids on Elite. And you certainly won't see many of them dominating in PVP.

    There are many things that are more desirable than a few extra DPS: Team Cross-healing, at least one person who can "tank" Donatra or a Tac Cube, Gravity Wells and/or TBRs in "No Win Scenario"... etc.
    [ <<<--- @Maelwys --->>> ]
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Let me guess... your tactical escort obliterates enemies instantly?
    Only the unprepared. Otherwise it takes time to chew through a Cube or even a Sphere.
    The problem that you mention, as I see it, is that everybody wants to blow up stuff, and is rewarded for blowing stuff up, but one class is just better at it than everybody else - making everbody else support cast.
    The problem is that everyone HAS to blow stuff up in PvE, not that they want to.
    The rewards can be changed to award a flat reward for participation in a mission or STF. You'll get afk'ers though.
    The Tactical class is good at killing becuase thats all the class is designed to do. Even its team abilities only help one to kill things quicker.
    Should Escort players ***** that the Engineer is the only good Healer and we are diminished to support them only by shooting things? What If I want to Heal or do some Crowd Control? Why can't my Tac/Escort be the healer and do Crowd Control???

    oh, thats right I'm the one with the combat skills.... nevermind.
    Do you want to play support cast? I don't, and I don't know anyone who wants to. Everybody wants to be The Hero in one way or another.
    Then make a Tac and stick him in a cruiser if you wish to be a DPS dealer. Otherwise the classes in STO are defined somewhat by thier role in the game and the IP.
    So how do you solve that without breaking the original class descriptions? By simply making all those abilties team skills, thus encouraging team play.
    Evidently the bulk of them are team skills already. The tac has FOMM and Tactical team that helps the team, The Science has Dampening Field and Sensor Scan. They all have the Fleet abilities.
    Only the Engineer has little no team based captain abilities that I can see.

    Its time for the Engineer to share the love and stop hoarding.
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Trying to find excuses doesn't help. There is a fix needed for that selfish tactical class. If you don't like mine, propose a different one - once you acknowledge the problem.
    Selfish?? How is the Tactical class selfish by default?
    The problem is the game is designed around Pew-Pew and the tactical class is always the best choice to PewPew when PewPew is what gets the job done.
    Why don't not just ask for a flat reward system not based on DPS achieved over trying to change the classes to suit your needs?
    Or push them to broaden the mission rewards to be awarded based on more than just DPS?

    Blaiming all the games ills on the Tactical class is just narrow minded on your part and does not even come close to hitting the mark on why the game is no fun for those Engineers or Science Captains that also wish to be the Tactical captains and lament why they are not.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Could you please name a player who does not want to?

    I didn't start playing this game because I wanted to blow things up. I started because I wanted to be a Science Officer and get to do some Exploring. Boy was I disappointed.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    In space combat, it is said that engineer captains are very selfish, with their healing powers that affect themselves and only themselves.

    But that is not the only class that is selfish. There is the other selfish one, the one that gets to be "the hero".

    Most Selfish: Eng captain. Only has 1 group-wide buff power, and a second single target self or ally buff.

    Eng Captain:

    > EPS Power Transfer: Self or ally EPS/power level buff, benefits self or one target on a single application
    > Rotate Shield Frequency: Self only shield resistance buff
    > Miracle Worker: Self only heal
    > Nadion Inversion: Self only power level resistance buff

    > Engineering Fleet: Group-wide buff, benefits the entire team on a single activation

    Middle of the road: Tac captain. Has more group benefiting powers than self benefiting powers. All ally buffs are AoE or debuff force multipliers and all of them benefit the entire team with a single application.

    Tac Captain:

    > Attack Pattern Alpha: Self Only Damage Boost
    > Fire on my Mark: Target Debuff, force multiplier, benefits the entire team on a single activation
    > Go Down Fighting: Self only damage boost
    > Tactical Initiative: Group-wide buff, benefits the entire team
    on a single activation (and for a Tac/Escort most likely benefits non-Escorts more than themselves)
    > Tactical Fleet: Group-wide buff, benefits the entire team
    on a single activation

    Least Selfish, or Most group benefiting: Sci captain. All powers benefit the entire group in some fashion, ranging from AoE buffs, AoE debuffs/single force multiplier powers.

    Sci Captain:

    > Sensor Scan: Self Perception Buff, AoE Target Debuff, force multiplier, benefits the entire team on a single activation
    > Subnucleonic Beam: Single Target debuff, benefits the entire team on a single activation
    > Photonic Fleet: Summons pets, benefits the entire team on a single activation
    > Scattering Field: AoE resistance buff, benefits the entire team on a single activation
    > Science Fleet: Group-wide buff, benefits the entire team on a single activation

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Could you please name a player who does not want to?
    I didn't. I wanted to play a KDF Science officer but that was borked from day one by lack of options in Science vessels. I also wanted to make a Engineer healer to support a KDF team or PuG when the mood suited me which I have yet to achieve as I have not capped the toon yet.
    I guess I should blame the Devs for not making it easier to level up quickly.
    Nevermind thats on me, as I did not play the toon as the class was designed.

    Yep, and that design intention is wrong. Try to understand why I am saying that.
    What your saying doesn't make any F-ing sense.
    Everytime you or another disgruntled player starts one of these threads Your wanting of the Engineer, Science and or Cruisers to perform as well at the Escorts and Tactical toons job of dishing out DPS, without any drawbacks or non-handicapped special abilites becuase you feel its only fair that things be changed to accomidate your and other wishes is all that comes across to those whom read them.

    Its why I and others keep telling you that you are wrong. You are asking for a concession that is unreasonable and penalizes one classes form of gameplay while ignoring the designs of another.

    Try to understand that.

    Let me go a step further and see if I can clear your vision. If they made all the Tactical captain abilities, heck if all Captain abilities where made team friendly so we all got damage buffs, heal buffs and the like in a mission while on a team the Escort/Tac combo would still be the highest and best DPS dealer plus be more unkillable then you all already think it is. Nothing would change for you or your ilk. Try to understand that.

    The issue with Engineer, Cruiser or Science gameplay is not that they do not deal damage as well as the Tac class, its that the game is only designed for Pewpew and thats all that is rewarded.

    Fix the game by changing that issue and the game becomes more fun for the non-Tactical classes. Do not try to fix the classes to match the DPS dealer becuase that fixes nothing and glosses over the real issue.
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012

    This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules and Policies . ~Bluegeek
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • admiraljt#1430 admiraljt Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If you want the Tactical damage bonuses so badly play a Tac in an Escort. If you think your not getting enough heal get a Cruiser. Or better yet get with a team of people that will work together. Forcing me to give up the ability to control my powers is stupid.
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