WTF is the point of playing this game anymore? I mean seriously, as previously discussed, some of us work for a living and don't have time to grind all day to achieve some paltry reward.
So some of us find a great mission that for 20 mins work gives us 980 dil and 50 fleet marks. Great we think, we can finally do some work on the starbase project which has come to a complete stop thanks to greedy PWE/Cryptic. What do i find when i log in? It's gone.
And if PWE think i'm going to get my credit card out, they can think again. STOP TAKING AWAY ways to earn dil for those of us who don't have all day and have suported this game financially for ages. Why do you think people won't spend money? Because you are too greedy, that's why and you treat players with the utmost contempt, PWE/CRYPTIC are the worst at this i swear. All you are doing is alienating those of us who have been regularly contributing financially to your game. We as a fleet haven't spent a penny since S7 came out as there's nothing worth spending money on. Give us a reason to pay and we will, but stop taking away ways to earn dilithium, it's boring and all you are doing is making yourselves look stupid. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! :mad:
Founder of the 3rd Foot & Mouth Federation Fleet. Join today!
The Khasi of Kalabar: They will die the death of a thousand cuts! Princess Jelhi: Oh! But that's horrible! The Khasi of Kalabar: Not at all my little desert flower, the British are used to cuts!
What do you mean it's gone?
It does not show up on the list anymore?
[SIGPIC]Handle: @kirian_darkstar
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC] Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
I have moved this thread from STO discussion to the Foundry discussion subforum, so that the appropriate Devs are able to find the feedback easily.
What was the name of the mission? Are you sure that the author didn't simply unpublish it in order to make changes?
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
What mission are you talking about? If it's not listed, it's probably been withdrawn by the author. Also, if you're playing with a low-level toon, you may not see the mission that you played yesterday with a higher level toon.
If you mad that it no longer counts for the reward, then it's probably because:
a. either folks were zooming through it thus shortening it's play to no longer count.
b. it suddenly suffers from a bug where many mission that take longer than half an hour are somehow not counting.
Why would they change the system to reward them and then take away a legitimate mission that meets the guidelines while leaving hundred of others? Just to pee in your Cheerios? I doubt it.
When a mission stops showing in the list, it is because the author hit the withdrawal button. In this case, maybe the author wanted to polish it, since, after all, it contains random testing notes to self in the dialogues.
I've never seen Cryptic "take away" a mission. They would change how the rewards work, the limits to the rewards, etc. They wouldn't just pull a mission that doesn't violate the eula.
Ah, I see. Go forth OP. Discover what else is out there instead of farming that specific mission over and over and over again.
And what if the OP LIKED that mission, as I do? I LIKE SPACE COMBAT. That's what I like to play, and that mission was PERFECT as it was. It was variable, interesting and I got to shoot things that irritated me.
Go on, try to tell me this is better than allowing the 1-click missions.
How are you searching for missions? No doubt there are some badly designed missions that can be really frustrating. Sometimes, it's not the fault of a foundry author, but stuff like what you describe might be.
Try doing a custom search. Specify that you want a 20-30 minute mission with an average rating of 4 stars. Or, better yet, search 30-60 minute for missions that average 4 stars. You'll find some great ones.
There is a search tool. You don't have to blindly play a mission, nor do you have to replay the one that you like over and over and over again, unless you are just using that specific mission to farm drops on elite.
It is better than 1 click missions. Is it as easy and exploitable? No.
How are you searching for missions? No doubt there are some badly designed missions that can be really frustrating. Sometimes, it's not the fault of a foundry author, but stuff like what you describe might be.
Try doing a custom search. Specify that you want a 20-30 minute mission with an average rating of 4 stars. Or, better yet, search 30-60 minute for missions that average 4 stars. You'll find some great ones.
There is a search tool. You don't have to blindly play a mission, nor do you have to replay the one that you like over and over and over again, unless you are just using that specific mission to farm drops on elite.
It is better than 1 click missions. Is it as easy and exploitable? No.
Yes, I know there's a search tool. :rolleyes:
I search on "20-30 minues, english language." I don't trust peoples' ratings because of all the self-congratulatory foundry authors out there 5-starring every "work of literary genius".
An hour of play is not worth it for 900 dilithium and 50 marks. I'm looking for the nearest substitute for the 1-clickers.
I'm sorry to hear you've found a mission you disliked. However, may I suggest to try high rated mission, by a great numer of people ? They are usually well done. Check the comment and description, to see if it's the kind of mission you are looking for.
If you really want to have the best mission around, I suggest trying the spotlight mission. They were approved by many, and you may dislike them, it's a matter of taste after all, but they are well done.
I don't do a lot of foundry mission, I prefer creating them. However, the missions I played were fine. Quite original, with a lot of works behind, and not some random spawn on an empty map.
Foundry 1click mission was an efficient way to makes dil. You used to do them for the reward, and the mission was a cheap excuse for it. Now it's the contrary, the mission is the reward by itself, the reward is just icing on the cake.
I search on "20-30 minues, english language." I don't trust peoples' ratings because of all the self-congratulatory foundry authors out there 5-starring every "work of literary genius".
An hour of play is not worth it for 900 dilithium and 50 marks. I'm looking for the nearest substitute for the 1-clickers.
Check out "Orion-A-Go-Go." That's a really quick one. Also "Not Our War, part 2" is pretty quick and it's almost all combat with nice loot. There are many other missions like that.
I know because I randomly 5 star every one of them while wearing shades, smoking a cigarette through a long holder, and chanting "postmodern... fabulous." I predict that we'll take a turn soon into post-structuralist ennui...
What do you mean it's gone?
It does not show up on the list anymore?
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
What was the name of the mission? Are you sure that the author didn't simply unpublish it in order to make changes?
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
If you mad that it no longer counts for the reward, then it's probably because:
a. either folks were zooming through it thus shortening it's play to no longer count.
b. it suddenly suffers from a bug where many mission that take longer than half an hour are somehow not counting.
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
Ah, I see. Go forth OP. Discover what else is out there instead of farming that specific mission over and over and over again.
I've never seen Cryptic "take away" a mission. They would change how the rewards work, the limits to the rewards, etc. They wouldn't just pull a mission that doesn't violate the eula.
And what if the OP LIKED that mission, as I do? I LIKE SPACE COMBAT. That's what I like to play, and that mission was PERFECT as it was. It was variable, interesting and I got to shoot things that irritated me.
How are you searching for missions? No doubt there are some badly designed missions that can be really frustrating. Sometimes, it's not the fault of a foundry author, but stuff like what you describe might be.
Try doing a custom search. Specify that you want a 20-30 minute mission with an average rating of 4 stars. Or, better yet, search 30-60 minute for missions that average 4 stars. You'll find some great ones.
There is a search tool. You don't have to blindly play a mission, nor do you have to replay the one that you like over and over and over again, unless you are just using that specific mission to farm drops on elite.
It is better than 1 click missions. Is it as easy and exploitable? No.
Yes, I know there's a search tool. :rolleyes:
I search on "20-30 minues, english language." I don't trust peoples' ratings because of all the self-congratulatory foundry authors out there 5-starring every "work of literary genius".
An hour of play is not worth it for 900 dilithium and 50 marks. I'm looking for the nearest substitute for the 1-clickers.
As for Battleship Royal Rumble, keep an eye out during the next couple days. The author might have taken it down to make adjustments
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
If you really want to have the best mission around, I suggest trying the spotlight mission. They were approved by many, and you may dislike them, it's a matter of taste after all, but they are well done.
I don't do a lot of foundry mission, I prefer creating them. However, the missions I played were fine. Quite original, with a lot of works behind, and not some random spawn on an empty map.
Foundry 1click mission was an efficient way to makes dil. You used to do them for the reward, and the mission was a cheap excuse for it. Now it's the contrary, the mission is the reward by itself, the reward is just icing on the cake.
Check out "Orion-A-Go-Go." That's a really quick one. Also "Not Our War, part 2" is pretty quick and it's almost all combat with nice loot. There are many other missions like that.
I know because I randomly 5 star every one of them while wearing shades, smoking a cigarette through a long holder, and chanting "postmodern... fabulous." I predict that we'll take a turn soon into post-structuralist ennui...
All hail the artistes!
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan
We would only pull a mission if it breaks TOS/ EULA, and I don't recall anything in the mission in discussion that did.
Brandon =/\=