So I'm sitting on over 3500 fleet marks right now. I'm not in a fleet and I have no desire to join one. However, I am thinking about seeing if there is a fleet out there that can use these marks (a DECENT fleet that actually needs them)...let me temporarily join, dump the marks, then I will leave the fleet.
First I would like to know what the fleet marks are worth...what would/could I get for them?
Second, what kind of assurances would I have that I would not get fleeced by the fleet...for instance kicking me from the fleet before I'm compensated for the marks?
I don't care what the header says, I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be, an "ARC user".
I know my fleet could use the fleet marks but I have no idea what would be the appropriate compensation. My fleet is a small fleet of about 2.5 active players but we have managed to make it to start our Tier 3 upgrades. The shipyard upgrade alone is over 5,000 Fleet marks. However, there are fleets out there with about the same people who are not as far along as we are. You may want to look to them first.
Matt Miracle
Fleet Commander in Chief [Rank 7] for Covenant of Honor; a FED T5 Starbase
House Leader [Rank 7] for Honorable House of Mor'gue; a KDF T3 Starbase Find us at My Twitter handle; @jmattmiracle
Well one fleet mark is worth 50 fleet credits, same as 50 dilithium. 1 dilithium is worth 100ec (if you use the 'exchange rate' of 5 contraband = 200k ec = 2000 dil). By that math, fleet marks are worth 5k ec each. Your pool then has a base value 17.5 million ec, modified by demand. By one way of looking at it anyways.
Or less mathematically, I imagine a number of fleets would happily trade you a couple Fleet Modules and shipyard access in exchange for your donation. Probably not the full 4, but if you already own a C-Store ship with a fleet equivalent, could be a nice upgrade at no cost to you. Or if you don't own a c-store ship, maybe they pay two modules, you come up with the other two, and get the ship if your choice. Maybe take the rest of your Fleet Credits from the transaction and kit out said ship from the fleet store (assuming you have the dil). Sounds like a fair enough trade (for the right fleet anyways).
The trick of course is making sure that they don't rip off you, and you don't rip off them. Always fun.
Well before the changes to the Foundry on Thursday you could have got a lot of EC for your marks.
Regarding the "you'll get ripped off" comments. All it takes is some common sense.
1. Agree what will be happening before hand. (that way nothing daft will go wrong.
2. Do it in stages, not in one go.
Example, If I was going to give you 5m EC for all your marks, you join the fleet and put them in the project I tell you to. Not in one go, guage how far you'll trust me and then put in as many as you want to risk. Then request payment for the items contributed. Rinse and repeat.
So if you thought I was shady, you might just drop 500 marks, get paid, 1000 marks, get paid etc.
Any small- to medium-size fleet that is doing a starbase upgrade project would be pretty desperate for Flarks.
What they're worth is... 50 fleet credits. So you'd get 175,000 fleet credits. So a better question is, what are 175k fleet credits worth, and what can you buy with them?
Most fleet stuff costs both fleet credits and dilithium, so if you want fleet shields and weapons, for example, you'll have plenty of credits for them, but you'll need to factor in the additional dil cost.
An Advanced Fleet space weapon is, for example, 20k credit + 10k dil. Fleet must have tier 2 fabricator.
Fleet ships cost credits (20k) and fleet ship modules (1-4 at 500 Zen or ~5 million EC each). A few fleet ships only cost credits, no modules needed, but they cost 200k credits and are inferior to the ships with a FSM cost. Fleet shipyard must be at the right level for the ship you want.
Some fleet items have no additional cost beyond credits. Operational assets are a big one, but you wouldn't be interested in those, as they only help during fleet events. There are military, engineering, and science buffs that are usable anywhere, though. You might like those.
Then there are fleet duty officers. A tier 4 starbase would allow you to buy purple ones for 25k each. So, seven very rare doffs. Some of them have the special alternate active powers like the doffs otherwise found only in the reinforcements and fleet support doff packs. If the RNG is kind to you, these would be the most straightforward way of converting fleet credits to energy credits. But you'd have to find a T4 fleet to buy the purples, and a fleet that is already at T4 is not going to have trouble filling fleet mark requirements.
I was like you, once, by the way. Not in a fleet and no desire to join one. Then I found one, originally with the intention of just dumping a bunch of flarks and going on my way. Now I'm an officer in it. The game's a lot better this way.
Actually you get fleet credits when you hand them in
Any fleet that offers you payment for them is probably not a fleet that deserves them
and you have no assurance of any kind when you make these bargains
from doing the Investigate Officer Reports daily...I'd rather not have them but they give them anyway.
I thought so...kinda I need to decide if I want to take my chances or not. Thanks for the info.
Find us at My Twitter handle; @jmattmiracle
Or less mathematically, I imagine a number of fleets would happily trade you a couple Fleet Modules and shipyard access in exchange for your donation. Probably not the full 4, but if you already own a C-Store ship with a fleet equivalent, could be a nice upgrade at no cost to you. Or if you don't own a c-store ship, maybe they pay two modules, you come up with the other two, and get the ship if your choice. Maybe take the rest of your Fleet Credits from the transaction and kit out said ship from the fleet store (assuming you have the dil). Sounds like a fair enough trade (for the right fleet anyways).
The trick of course is making sure that they don't rip off you, and you don't rip off them. Always fun.
Regarding the "you'll get ripped off" comments. All it takes is some common sense.
1. Agree what will be happening before hand. (that way nothing daft will go wrong.
2. Do it in stages, not in one go.
Example, If I was going to give you 5m EC for all your marks, you join the fleet and put them in the project I tell you to. Not in one go, guage how far you'll trust me and then put in as many as you want to risk. Then request payment for the items contributed. Rinse and repeat.
So if you thought I was shady, you might just drop 500 marks, get paid, 1000 marks, get paid etc.
What they're worth is... 50 fleet credits. So you'd get 175,000 fleet credits. So a better question is, what are 175k fleet credits worth, and what can you buy with them?
Most fleet stuff costs both fleet credits and dilithium, so if you want fleet shields and weapons, for example, you'll have plenty of credits for them, but you'll need to factor in the additional dil cost.
An Advanced Fleet space weapon is, for example, 20k credit + 10k dil. Fleet must have tier 2 fabricator.
Fleet ships cost credits (20k) and fleet ship modules (1-4 at 500 Zen or ~5 million EC each). A few fleet ships only cost credits, no modules needed, but they cost 200k credits and are inferior to the ships with a FSM cost. Fleet shipyard must be at the right level for the ship you want.
Some fleet items have no additional cost beyond credits. Operational assets are a big one, but you wouldn't be interested in those, as they only help during fleet events. There are military, engineering, and science buffs that are usable anywhere, though. You might like those.
Then there are fleet duty officers. A tier 4 starbase would allow you to buy purple ones for 25k each. So, seven very rare doffs. Some of them have the special alternate active powers like the doffs otherwise found only in the reinforcements and fleet support doff packs. If the RNG is kind to you, these would be the most straightforward way of converting fleet credits to energy credits. But you'd have to find a T4 fleet to buy the purples, and a fleet that is already at T4 is not going to have trouble filling fleet mark requirements.
I was like you, once, by the way. Not in a fleet and no desire to join one. Then I found one, originally with the intention of just dumping a bunch of flarks and going on my way. Now I'm an officer in it. The game's a lot better this way.
Find us at My Twitter handle; @jmattmiracle