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Ice Skating and other Winter Wonderland Screenshots

queetzqueetz Member Posts: 125 Arc User
edited December 2012 in The Art of Star Trek Online
I pretty much missed most of this event last year so I'm experiencing a lot of it the first time. I am so loving it, but the one thing I totally enjoy was the ability to figure skate.

Below are some of my screenshots

My character with his new scarf

Picking up speed

A high jump

Some acrobatics

Sudden stop

Almost slipped here...

Frozen by the snowmen

My "Avalanche" snowball gun

I love events like these as it reminds me of the good ole SWG days when there are more to do other than combat.

Great work Cryptic! I even couldn't resist thanking Branflakes during the event today (not sure if he noticed). I hope Cryptic holds more of these events (cough...summer) in the future as they are quite fun.

Perhaps others can share their Winter Wonderland screenshots as well.
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