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The most informative podcast?

theofficialmip#7339 theofficialmip Member Posts: 93 Arc User
I used to watched Stoked every week, but since it got canceled I haven't picked up a new STO podcast. I couldn't take to Stoked the next generation.

So which podcast is the most informatve now in your guys opinion?

I miss getting the inside information, and news that the original Stoked excelled at.
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  • avantgarde01avantgarde01 Member Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'd have to say Priority One. They frequently get interviews with the Devs and have even made a trip out to Cryptic Studios. They also got the first peak at the Vesta on their podcast, before it was released to the public. I'm also pretty sure you can hear some of their voices in game, just like STOked got.

    The only drawback is, if you're set on the STOked visual format, Priority One won't alleviate that as they are also an audio release.
  • mavgeekrsamavgeekrsa Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'd have to say Priority One. They frequently get interviews with the Devs and have even made a trip out to Cryptic Studios. They also got the first peak at the Vesta on their podcast, before it was released to the public. I'm also pretty sure you can hear some of their voices in game, just like STOked got.

    The only drawback is, if you're set on the STOked visual format, Priority One won't alleviate that as they are also an audio release.

    Well, one of their staff is currently married / dating one of the Cryptic staff members. And of course Brandon being a former host for them, kinda gives them a couple legs up on the rest of us as far as finding out news before the general public does.

    So if you're looking for the early "scoop"'s, Priority One is your source.

    If you want the in's and out's of Foundry news, Foundry mission reviews and such, you want PodcastUGC.

    And if you want brutal honesty (both good and bad), there's always RSA.

    If you're interested in STOked, Asmick is still continuing STOked with STOked Radio, I don't have the link off hand but it's hosted on his youtube channel and airs live typically Saturday afternoons on TrekRadio.

    If you like Klingons and/or roleplay you can't go wrong with Gates of Stovokor.

    There's a STO podcast out there that will fit just about every niche of the game.
    redshirtarmy.com - RedShirtArmy Podcast
    STO / Cryptic member since 2009 (mavgeek)
  • bruntfcas31bruntfcas31 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    all of them are most precious :D
  • agradyagrady Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm totally happy to see Priority One mentioned, but I should clear up a misconception. PO has always worked hard to get (and has sometimes easily gotten) the scoop with Cryptic based on maintaining a good relationship with the staff (even before Brandon joined Cryptic) - it's been this way since loooong before I joined too.

    As a girlfriend of a dev (both of us met before he worked at Cryptic while doing LARP), if I were to get "early news" from my lover, I wouldn't be allowed to share any of it with my own podcast buddies or broadcast it to our audience. So, I'm not a big help to PO in that regard and much of my STO-Secret-Life is spent biting my tongue and smirking. All I can do is assist in reminding my dear when he is scheduled to do an interview or asking him to clarify something in the game that I have a question on. So, on that - I'm lucky to have my own "customer service". ;)

    My Priority One and Gates of Stovokor (even Trek Radio and G&T) dear teammates and friends (I've also done voices on Gates and am writing a script for them presently) all go bonkers when I have news I can't share (we all skype a lot) - similarly, when they talk about things they like or don't like in game, I get to learn and see more viewpoints, and it makes me a better host and contributor on my own show. (and yes Podcast UGC rocks for foundry!)

    Since I'm also "dating a dev", it sometimes happens that I take a lunch break with my darling and end up hanging out with others on the team too...I might overhear brainstorming on episodes, system adds, and player needs...and I also get to see the latest stuff going on in their building. It's a great company and team over there! But aside from that proclamation, I'm not allowed to speak of what I see or hear there. It's a STO or Trek fan's dream (which I am first and foremost), but not a podcaster or journalists in that regard (which I do because it brings me even closer to what I love - including connecting with other Trekkies).

    About voice work - Lately, I have done some voice work, which some of you might catch, but I believe I'm the only one on my PO team who's done so (I'm not ready to reveal it yet, but if you catch it, let me know what you think). :)

    Priority One also has great blogs (some from folks you know - like Sorie/Soridiem), Video playthroughs of missions (foundry and featured), and another couple of shows focused on gaming and Sci-Fi, "InDevelopment" and "Trek It Out", so check em' out if you get the chance!
    Our next guest interview is with Vic Mignogna, the amazingly fun and talented voice-over actor (I got to work with him on a movie a year ago and I'm very much looking forward to our interview!) and our most recent was with the well-known, brilliant Star Trek writer, Kirsten Beyer in an excellent interview for any writer, or writer-in-the-making!

    Adrianne Grady
    Priority One
    Cryptic Voice Actor, USS Starfinder, Gates of Stovokor, ST:Continues, ST:Renegades, ST:Axanar, ST:Shadows of Tyranny, Nobility, Zygerus, Rabbit Moon Show, G&T Show, Trek Radio w/ DJ Deyvid, Subspace Radio w/ DJ Grom, Priority One Podcast, SciMax Radio, Tribbles in Ecstasy, Trek News & Views, Ferengi Alliance Cosplay, ST: Reunion, LARP Alliance
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Married????? Excellent!!! Congratulations!!!
    In the tenants of my faith May I say, May the Good Lord turn his face to smile upon you all the days of your lives.


    Though Im always last to know these things... I really must socialize more....
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • startrekronstartrekron Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'll list my thoughts on the podcasts

    Priority One
    Pros: Consistent publication, informative
    Cons: Show feels rushed at times

    Redshirt Army Podcast:
    Pros: They tell it like it is
    Cons: They seem to be Cryptic's red headed stepchild as they don't get much Dev attention

    STOked Radio:
    Pros: A wide variety of topics, video on Youtube
    Cons: Youtube channel hasn't been updated in a month

    I like Priority One a lot but I think Red Shirt is my favorite
    "Live Long and Prosper but always carry a fully charged phaser, just in case!". Arrr'ow

    Co-Leader of Serenity's Grasp
  • xantrisxantris Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    None of them are very good if you want unbiased intelligent conversation type news

    Priority one tends to be a little too much pomp and flair for me and lacks intelligent unbiased(or atleast conflicting viewpoints) conversation. The only time it's really informative is if they have a dev interview. It also is a little too rainbow and sunshine, probably because they don't want to sour their relationship with Cryptic.

    RSA somehow got it into their head that STOs player base is drying up. Plus a few of there people don't know wth they are talking about half the time.

    The rest are various flavors of RP and mixed trek news that won't give you anything useful.
  • agradyagrady Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Here's a bit of background on what it's like to make or host a podcast...

    To make one that's good and consistent takes dedicated people willing to keep up to date on every game update and discussion - as best as humanly possible. We sweep through game notices, forum posts, play the game, test the game, work in the foundry, write Trek novels, find cool articles about science, read gaming news on sites like Gamasutra, Skype with each other, search out interviews, research content, memorize terms, learn Klingon, think up fun episodes or skits, work on costumes or voice talent, update websites and edit audio ALL WEEK LONG...and that's in addition to making sure everyone on the team can synchronize their schedules with each other (harder when teams are made up of lots of people in different time zones). GAH! Insanity. And we love it!

    All of the podcasts noted here (see the Stickie Note on the STO forum with the updated list of all STO podcasts) are staffed by folks who absolutely love the game, and that energy comes through in every aspect - from discussions to interviews to entertaining interactions.

    Coming up with content and staying on top of it all is very time consuming and would be easier for all of us if the podcasts were our full time, paying, jobs - but they're not. We have to keep each other energized after a long day at work and a long one prepping for the podcast show.

    Some shows are shorter than others, some are more serious and some more fun, and with every show we wish we were able to do more in-depth discussions. We do what we can, as we can.

    Each podcast has a different cast/crew personality, time commitment ability, and overall show personality - sometimes even per show, per week, per podcast. We like to evolve and please our audience and have fun while we do it - else we die inside. You get something cool with each podcast and it's fun to meet and listen to them all.

    We all like to give the benefit of the doubt to the game and company, as well as not sour our mood thinking that everything will end badly. Keeping in good with a company that makes our favorite game is integral to staying updated - it's good business of course. But that doesn't mean that a podcast doesn't care about the downsides or wish to address them (speaking for my team at Priority One for example and for Gates of Stovokor and G&T Show - which I hope they don't mind me doing). You can hear it in all of our shows - some segment discussions are more debated than others, but we want to at least give the latest updates and make you smile.

    If anyone is interested in helping us focus on a certain topic or see a side we hadn't seen on an issue, we always want to hear it. We're just fellow players who happen to have put our audio equipment and time into doing podcasts as well. And I personally looooove addressing concerns, as many of you who listen to me know, because I think that are a kind and honest ways of doing it that can help bring to light something that needs to be. I never get so upset that I can't see straight or see the positive, nor so kind that I can't address a problem in the game, but I will always give the benefit of the doubt first and hope for the best because it feels great to focus on all the cool things in the game too and appreciate the hard work of people who make them for us. That's who I am regardless of what project I work on. Now to go look at some Tard cat photos, work on some writing, and sew more gems on my Ferengi costume. :D

    ~ Adrianne
    Cryptic Voice Actor, USS Starfinder, Gates of Stovokor, ST:Continues, ST:Renegades, ST:Axanar, ST:Shadows of Tyranny, Nobility, Zygerus, Rabbit Moon Show, G&T Show, Trek Radio w/ DJ Deyvid, Subspace Radio w/ DJ Grom, Priority One Podcast, SciMax Radio, Tribbles in Ecstasy, Trek News & Views, Ferengi Alliance Cosplay, ST: Reunion, LARP Alliance
  • hachanshachans Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I used to listen to Stoked and PO every week (even when I took a break from the game), but since Stoked got cancelled I have only listened to PO. And it's usually good, although the past few episodes I feel like I've been left hanging after the episode is finished. The last few episodes have mostly only been the reading of forums posts out loud. In the latest episode the PVP boot camp was mentioned (which I will say is an awesome idea btw). But instead of talking about it, the ideas behind it and why it is necessary, the hosts chose to read the blog post almost word for word. And while I do realize that the author was on the show, I don't need a podcast to read me blog posts out loud (and the same goes for patch notes etc). Just give me the highlights of the posts and then analyze, speculate and go wild and crazy!

    I realize now that this kind of feedback would have been better off being sent straight to Adrianne et al, but I saw that she replied in this thread so I hope she'll see it. It's still worth subscribing and listen to the show! I'm pretty sure the show will pick up and improve again!
  • willomallywillomally Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I personally listen and am a fan them all but for a break down. For the most up to minute news Priority One and Podcast UGC are the best. For commentary (some of it quite colorful) I would suggest Tribbles in Ecstasy and the Red Shirt Army. If you want good all round coverage STOked radio is for you but all of the can be listened to on the go so follow them all.:)

    Look at the pretty mushroom grow
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I loved STOKED and haven't really listened to the Radio version. I do like PO, but lately it seems more like a commercial for Cryptic and I already play the game. RSA is way too negative. UGC, I will listen to more often because it has a nice balance of fluff vs this new thing mad me angry.
  • drudgydrudgy Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I listen to ProdcastUGC and PriorityOne pretty regularly. PodcastUGC usually has some really good discussion on the game. Also the Hav Rages are pretty fun to listen to as well. PriorityOne always has a pretty tight show usually under an hour that you can catch up on Star Trek news, where as PodcastUGC usually goes one for about 2 hours.

    Both are very good and I salute both of those podcasts teams for excellent jobs.
  • mustachemavmustachemav Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I know the transition was hard from Jupiter Broadcasting's High Quality STOked to my mini STOked Radio Show. As its pretty much a one man show at the moment and i work full time alot of things slip through the crack like the weekly publishing of episodes on the youtube channel.

    STOked Radio is still live on saturdays @ 2pm EST/ 11am PST on Livestream.com/stokedradio and simulcasted on Trekradio.Net

    A new Facebook Page was created and more work into formalizing & finalizing the show and bring on more staff to assist in production is the goal before Star Trek Las Vegas 2013 in August.

    Im always taking suggestions for show content @ Maverick@stokedradio.net and a formal website is currently in development.

    Radio Only Stream: Trekradio.Net
    Video Stream: Livestream.com/stokedradio
    Facebook | STOked Radio
    Twitter | @STOkedshow
  • avantgarde01avantgarde01 Member Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I know the transition was hard from Jupiter Broadcasting's High Quality STOked to my mini STOked Radio Show. As its pretty much a one man show at the moment and i work full time alot of things slip through the crack like the weekly publishing of episodes on the youtube channel.

    I've been enjoying STOked Radio. Keep up the good work.
  • agradyagrady Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    hachans wrote: »
    ...Just give me the highlights of the posts and then analyze, speculate and go wild and crazy!
    I realize now that this kind of feedback would have been better off being sent straight to Adrianne et al, but I saw that she replied in this thread so I hope she'll see it. It's still worth subscribing and listen to the show! I'm pretty sure the show will pick up and improve again!

    I do see your post! :D
    Well I'm sure it hasn't helped that all three hosts had jobs we lost or started this year and I wasn't able to keep up with the game properly because of Jesse's leg surgery. But I agree with you and as our schedules open up more for game play, and as we work even harder to put forth the news in addition to just "the news", I hope you'll stick with me and see a change - aka more discussions and less read-through.

    We generally only have about an hour or so for our live show (all cast and crew in different time zones) and in that, James can't devour it with ship talk (though he sometimes succeeds which is why we had a great suggestion to him to give him his own segment or mini show at some point soon - James, don't kill me! Haha!)
    Don't get me wrong, I love ships and tech. I'm just not even finished with my first foundry mission and I have a Ferengi costume I'm working on among other Trek-related work. But what I mean is that we always do a minimum of thought sharing on every news bit, and when we have time, we do discussions. Listeners have heard us rant or debate plenty of times on important topics.

    I'm curious what issues people think are the most important for PO to spotlight at the moment (forum-focused or popular in game chat). If we only have an hour, say, what would people think should be noted on and would they be willing to join the chat on Trek Radio live with us or submit feedback to us prior to a show so we can bring it up? (send feedback and requests to incoming@priorityonepodcast.com ) We always read the feedback on the show, but it would be cool to hear the voice of in-the-know people prior to going live.

    ~ Adrianne
    Cryptic Voice Actor, USS Starfinder, Gates of Stovokor, ST:Continues, ST:Renegades, ST:Axanar, ST:Shadows of Tyranny, Nobility, Zygerus, Rabbit Moon Show, G&T Show, Trek Radio w/ DJ Deyvid, Subspace Radio w/ DJ Grom, Priority One Podcast, SciMax Radio, Tribbles in Ecstasy, Trek News & Views, Ferengi Alliance Cosplay, ST: Reunion, LARP Alliance
  • jengozjengoz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I have given up on all the podcasts. Half of them have hosts that seem to have a vested interest in supporting the game. Either dating someone at the company, or paid to write stories about the game, or just plain blinded Trekkie who loves anything with a Star Trek logo on it no matter what it is. The other half of the podcasts have hosts who hate cryptic and rant about them every other week.

    I did used to like the STOked show for the Math segment. I liked how they talked about the game mechanic and how to understand them. Someone needs to that again instead of the endless droning on by the hosts of their opinion about this or that.
    "Star Trek Online is powered by the most abundant resource in the galaxy . . . Gullibility"
  • willomallywillomally Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Go and try Tribbles in Ecstasy they are pretty funny and other than me no one has mentioned they. :)http://holosuitemagazine.com/

    Look at the pretty mushroom grow
  • hrci2907hrci2907 Member Posts: 648 Media Corps
    edited December 2012
    well i also enjoyed whatching stoked an listening stoked radio, but for almost 2 months no stoked radio episodes was realesed, to bad, as i cant cath live episodes if still are any.:(
    "This is your ultimate STO Youtube channel!"
  • f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I used to like STOked, but I haven't been able to listen to it since they made the transition to the live Radio format, namely because I'm hardly ever home Saturdays at 11 am, I wish you guys would go back to releasing your shows as podcasts after the live show. Even if it's just an audiocast or a hybrid podcast like scibyte, I need something I can listen to on my own time.

    For that matter, I had to stop listening to TrekRadio while playing STO because i just don't get the bandwidth to do both at the same time anymore.
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