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500 Marks for one iten?!!!!



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    lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    What are you doing that's only 20 marks per run? I don't know of any Romulan Dailies (space) that are only 20 marks, and ESTFs are 60-115 per run. You lost me.

    Sorry but I was talking about Borg set.

    For all folks talking about elite stf, you are right! Some players ruin stfs and some times they leave the game without complete the objectives and you can?t complete the stf (I was refearing the borg queen scenario). And please do not talk about doing party with well know members. I am a casual player, I do not know 4 players that are able to play with me at same time!

    And Mr. Pwebranflakes please create one space mission that rewards 200 ou 500 marks (../irony on - tag/scan anomalous planets, raise a solar system.../irony off)
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lordhook wrote: »
    Sorry but I was talking about Borg set.

    For all folks talking about elite stf, you are right! Some players ruin stfs and some times they leave the game without complete the objectives and you can?t complete the stf (I was refearing the borg queen scenario). And please do not talk about doing party with well know members. I am a casual player, I do not know 4 players that are able to play with me at same time!

    And Mr. Pwebranflakes please create one space mission that rewards 200 ou 500 marks (../irony on - tag/scan anomalous planets, raise a solar system.../irony off)


    "And please do not talk about doing party with well know members. I am a casual player, I do not know 4 players that are able to play with me at same time!"

    Have you ever heard of the PublicEliteSTF channel? Yeah. That one. You will ALWAYS find players there willing to do almost ANY elite stf. The majority of them are competent. 80% of the time you will get the optional regardless of which ESTF it is. So please, the options are available, don't even try to bull**** me with this lame excuse.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Have you ever heard of the PublicEliteSTF channel? Yeah. That one.

    Well, now I have.

    Thanks! :)
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    lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kiralyn wrote: »
    Well, now I have.

    Thanks! :)

    Me 2 :P

    And Mr. Pwebranflakes please create one space mission that rewards 200 ou 500 marks (../irony on - could be tag/scan anomalous planets, raise a solar system.../irony off)
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    kiralyn wrote: »
    Well, now I have.

    Thanks! :)
    lordhook wrote: »
    Me 2 :P

    Good, then I expect to see both of you there slaughtering borg with the rest of us.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    phantomeightphantomeight Member Posts: 567 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2012
    lordhook wrote: »
    Sorry but I was talking about Borg set.

    For all folks talking about elite stf, you are right! Some players ruin stfs and some times they leave the game without complete the objectives and you can?t complete the stf (I was refearing the borg queen scenario). And please do not talk about doing party with well know members. I am a casual player, I do not know 4 players that are able to play with me at same time!

    And Mr. Pwebranflakes please create one space mission that rewards 200 ou 500 marks (../irony on - tag/scan anomalous planets, raise a solar system.../irony off)

    Just do ISE as it is ridiculously easy or maybe I am good and or something, though I don't believe I am anywhere near a top player. I have almost fallen asleep while pugging ISE, like when you fall asleep for a brief second when driving while tired...

    ISE is still completable even when two people rage quit though it will take a long time... That and because it's so easy is one of the reasons why I routinely pug ISE. Just grab your marks that way, its only 5 or 6 runs and you are all set.
    join Date: Sep 2009 - I want my changeling lava lamp!
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    drake122svkdrake122svk Member Posts: 731 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Does someone know the cost in Omega marks/Dil of the Adapted MACO/KHG space and ground sets? I haven't reached T5 rep yet, but I would really like to know how much I need to save up in order to get those items.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    500 Omega Marks and 15,000 Dilithium for the ground set and I believe 1000 Omega Marks and about 30,000 dilithium for the space set since I am looking at November 2nd's Tribble patch notes and it doesn't show how much it is for the space set, but thats the cost for the Mk XII space sets.
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    tinead51tinead51 Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I laugh at you. In fact I roll on the floor laughing at you. Just cuz you have a lifer tag under your name doesn't give you the right to call anyone an idiot. In fact, if anything it gives me the right to laugh at you even more for spending so much money on this game.

    500 Omega marks is very easy even for casual players. If you can't be bothered to spend an hour doing 3 elite stfs and getting those marks easily, yes, you are lazy. If you can't be bothered to spend such a tiny amount of time doing this, then yes, you are lazy.

    I don't do the New Romulus ground missions, I found them boring and tedious. As such, I am left with doing the Acamar system 7 times a day, which is also boring and tedious, but it involves no moving around, and nets me 60 marks a day. Which is why, since I admit here I am being lazy, Romulan marks are annoying, especially since the Tholian Red Alerts are even more of a pain to get into.

    What "lifer" tag under my name... oh you mean the "veteran" tag :o I'm no lifer,couldn't afford it, I stand by my first statement,you're an eejit :rolleyes:

    1100 odd posts on the forum,if most are as poor as this one,i'd stick to playing the game.Let us all just think you're stupid,opening your mouth just removes all doubt. ;)
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Instead of piling up larger numbers of marks on a few missions or decreasing the costs, why not add marks to all appropriate missions.

    That way players will have a larger pool of assorted things to do and will be happier grinding their way to what ever their eventual goal (Items) they are aiming for.

    Put 15-25 Omega marks on any mission that involves the Borg and 15-25 Romulan Marks to any mission that involves them.

    Later on when They add other Reputation lines, do the same... Cardassian... PvP.. or whatever.

    BTW: IMO, Only 5 or 10 Mark Rewards for the missions on New Romulas, is ridiculous.

    ............. Paltry is the word that comes to mind.
    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    tinead51 wrote: »
    What "lifer" tag under my name... oh you mean the "veteran" tag :o I'm no lifer,couldn't afford it, I stand by my first statement,you're an eejit :rolleyes:

    1100 odd posts on the forum,if most are as poor as this one,i'd stick to playing the game.Let us all just think you're stupid,opening your mouth just removes all doubt. ;)

    I really don't know what I find more amusing. Your subscription or your post. Your arrogance and inability to speak about anything from your mouth instead of your rear is almost hilarious. And in fact, you seem to be so off topic, it's just plain pathetic.

    Good day.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    500 Omega Marks and 15,000 Dilithium for the ground set and I believe 1000 Omega Marks and about 30,000 dilithium for the space set since I am looking at November 2nd's Tribble patch notes and it doesn't show how much it is for the space set, but thats the cost for the Mk XII space sets.

    For causal player is to much. I do not have any hope to get the space set, and the ground set is something that I will not use. I do not like ground missions.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lordhook wrote: »
    For causal player is to much. I do not have any hope to get the space set, and the ground set is something that I will not use. I do not like ground missions.

    Then don't complain about costs if you don't have any intent upon using the item. Simple enough dontcha think?
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lordhook wrote: »
    For causal player is to much. I do not have any hope to get the space set, and the ground set is something that I will not use. I do not like ground missions.

    If you plan to get to Tier 5, then you will have to spend about 1500 Omega Marks. That is enough to get a Mk XII ground set. It is also the same cost as the Mk X space Set.
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    lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    If you plan to get to Tier 5, then you will have to spend about 1500 Omega Marks. That is enough to get a Mk XII ground set. It is also the same cost as the Mk X space Set.

    Guys, I do not want ground set, I love play space missions and I do not like ground missions. Ground set will be useless to me.

    For now, get 2000 omega marks is impossible for a casual player, I not sure why cryptic have missions that can give 500 romulan marks and you do not the same for Omega Marks. As casual player I proved that is possible get romulan set and impossible get the Omega set, the rewards for Omega marks are very low.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lordhook wrote: »
    Guys, I do not want ground set, I love play space missions and I do not like ground missions. Ground set will be useless to me.

    For now, get 2000 omega marks is impossible for a casual player, I not sure why cryptic have missions that can give 500 romulan marks and you do not the same for Omega Marks. As casual player I proved that is possible get romulan set and impossible get the Omega set, the rewards for Omega marks are very low.

    The point of my post was that it costs the same to get to Tier 5 as it does to get a Mk X STF Space set or Mk XII STF ground set. Also it is not impossible to get 2000 Omega Marks as a casual player. It will take at the most 3 months to get 2000 Omega Marks assuming that you are playing only 3 elite STFs per week. If you have an aversion to playing elite STFs, then it will take longer. However casual players can usually find 30 minutes to do an elite STF and most ISEs I have played take between 15 to 20 minutes. Having Mk XII gear is not critical to play ISEs. The only thing that is critical is to follow the 10% rule and stay with the group. The only way it would be impossible to get 2000 Omega Marks is if it takes you longer to get than the game is around like playing only one normal STF per month.
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    rakhohl#4803 rakhohl Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I made Tier 5 today in Romulan reputation and was shocked and severely disappointed to find out that after more than a month of logging in every day to make sure to turn over my rep missions and play the dailies I was still going to be well over a month away from being able to outfit my ship the way I wanted.

    Each of the advanced prototype equipment (shields, engines, deflectors) are 750 marks each plus 32,000 dilithium. On top of that, each beam array was 500 marks plus 15,000 dil. The torp was 500 marks and 15,000 dil, I believe. Plus whatever the console cost (500 marks + dil).

    I was not doing it for STFs or to be King Stud in the game. I just wanted it because I'm a Rommie fan and wanted it for my personal enjoyment. Personally, I have no problem with the dilithium cost. The problem I have is with spending all the time (which is a lot to me, I don't normally play that much) to earn the Tiers to then have to turn around and start all over again to earn the equipment. I had 1300+ marks saved up (in addition to those spent leveling). I got one experimental beam array and one hyper-torp. When I played the final story arc mission it awarded 750 marks, so I got the advanced prototype engine. To finish outfitting the Belleraphon I was hoping to equip, I will need 3 more arrays, another torp, the sheilds, deflector and console. That's 4,000 marks plus all the dilithium and the expense of 50 industrial cells each and whatever other expenses.

    I'm certainly not going to rage-quit over it, nor am I a Cryptic hater. I think they've done an excellent job of improving the game since Season 6. But, the excessive cost of the equipment after reaching Tier 5 has certainly deflated my interest in getting the equipment. My suggestion would be to remove the Marks requirement from the equipment (keep it for consumables) and raise the Dilithium cost by 50% (making the engines, for example, cost 48,000 dil).

    BTW, the stats for the Romulan Advanced Prototype Covariant Shield are wonky. The capacity is 1/2 of the MK XII and 1/2 the regen. It is far less than my Borg shield. Is that right?

    Romulan Advanced Prototype Covarient Shield Array MK XII
    3168 Maximum Shield Capacity (10% Bleedthrough)
    66 Shield Regeneration Every 6 seconds

    Reman Prototype Covarient Shield MK XII
    6504 Maximum Shield Capacity (10% Bleedthrough)
    123.2 Shield Regeneration Every 6 seconds
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    lordhook wrote: »
    For now, get 2000 omega marks is impossible for a casual player, I not sure why cryptic have missions that can give 500 romulan marks and you do not the same for Omega Marks. As casual player I proved that is possible get romulan set and impossible get the Omega set, the rewards for Omega marks are very low.


    2000 OMs. Wooooooow. I can get 2k OMs within 2 or 3 days. Easily. Just put in 2 hours a day, that's 6 STFs. 360-600 marks easy. Do this for a week or so, and you got your 2k marks. Easy.

    I find your last remark to be the most amusing. I am a casual player. And yet I wouldn't mind this grind. Your laziness is amusing.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    lordhooklordhook Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    rakhohl1 wrote: »
    To finish outfitting the Belleraphon I was hoping to equip, I will need 3 more arrays, another torp, the sheilds, deflector and console. That's 4,000 marks plus all the dilithium and the expense of 50 industrial cells each and whatever other expenses.

    I'm certainly not going to rage-quit over it, nor am I a Cryptic hater. I think they've done an excellent job of improving the game since Season 6. But, the excessive cost of the equipment after reaching Tier 5 has certainly deflated my interest in getting the equipment. My suggestion would be to remove the Marks requirement from the equipment (keep it for consumables) and raise the Dilithium cost by 50% (making the engines, for example, cost 48,000 dil).

    Remove the Marks requirement from the equipment (keep it for consumables) and raise the Dilithium cost by 50% is acceptable, it is a good solution.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    rakhohl1 wrote: »
    Each of the advanced prototype equipment (shields, engines, deflectors) are 750 marks each plus 32,000 dilithium. On top of that, each beam array was 500 marks plus 15,000 dil. The torp was 500 marks and 15,000 dil, I believe. Plus whatever the console cost (500 marks + dil).

    To finish outfitting the Belleraphon I was hoping to equip, I will need 3 more arrays, another torp, the sheilds, deflector and console. That's 4,000 marks plus all the dilithium and the expense of 50 industrial cells each and whatever other expenses.

    The Experimental Romulan Beam Array like all set items is unique per ship so you can't buy 3 more Beam Arrays. That should save you 1500 Romulan Marks on your estimates.
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    rakhohl#4803 rakhohl Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It makes more sense from a gameplay perspective. I mean, D'Tan told me we were BFFs and Grumpy Admiral said I have done more for Romulan diplomacy than anyone else. Yet, I still have to keep proving myself to them if I want to buy their stuff. I would think extra dilithium would help their struggling society more than being able to look at me with dreamy eyes.

    I'm one of those people that actually believes Cryptic listens to the players. They change things all the time because of feedback. While they may not take my suggestion, I really hope they find a way to make cost for reputation gear more reasonable. If nothing else, make it a perk of Tier 5. Once you reach Tier 5 the Marks requirement goes away. Until then, you have to pay it.
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    rakhohl#4803 rakhohl Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    starkaos wrote: »
    The Experimental Romulan Beam Array like all set items is unique per ship so you can't buy 3 more Beam Arrays. That should save you 1500 Romulan Marks on your estimates.

    Thank you for pointing that out. I had not noticed that.

    I have not looked to see if the other beam arrays are any better or different from standard plasmas. They're only 120 Marks (I think) plus whatever other costs. If they are worth getting, it would put a total cost of just over 3k.

    I certainly would not have a problem with that were it not for the requirements to get to Tier 5. My only issue is with the combined cost. It just seems awfully excessive.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I should rephrase that. You can buy 3 more Experimental Beam Arrays, but there is no point since you can only put one on each ship.
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