Hello, I usually equip my ships with the blue quality Neutronium Armor from a replay of the Undine mission "A Light in the Dark".
It's an in easy way to get some decent resistance until something better comes up.
On the Federation side, at max level, I receive MkXI consoles as mission rewards for this mission.
On the KDF sie, also at max level, I can only get MkX consoles.
Can anyone confirm that this is the case with their characters as well?
Currently I'm off replaying this mission with a Fed char to transfer the consoles over to my KDF char.:(
Yes, I've noticed this - the KDF mission does indeed reward Mk X consoles instead of Mk XI.
At least you can re-run it Fed side and send the Mk XI's to your KDF though - and as an added consolation, KDF has free Mk XI blue RCS Accelerators from the first Fek'ihri mission
Then I've got a brilliant new idea for a mission-reward...I call it the "negative reward".
Whenver you make a penal mission you don't get told what reward you get at the end, you're told what kind of item you need to bring to turn in the mission.
Diplomatic mission to the Romulans? You get 2000 experience and to turn in the mission you have to bring a blue Mk XI Engineering console of your choice.
At least you can re-run it Fed side and send the Mk XI's to your KDF though - and as an added consolation, KDF has free Mk XI blue RCS Accelerators from the first Fek'ihri mission
Certainly explains why I didn't notice that any sooner, it's been a while since I leveled another KDF char.
And yes, seems this is not the only Undine mission that doesn't scale.:(
Whenver you make a penal mission you don't get told what reward you get at the end, you're told what kind of item you need to bring to turn in the mission.
Diplomatic mission to the Romulans? You get 2000 experience and to turn in the mission you have to bring a blue Mk XI Engineering console of your choice.
Sounds great desn't it?