CMDR Sci: VM 3, VM 1, TSS 2, TSS 1
LtCom Uni (Tac): CRF 2, CRF 1, TT1
Lt Tac: DPB 1, TT 1
Lt Eng: RSP 1, EPtS 1
Ens Uni (Sci): HE 1
Doffs: 2x VM extend, 2x EP recharge, 1x something else, maybe BFI Doff, or 2 BFI + 1 VM doff
Consoles: (Eng) 1x Neutronium 1x RCS, (Sci) 3x Vesta consoles, Borg, Field Generator Mk XI (Tac) 3x Phaser Relay Mk XI
Hangar: Advanced Danube Runabouts
You're not really going to get sustained damage from a single transphasic torpedo as you mentioned. If you're running 1 torpedo, it's more for spike damage, in which case transphasic is not a very good choice. Overall, I wouldn't run a front torp on a Vesta unless you're going full on torp boat.
The aux DHC's present an interesting dilemma. It means your front energy weapons require high aux power and your rear energy weapons require high weapons power. This is why I removed the turrets from the rear and put 2 mines and the cluster torp back there. This way you can use minimal weapons power setting. You could also keep the cutting beam and just run 1 mine, but I'm not very familiar with the cutting beam, how effective it is, or if it even runs off of weapons power. [edit] Saw Horizon's post and I forgot about the subsystem targeting, so yeah, I'd stick a rear beam array on there with 1 mine and 1 cluster torp [/edit]
Your build also seemed to lack a bit of team healing, so I added an extra TSS in place of the tractor beam. If you were running grav well, tykens or ewp a tractor would be a better fit, but with viral matrix I think it's better to go for another heal that can be used on yourself or a team mate.
Speaking of viral matrix, I added a VM 1 to your build and another doff. I had to remove PH3 for this, which means you're now more susceptible to tractors and direct hull damage, but you will be helping your team out more by disabling twice as many ships. It's a tough call on whether or not to use PH, but using it in such a high boff slot is probably not a great idea. If you were spec'ed into attack patterns I'd say maybe throw an APO in place of CRF2, which will give you better tractor resistance than PH, good defense and an offensive boost as well speed/turn boost.
I removed scatter volley and torp high yield and replaced them with an additional CRF so that you can cycle CRF1&2 and dispersal pattern beta for the mines. The mines should be decently effective at clearing up spam which is what you said you were using the scatter volley for, as well as providing a much bigger punch to player targets. Combo a trans. mine DPB1 with the transphasic cluster torp and you can do some decent damage even if their shields are up.
You had two copies of EPtS powers and you were using two EPtX doffs, which is either a waste of doff slots or a waste of an EPtS power. So I kept the doffs and removed EPtS2 in favor of RSP1. This should give you more survivability. If you think you can hang without RSP then maybe put in an Aux2SIF, which would give you another hull heal and it will also add a hull damage resistance that will take the place of your missing PH. Up to you whether or not you think you can survive without RSP, but generally speaking it's better to keep your shields up than having to heal your hull and still have your shields down.
I highlighted the 3 vesta consoles in yellow because I simply don't know enough about them, but as a general rule I've found that using too many P2W consoles can be a detriment. I'm not sure what I'd add in there or which ones I'd remove, but another field generator or 2 wouldn't hurt. Also the borg console should be more effective with the mines and cluster torp than with the turrets.
Disclaimer: I don't own a Vesta and am fairly new to PvP, however I do have a decent understanding of the basics. These are my thoughts based on my limited experience, so take them for what you will.
My build follows. It's not great at surviving, and relies on the Console abilities for escaping sticky situations, but it does a hell of a job at locking down and sustaining damage on a single target, and since in a Vesta I usually am not the primary target I often have free range to do just that.
Tac Captain
Fore: 2x Aux DHC, 1x Transphasic Mk XII torpedo
Aft: 2x Phaser Turret Mk XII, 1x Kinetic Cutting Beam
Shield: MACO Mk XI
Deflector/Engines: Borg Mk XI
CMDR Sci: VM 3, PH 3, HE 2, TSS 1
LtCom Uni (Tac): CRF 2, HYT2, TT1
Lt Tac: CSV 1, TT 1
Lt Eng: EPtS 2, EPtS 1
Ens Uni (Sci): TB 1
Doffs: 1x VM extend, 2x EP recharge, 2x Torp recharge (likely to change when i get a better selection of available doffs)
Consoles: (Eng) 2x Neutronium, (Sci) 3x Vesta consoles, Borg, Field Generator Mk XI (Tac) 3x Phaser Relay Mk XI
Hangar: Advanced Danube Runabouts
Works simply enough. CSV when clearing pets, mines and such is necessary but otherwise get them in TB, hit 'em with VM and pop CRF2 and HYT2 and go to town. The burst damage of the two DHCs isn't *huge* but it packs a punch, and the sustained damage from the transphasic torps, the cutting beam and the Quantum Field Focus Phaser when its up is usually more than softer ships can handle. This isn't a full escort though, of course, so its best when played as supporting damage.
dude, im gonna give you some feedback, right now:
why would you not run at least 1 beam array and rotate the innate sub system targeting. i mean....?
tric mines are for ze lulz in STF's only maybe. i just can't fathom how they are a good choice on any ship. unless you are in favor of the broken-ish dispersal pattern beta....which it seems, you may be.
really, danubes....really? i wouldn't slot a pet on this thing if you gave me a hundred bucks. its not a damn carrier. and, well, i guess if you are in favor of more junk clogging up the screen. (IE... good escort pilots ignore tractors through omegas, and if you are pugging it, and tractoring a cruiser without a kill cycle coming....welll...he just isnt going to care all that much at all)
your quote: "It's not great at surviving, and relies on the Console abilities for escaping sticky situations"....well, where to start. staying alive is rule #1. and as a sci ship, you should be able to keep yourself and someone else alive. as your first priority. i can do this in my tac/vesta. its not easy by any means. you need to focus on agility, and aux heals..... not some gimmicky console. which leads me to.....
POLARIZE HULL 3. were they giving this away at a party i wasnt invited to or something? you are slotting a horribly selfish hull harden in a ltcm spot. really dude? how about a nice science team 3, or tss3. for yourself and someone else. shields man!
also, you have trouble surviving, run danubes, and still run a tractor beam1 in there. why not another tss, or he. that way you have one every 30 you alive?
also, the a transphasic torp build is only solid when you throw a ton of them. i mean a ton. 3 trans up front with a couple doffs to kick up the pace. unless you do that, you prolly just want to slot a quantum. they are quick on your target, and hit the hardest when they hit hull.......
which is what you should be doing, in a tac vesta.... with that frickin def dish beam. sweet zombie jesus the dps you can get out of that thing.
sorry if i was a little....well, blunt. but your ship seems to do a little bit of everything not very well. and you can't stay alive. its all there in your post. pick 1 thing and do it well every time your alpha sequence is up. a 2-3 power combo aimed at killing. with a sci silly in there....your VM3 works very well for that. the rest of the time, just heal other people, and keep yourself alive.... so you can actually run the alpha.
My bad the build is different, and I apologize. I was being a PvP elitist douche. I shouldnt say anything unless its constructive. Its just that when you post every detail of your ship aesthetic, colour coded all equipment and listed your spec, plus your reputation with the other threads, I assumed it was the same. But clearly you stated "this morning".
Skurf nailed it. Your build isnt focused. Nothing is optimized. You have DDB but no BO? If you want subsystem targeting put a single BA at the back, your turn is sufficient and the arc reaches past your side. If you have multiple BA at the back, are you trying to beam boat like a cruiser? Play to the Vesta's strengths. Its got decent turn and can equip DHC. Then use turrets and CRF.
You have a single siphon? That could be better spent as a heal or CC.
You have too many P2W consoles. I dont think you need sub jump, your turn rate is good enough. Grav pulse is just rude and will make people pull out their siphons and theta.
You have no damage boosting consoles and you have no field generators. I dont have the new borg set, but as it it, you are using 2 particle generators, one assimilated console and a weapon slot just for the combo. You are giving up so much.
You could try
Ablative (RCS if you still cant turn), Neutronium
Field Gen x 2, QFF, Emitter Array
Phaser x 4
If you want advice on weapons, go with Accuracy mods.
well I took some of the advice by replacing the Particle Generators with a Sensor Probes and a Graviton Generator... which help with my Viral Matrix, Graviton Pulse Generator, and Tractor beam... I have considered dropping the Grav Pulse Generator for a Phaser Console... and I have considered dropping the assimilated console and cutting beam.... just not sure what to do there.... so Im all suggestions but the changes I have made have been positive ones
Major Xi'Zzin I.R.W. Raptor's Claw Storm Eagle Class WarbirdFleet Ha'feh I have never trusted humans, and I never will
I've wondered that - in the builds I've seen here and there. Not you personally, mind you - but that thought process - the way it's viewed.
The folks trying to build a Sciscort... and then the folks trying to build a more Tac-like RSV instead.
running this ship as a sci scort is what i am doing now. i have my bug, and beloved defiant for my tac toon, its so hard to give up on that damage potential.
even slotting the ltcm uni as a tac boff, still leaves you tons of room to be a great sci healer and CC to boot.
running this ship as a sci scort is what i am doing now. i have my bug, and beloved defiant for my tac toon, its so hard to give up on that damage potential.
even slotting the ltcm uni as a tac boff, still leaves you tons of room to be a great sci healer and CC to boot.
Wasn't saying it was wrong - it just kind of made sense why some folks were trying builds but finding X, Y, & Z to complain about while others were happy about A, B, & C... just that sort of thing.
Couple questions: Why are you running a dual beam bank if you're not running beam overload? Considering you have a CRF wouldn't another DHC be more effective (even without CRF it would be more effective than a DBB without overload). Same point with your rear beam arrays...with CRF wouldn't it be better to use turrets?
Also, why are you using 2 particle gen consoles since you're not using any science powers that have particle damage? Is that what boosts the kinetic beam cutter? If so, is it not a waste to use up 2 console slots on a weapon that doesn't have that much damage output?
Overall, it seems to lack focus and it doesn't seem like the most efficient build. Of course, I'm a noob and am probably wrong.
well i would not put turrents in the back, i would use beams in the back for target systems 1. since the vesta dhc are aux based i hardly doubt turrents would be the better choice. i could be wrong. but i still think its better to make use of the free target that comes with the ship.
i still do not understand using these aux cannons. using batteries, red matter capacitor, and that shields/aux +30 console thingie.... can't you just rotate those around? spec into weapons power a bit (even though its expensive) to me, this seems like the way to go....idunno, my sci builds are a little lack-luster lately.
nor do i understand NOT using the innate sub system targeting on sci ships....i did real that up there didnt I? i mean, hell, 1 rear array gets that done just fine. why not run it....?
i just see this thing as a big slightly underpowered escort. well, the tac version anyway...and why you would run any of the other versions is way beyond me. this game is so damn defensive as it is.
ah well, maybe i'll get back in mine for a bit.... do some testing again.
have fun kill bad guys
this was the advice i gave. i assume the phaser lance is particle gen? but i still think 3 beams in the back is better just for proc and what ever target 1 gives. also i did line up or thought i did that pahser lance TRIBBLE with psw. and since its a maco ship build decomp is good with vm and 3 pt maco with a longer psw disable. yeah yeah the damage blows but its defence/offencive as well as killing extends.
side note tss3 seems hard to find so i did sci team 3. but i would do tss3 sci team 2
Doffs: EWP Doff, 3 System Engineers (VM spread), Sensor Officer
Both builds work well for me and the team usually. But I'm always open for improvements.
again, on a ship like this, with this boff layout, and weak hull, you are running in my opinion way too many crazy consoles.
please understand: 1 joke ability every 3 minutes that lasts 10 seconds is NOT a good way to max your build in PVP.
think of the constant defense you could have with another neutronium instead of that theta. or the turnrate you could get to max your def dish hax (which you arent even using) by sloting a RCS for turnrate.
or even 5 shield cap consoles. staying alive = you do more of everything.
your tss's and he's are constantly nerfed by you running the aux cannons.
and you may as well slot nothing instead of that breen cluster torp. you'd get the same results, but you just wouldnt see those mines pop out once they hit the target, and immediately get eaten up by AOE and TCD and pet spam.
Wasn't saying it was wrong - it just kind of made sense why some folks were trying builds but finding X, Y, & Z to complain about while others were happy about A, B, & C... just that sort of thing.
your tss's and he's are constantly nerfed by you running the aux cannons.
capt i mostly agree on what you say, but this??? its not even a hard nerf.or even a heal nerf. my fleet mate has tested it and he never drops below 100 aux. capt i think you really need to try the aux dhc. ide love too myself. but boost the turn or add another armor console is a joke. so many people think you need to run more then 1 armor console and this just is not true. i run only 1. to have a 35% resist across the bord? i get like 28.3% i believe. and thats just 1 armor console. and how many people do you know that go sci scourt? its just about the same thing. except way more heals. i am along the lines of thought as too many console. but people swar by these things and i doubt they are doing harm to thier builds running vesta consoles. i think it comes down to most of us hate p2w consoles so we shutter at gp or even theta.
on my carrier im at 115 aux got over 20k heal with he 2. and ide much rather have a veta with semi heals and 3 mk12 accx2 aux powered dhc then a carrier that says im a healer pop me. his debuff with semi heals is way better then people that put sci in jems. he has sencor anni, sencor scan, sub nuke, vm, tss3. he i mean wtf. damage and healing? it dont get better then that in team.
again, on a ship like this, with this boff layout, and weak hull, you are running in my opinion way too many crazy consoles.
please understand: 1 joke ability every 3 minutes that lasts 10 seconds is NOT a good way to max your build in PVP.
think of the constant defense you could have with another neutronium instead of that theta. or the turnrate you could get to max your def dish hax (which you arent even using) by sloting a RCS for turnrate.
or even 5 shield cap consoles. staying alive = you do more of everything.
your tss's and he's are constantly nerfed by you running the aux cannons.
and you may as well slot nothing instead of that breen cluster torp. you'd get the same results, but you just wouldnt see those mines pop out once they hit the target, and immediately get eaten up by AOE and TCD and pet spam.
i understand where you are coming from with the "crazy consoles" logic. I agree that the Theta console is more of a "gimick" or "luxury" console but I have found that minus escorts running APO its a nice thing to trap the enemy and get them to stop moving. In the least it gets them to use a HE to clear it out.
The other consoles i do grant you have a somewhat long cooldown compared to the benefit you receive from them, but this is the way i look at it: if i did not have the team fortress console (for example) i would have another phaser relay which yes would increase my dps, but thats not what i'm there to really do. the team fortress console and the fermion console i use as "in between cooldown" heals. If i am unable to send out any heals for my team atleast i can use those consoles, and by the time i need them again they are usually off cooldown.
I see what your saying about these new Aux powered DHC's, that they are causing a nerf for my healing. I have noticed that when im running the SV1 with those cannons my AUX never drops below 105-100 aux (when running at full aux). And to be honest this is easily solved by just not hitting the spacebar right before you send out your heals.
I know that the Breen cluster torp seems to be a stupid choice, but it seems to work for me. i used to run the tric mines but i never had any real luck with them doing any significant damage, if they ever even hit. and i feel as though running 3 beams in the back would be somewhat of a waste as well with minimal weapons power. And so far with the breen torp i've seen some pretty good bleed-through damage come out of it, and i have had much better luck with it hitting my target than the tric mines.
Please dont get me wrong on this post, i was just trying to show my reasoning as to why i put this build together the way i did. I respect your opinions and as i pvp more and more in different situations i will probably end up changing a few or more things.
capt i mostly agree on what you say, but this??? its not even a hard nerf.or even a heal nerf. my fleet mate has tested it and he never drops below 100 aux. capt i think you really need to try the aux dhc. ide love too myself. but boost the turn or add another armor console is a joke. so many people think you need to run more then 1 armor console and this just is not true. i run only 1. to have a 35% resist across the bord? i get like 28.3% i believe. and thats just 1 armor console. and how many people do you know that go sci scourt? its just about the same thing. except way more heals. i am along the lines of thought as too many console. but people swar by these things and i doubt they are doing harm to thier builds running vesta consoles. i think it comes down to most of us hate p2w consoles so we shutter at gp or even theta.
on my carrier im at 115 aux got over 20k heal with he 2. and ide much rather have a veta with semi heals and 3 mk12 accx2 aux powered dhc then a carrier that says im a healer pop me. his debuff with semi heals is way better then people that put sci in jems. he has sencor anni, sencor scan, sub nuke, vm, tss3. he i mean wtf. damage and healing? it dont get better then that in team.
here i am confused again. maybe i do need more testing on the aux level impacts.
but for me, even with 1 of those things, if i go from 125 aux to 100 aux, thats a 10% self nerf to my healing numbers and reduction in effectiveness of sci goodies when i pop them during that downside. this is what i steer from.... ANYTHING that reduces my maximizing anything i run. hell, i see it as the 10% sometimes that gives you the edge.
so what then, you only have 2 fore weapons drawing on what kind of weapons energy power? are you speccing into weapons power levels? if you are not, you may hover around 114 or so. thats not 125. and a self nerf to your other fore weapons damage. 10% maybe?
also, the turnrate is to boost anything with a 45 degree arc. again, maxing my weapons choice....more time facing on target = more damage. and for armor, i always run 2. its the sweetspot. 3 too much maybe, but when i can run 2, im sitting over 45, and clos to 50 when my omegas and deltas are popping. 50 is more than 35, and about the same 10% as mentioned above.
i'm not trying to knock em man, i just try to give people on advice on how to max what they may want to run. based on how the game mechanics have worked so far, right there we just found some maxing. be it 10% here and there, but i'd rather have that than not.
i still do not understand using these aux cannons. using batteries, red matter capacitor, and that shields/aux +30 console thingie.... can't you just rotate those around? spec into weapons power a bit (even though its expensive) to me, this seems like the way to go....idunno, my sci builds are a little lack-luster lately.
Well the aux cannons do have some advantages:
1. They are free MK XII Phaser DHC'c with [acc]x2. Thats not so bad.
2. You just run full aux, no reason to switch power lvls unless you really need shield/engines at the moment). Also means you can still shoot with weapon power disabled. That means you have 1 dummy subsystem you don't care about. Now the cannons do go down if you loose your aux. But one battery now restores your offense and defense.
3. Not everyone has a red matter capacitor.
4. Not having to use aux bats to buff your heals allows you to use other bats.
5. It's just pretty convenient to have your sci powers/heals always at full strength
6. Depending on your rear weapons you don't have any disadvantages.
nor do i understand NOT using the innate sub system targeting on sci ships....i did real that up there didnt I? i mean, hell, 1 rear array gets that done just fine. why not run it....?
I agree with the beam in the rear completely. It also won't matter if you have power in it, so it works well with the aux cannons. That leaves you with 2 slots. You can go normal cannons and combine them with turrets, for more dmg. Or you just use mines with the aux ones, I would say it's a matter of preference and the general purpose of your ship.
i just see this thing as a big slightly underpowered escort. well, the tac version anyway...and why you would run any of the other versions is way beyond me. this game is so damn defensive as it is.
ah well, maybe i'll get back in mine for a bit.... do some testing again.
have fun kill bad guys
I prefer to fly it more as a support vessel. Do some healing/CC and assist with CRF when needed. There are already so many escorts flying around, I love to do some support/healing.
i understand where you are coming from with the "crazy consoles" logic. I agree that the Theta console is more of a "gimick" or "luxury" console but I have found that minus escorts running APO its a nice thing to trap the enemy and get them to stop moving. In the least it gets them to use a HE to clear it out.
The other consoles i do grant you have a somewhat long cooldown compared to the benefit you receive from them, but this is the way i look at it: if i did not have the team fortress console (for example) i would have another phaser relay which yes would increase my dps, but thats not what i'm there to really do. the team fortress console and the fermion console i use as "in between cooldown" heals. If i am unable to send out any heals for my team atleast i can use those consoles, and by the time i need them again they are usually off cooldown.
I see what your saying about these new Aux powered DHC's, that they are causing a nerf for my healing. I have noticed that when im running the SV1 with those cannons my AUX never drops below 105-100 aux (when running at full aux). And to be honest this is easily solved by just not hitting the spacebar right before you send out your heals.
I know that the Breen cluster torp seems to be a stupid choice, but it seems to work for me. i used to run the tric mines but i never had any real luck with them doing any significant damage, if they ever even hit. and i feel as though running 3 beams in the back would be somewhat of a waste as well with minimal weapons power. And so far with the breen torp i've seen some pretty good bleed-through damage come out of it, and i have had much better luck with it hitting my target than the tric mines.
Please dont get me wrong on this post, i was just trying to show my reasoning as to why i put this build together the way i did. I respect your opinions and as i pvp more and more in different situations i will probably end up changing a few or more things.
okay okay then, lets tackle this another way.
you have again, in your own posts, described how what you are running just isnt keeping you alive. those consoles every 3 minutes for your "off" heals are nothing compared to a properly spec'd and full aux tss3,he2 combo every 45 seconds. i mean, they are so far off its insanity.... this is better for you, and your teammates than any toy console you could ever run.
so i had shown you, or spoke of, an option that let you run tss3,tss2, he2, he1......maybe a little overkill, but now they are popping every 30 seconds.
also, if you see theta as a "luxury" console, then i'd like to help you out with giving you a console choice that will give you the "luxury" of staying alive. cruisers ignore stuff like that if its not in a kill cycle from a premade. all sci ships carry he, and escorts omega. it only comes around, again, every 3 minutes...
and well, the team fortress console is just hax. but again, please understand:
what you want are choices that impact *EVERY SECOND* of your gameplay. not every 3 minutes for 15 seconds. thats about a 165 second advantage the way i see it. every 3 minutes.
you have again, in your own posts, described how what you are running just isnt keeping you alive. those consoles every 3 minutes for your "off" heals are nothing compared to a properly spec'd and full aux tss3,he2 combo every 45 seconds. i mean, they are so far off its insanity.... this is better for you, and your teammates than any toy console you could ever run.
so i had shown you, or spoke of, an option that let you run tss3,tss2, he2, he1......maybe a little overkill, but now they are popping every 30 seconds.
also, if you see theta as a "luxury" console, then i'd like to help you out with giving you a console choice that will give you the "luxury" of staying alive. cruisers ignore stuff like that if its not in a kill cycle from a premade. all sci ships carry he, and escorts omega. it only comes around, again, every 3 minutes...
and well, the team fortress console is just hax. but again, please understand:
what you want are choices that impact *EVERY SECOND* of your gameplay. not every 3 minutes for 15 seconds. thats about a 165 second advantage the way i see it. every 3 minutes.
have fun kill bad guys
Well im not exactly sure where your getting that im having survivability issues. I dont remember ever posting that anywhere. I have actually found that the vesta can tank quite well on her own while still distributing heals.
Honestly i don't see how i dont have a properly specced TSS3 and HE. I didnt sacrifice any consoles for those abilites. Please take another look at the sci consoles i equipped. I used the vesta consoles in the tact and engi slots. So im not sure how im not running a properly speced heals. Btw i am running TSS 3 and 2 and HE 1 and 2. So im not sure what your point was there.
One tactic i see very often in pvp in premades as well as pugs is when you focus fire someone and that player starts recieving heals is the focus firing team switches to a different target. And they will keep doing this until all the heals are distributed and the person they are attacking is exposed. The team fortress console combined with the fermion console makes for a nice 12 second cushion for your main heals to get off cooldown.
I can see we look at these consoles from 2 very different point of views and this is why i love pvp to be honest because there really are so many different possibilities and variety is the ways of thinking that it makes for more fun than the same old shooting nanite generators.
I hope during this discussion i have not made it on to your list of "bad guys" because everone knows your motto :P
through my morning haze i thought i was still talking to that stealthrider dude.
edit: but my advice still stands for all the vesta pilots out there running the vesta consoles, and then another toy or two. you are really hampering your build.
and no heegoo...we are all good guys until i find out you are on the blue team. i hate those guys
I haven't read everything, but from what I got was there's some discussion if the Aux cannons are worth it.
They are.
In fact, I ran with Horizon the other night as DPS wingman. I kept up with him and scaled higher than him on the spike that was needed to take out TRH members. The Vesta spike measured at 23600 per second for 12 seconds. Damian's Bug went approximately 19600 DPS from all weapons for 12 seconds. The 12 second margin is the quantum focus phaser firing time frame. It's what makes this ship keep up with big bad bugs on DPS. However, I measured at 9.5 million damage, and he went 15 million in total damage dealt. But the spike is what scored the kills. We saw guys survive these blasts.
It was a TRH hybrid vs another TRH hybrid. We host these on a regular basis, please drop by our TS for some of these thrillers. INTERNATIONALPVP.TYPEFRAG.COM:62245
Anyway, back on topic, the drop in aux power due to power drain from the cannons is mediocre and does not effect the numbers too much.
Let's weigh the effects of the cons and pros.
You lose about 1% in shield resistance buff from your TSS 2 and 3. Your hazards lose about 1k heal as well. You lose some DPS on the focus phaser. You are heavily reliant on your aux system for damage, heals, and science abilities. Aux disable will mess you up.
The losses to damage resistance are pretty mediocre to say the least for what you gain in return. The power reliant heals are also at a sufficient power level not be disregarded or deemed 'useless'.
With commitment into auxilery power, you can freely commit all remaining power into engines for increased turn rate. This improves your DPS tenfold. Having said that, you can put three turrets in the back, a weapon battery, and when on an attack run you can buff those turrets with a weapon battery. The drain on all your weapons would not exceed that of a tactical escort because the weapons are spread across two subsystems.
The focus phaser relies heavily on turn rate, and auxilery power. So it is crucial to have both of these systems at high power. Having said that, my cannon fires at 13k dps tops (no pun intended) w/o particle generator consoles.
End Pro/Cons
The ship does have a significantly low hull. So your main defense will be shields. I took 14.5 million damage in a match that lasted 1 hour, and died 7 times vs 3 Tactical Escorts. Hank was flying his Science Tac Odyssey, and died 6 times taking 13.5 million damage. The amount of heals dispersed to us was respective to the amount of damage taken. The ship holds out well with the following setup.
2 RCS Mk XII Purple
2 Field Generators or sacrifice 1 field generator for Tachyokinetic.
1 Quantum Focus Phaser
1 Jump Console
4 Phaser consoles
Shield repair drones.
2 Piece Borg + Maco Shield
Rep Passives +30 shields +10% hull regen
This is the standard DPS set up. And here's the spec tree for it.
You can play around with the console lay out, the TBR is primarly for AOE crowd control. It gets a decent amount of push with all that aux power too, so you can push your enemies out very effectively and damage them while you do it.
This build is open to constructive criticism, but note that I have respec'd around 8-9 times. This is the best version of it I have run. Also note, you can adopt a more crowd control method, by adopting the purple bubble console that pushes stuff away from you, lose the quantum phaser for this so drop the tractor and pick another EPS1 or Hazard. Or a healer role where you put on the fermion field, you can lose the field generator for this one. These variants fit the description of the ship, where you swap one console for another, but never run three. Here's why:
You lose way too much defense. Yes I get the perfect shield, but any disable turns it off. So you have an ability that does nothing every 3 minutes. You can sacrifice a console for this for more beefy feel.
I want to add that if anyone knows this ship it's Pax, I've seen him run it in just about everything for a long while now, and he was very interested in pushing the envelope with it.
I haven't read everything, but from what I got was there's some discussion if the Aux cannons are worth it.
They are.
In fact, I ran with Horizon the other night as DPS wingman. I kept up with him and scaled higher than him on the spike that was needed to take out TRH members. The Vesta spike measured at 23600 per second for 12 seconds. Damian's Bug went approximately 19600 DPS from all weapons for 12 seconds. The 12 second margin is the quantum focus phaser firing time frame. It's what makes this ship keep up with big bad bugs on DPS. However, I measured at 9.5 million damage, and he went 15 million in total damage dealt. But the spike is what scored the kills. We saw guys survive these blasts.
It was a TRH hybrid vs another TRH hybrid. We host these on a regular basis, please drop by our TS for some of these thrillers. INTERNATIONALPVP.TYPEFRAG.COM:62245
Anyway, back on topic, the drop in aux power due to power drain from the cannons is mediocre and does not effect the numbers too much.
Let's weigh the effects of the cons and pros.
You lose about 1% in shield resistance buff from your TSS 2 and 3. Your hazards lose about 1k heal as well. You lose some DPS on the focus phaser. You are heavily reliant on your aux system for damage, heals, and science abilities. Aux disable will mess you up.
The losses to damage resistance are pretty mediocre to say the least for what you gain in return. The power reliant heals are also at a sufficient power level not be disregarded or deemed 'useless'.
With commitment into auxilery power, you can freely commit all remaining power into engines for increased turn rate. This improves your DPS tenfold. Having said that, you can put three turrets in the back, a weapon battery, and when on an attack run you can buff those turrets with a weapon battery. The drain on all your weapons would not exceed that of a tactical escort because the weapons are spread across two subsystems.
The focus phaser relies heavily on turn rate, and auxilery power. So it is crucial to have both of these systems at high power. Having said that, my cannon fires at 13k dps tops (no pun intended) w/o particle generator consoles.
End Pro/Cons
The ship does have a significantly low hull. So your main defense will be shields. I took 14.5 million damage in a match that lasted 1 hour, and died 7 times vs 3 Tactical Escorts. Hank was flying his Science Tac Odyssey, and died 6 times taking 13.5 million damage. The amount of heals dispersed to us was respective to the amount of damage taken. The ship holds out well with the following setup.
2 RCS Mk XII Purple
2 Field Generators or sacrifice 1 field generator for Tachyokinetic.
1 Quantum Focus Phaser
1 Jump Console
4 Phaser consoles
Shield repair drones.
Rep Passives +30 shields +10% hull regen
This is the standard DPS set up. And here's the spec tree for it.
You can play around with the console lay out, the TBR is primarly for AOE crowd control. It gets a decent amount of push with all that aux power too, so you can push your enemies out very effectively and damage them while you do it.
This build is open to constructive criticism, but note that I have respec'd around 8-9 times. This is the best version of it I have run. Also note, you can adopt a more crowd control method, by adopting the purple bubble console that pushes stuff away from you, lose the quantum phaser for this so drop the tractor and pick another EPS1 or Hazard. Or a healer role where you put on the fermion field, you can lose the field generator for this one. These variants fit the description of the ship, where you swap one console for another, but never run three. Here's why:
You lose way too much defense. Yes I get the perfect shield, but any disable turns it off. So you have an ability that does nothing every 3 minutes. You can sacrifice a console for this for more beefy feel.
Anyway, good luck fellow Vesta captains.
I have a tact in a Vesta with a somewhat similar build:
Borg Console
Quantum Field Console
3x Phaser Relay
2x Field Generators
Shield Emitter
Wave Function Console
Im open to critique on this build. Was kinda thinking about something else other than VM3 and possibly running EPtS1 and 2 on the LT Eng, and running TSS1 on the ENS Sci for some extra team healing instead.
Weird coincidence that a ship with this layout seems to be a natural fit for a tech doff build, yet you can't do it effectively with aux powered cannons.
Thanks for the clarification Pax. That ship of yours does bring the pain, that is for damn sure. That was a great match too. You guys have those number parsers to get that raw data, which is great.
If the aux cannons do not nerf your healing or Sci goodies, then I say rock em.
The aux DHC's present an interesting dilemma. It means your front energy weapons require high aux power and your rear energy weapons require high weapons power. This is why I removed the turrets from the rear and put 2 mines and the cluster torp back there. This way you can use minimal weapons power setting. You could also keep the cutting beam and just run 1 mine, but I'm not very familiar with the cutting beam, how effective it is, or if it even runs off of weapons power. [edit] Saw Horizon's post and I forgot about the subsystem targeting, so yeah, I'd stick a rear beam array on there with 1 mine and 1 cluster torp [/edit]
Your build also seemed to lack a bit of team healing, so I added an extra TSS in place of the tractor beam. If you were running grav well, tykens or ewp a tractor would be a better fit, but with viral matrix I think it's better to go for another heal that can be used on yourself or a team mate.
Speaking of viral matrix, I added a VM 1 to your build and another doff. I had to remove PH3 for this, which means you're now more susceptible to tractors and direct hull damage, but you will be helping your team out more by disabling twice as many ships. It's a tough call on whether or not to use PH, but using it in such a high boff slot is probably not a great idea. If you were spec'ed into attack patterns I'd say maybe throw an APO in place of CRF2, which will give you better tractor resistance than PH, good defense and an offensive boost as well speed/turn boost.
I removed scatter volley and torp high yield and replaced them with an additional CRF so that you can cycle CRF1&2 and dispersal pattern beta for the mines. The mines should be decently effective at clearing up spam which is what you said you were using the scatter volley for, as well as providing a much bigger punch to player targets. Combo a trans. mine DPB1 with the transphasic cluster torp and you can do some decent damage even if their shields are up.
You had two copies of EPtS powers and you were using two EPtX doffs, which is either a waste of doff slots or a waste of an EPtS power. So I kept the doffs and removed EPtS2 in favor of RSP1. This should give you more survivability. If you think you can hang without RSP then maybe put in an Aux2SIF, which would give you another hull heal and it will also add a hull damage resistance that will take the place of your missing PH. Up to you whether or not you think you can survive without RSP, but generally speaking it's better to keep your shields up than having to heal your hull and still have your shields down.
I highlighted the 3 vesta consoles in yellow because I simply don't know enough about them, but as a general rule I've found that using too many P2W consoles can be a detriment. I'm not sure what I'd add in there or which ones I'd remove, but another field generator or 2 wouldn't hurt. Also the borg console should be more effective with the mines and cluster torp than with the turrets.
Disclaimer: I don't own a Vesta and am fairly new to PvP, however I do have a decent understanding of the basics. These are my thoughts based on my limited experience, so take them for what you will.
dude, im gonna give you some feedback, right now:
why would you not run at least 1 beam array and rotate the innate sub system targeting. i mean....?
tric mines are for ze lulz in STF's only maybe. i just can't fathom how they are a good choice on any ship. unless you are in favor of the broken-ish dispersal pattern beta....which it seems, you may be.
really, danubes....really? i wouldn't slot a pet on this thing if you gave me a hundred bucks. its not a damn carrier. and, well, i guess if you are in favor of more junk clogging up the screen. (IE... good escort pilots ignore tractors through omegas, and if you are pugging it, and tractoring a cruiser without a kill cycle coming....welll...he just isnt going to care all that much at all)
your quote: "It's not great at surviving, and relies on the Console abilities for escaping sticky situations"....well, where to start. staying alive is rule #1. and as a sci ship, you should be able to keep yourself and someone else alive. as your first priority. i can do this in my tac/vesta. its not easy by any means. you need to focus on agility, and aux heals..... not some gimmicky console. which leads me to.....
POLARIZE HULL 3. were they giving this away at a party i wasnt invited to or something? you are slotting a horribly selfish hull harden in a ltcm spot. really dude? how about a nice science team 3, or tss3. for yourself and someone else. shields man!
also, you have trouble surviving, run danubes, and still run a tractor beam1 in there. why not another tss, or he. that way you have one every 30 you alive?
also, the a transphasic torp build is only solid when you throw a ton of them. i mean a ton. 3 trans up front with a couple doffs to kick up the pace. unless you do that, you prolly just want to slot a quantum. they are quick on your target, and hit the hardest when they hit hull.......
which is what you should be doing, in a tac vesta.... with that frickin def dish beam. sweet zombie jesus the dps you can get out of that thing.
sorry if i was a little....well, blunt. but your ship seems to do a little bit of everything not very well. and you can't stay alive. its all there in your post. pick 1 thing and do it well every time your alpha sequence is up. a 2-3 power combo aimed at killing. with a sci silly in there....your VM3 works very well for that. the rest of the time, just heal other people, and keep yourself alive.... so you can actually run the alpha.
have fun kill bad guys
well I took some of the advice by replacing the Particle Generators with a Sensor Probes and a Graviton Generator... which help with my Viral Matrix, Graviton Pulse Generator, and Tractor beam... I have considered dropping the Grav Pulse Generator for a Phaser Console... and I have considered dropping the assimilated console and cutting beam.... just not sure what to do there.... so Im all suggestions but the changes I have made have been positive ones
I.R.W. Raptor's Claw
Storm Eagle Class Warbird Fleet Ha'feh
I have never trusted humans, and I never will
running this ship as a sci scort is what i am doing now. i have my bug, and beloved defiant for my tac toon, its so hard to give up on that damage potential.
even slotting the ltcm uni as a tac boff, still leaves you tons of room to be a great sci healer and CC to boot.
Wasn't saying it was wrong - it just kind of made sense why some folks were trying builds but finding X, Y, & Z to complain about while others were happy about A, B, & C... just that sort of thing.
well i would not put turrents in the back, i would use beams in the back for target systems 1. since the vesta dhc are aux based i hardly doubt turrents would be the better choice. i could be wrong. but i still think its better to make use of the free target that comes with the ship.
this was the advice i gave. i assume the phaser lance is particle gen? but i still think 3 beams in the back is better just for proc and what ever target 1 gives. also i did line up or thought i did that pahser lance TRIBBLE with psw. and since its a maco ship build decomp is good with vm and 3 pt maco with a longer psw disable. yeah yeah the damage blows but its defence/offencive as well as killing extends.
side note tss3 seems hard to find so i did sci team 3. but i would do tss3 sci team 2
Fore Weapons: 3 Aux Dual heavy Cannons
Aft Weapons: 2 MKXII Phaser Beam arrays, Breen Transphasic Cluster Torp.
Deflector: Borg
Engine: Borg
Shield: Maco
Sci Cmdr: VM3, TSS3, HE2, Tractor1
Lt. Cmdr (Sci): ST3, TSS2, HE1
LT Eng: ES1, EPtS1
Ens Eng: EPtS1
LT Tact: SV1, TT1
Doffs: 3 System Engineer Doffs (Chance to spread VM to others), 2 Develpoment Lab Sci
Eng: Fermion Trans. Theta Radiation, Mk XI Neutrionium
Sci: 3x Mk XI Shield Emitters, 1x Particle Gen
Tact: Assimilated console, Team fortress, 1x MkXI Phaser Relay
Secondary Set-up (CC, Debuffer)
Weapons and Equipment Same
Sci Cmdr: VM3, FBP2, TSS2, HE1
Ens Sci: Tractor1 (or ST1 depending on teammates)
Lt Cmdr Eng: EWP1, ES1, EPtS1
Lt Eng: Aux2Sif1, EPtS1
Lt Tact: SV1, TT1
Eng: Theta Radiation, Neutrionium
Sci: 5x Particle Gen
Tact: Assimilated Console, Fermion Console, Phaser Relay
Doffs: EWP Doff, 3 System Engineers (VM spread), Sensor Officer
Both builds work well for me and the team usually. But I'm always open for improvements.
again, on a ship like this, with this boff layout, and weak hull, you are running in my opinion way too many crazy consoles.
please understand: 1 joke ability every 3 minutes that lasts 10 seconds is NOT a good way to max your build in PVP.
think of the constant defense you could have with another neutronium instead of that theta. or the turnrate you could get to max your def dish hax (which you arent even using) by sloting a RCS for turnrate.
or even 5 shield cap consoles. staying alive = you do more of everything.
your tss's and he's are constantly nerfed by you running the aux cannons.
and you may as well slot nothing instead of that breen cluster torp. you'd get the same results, but you just wouldnt see those mines pop out once they hit the target, and immediately get eaten up by AOE and TCD and pet spam.
i understand man, no worries.
have fun kill bad guys!
capt i mostly agree on what you say, but this??? its not even a hard nerf.or even a heal nerf. my fleet mate has tested it and he never drops below 100 aux. capt i think you really need to try the aux dhc. ide love too myself. but boost the turn or add another armor console is a joke. so many people think you need to run more then 1 armor console and this just is not true. i run only 1. to have a 35% resist across the bord? i get like 28.3% i believe. and thats just 1 armor console. and how many people do you know that go sci scourt? its just about the same thing. except way more heals. i am along the lines of thought as too many console. but people swar by these things and i doubt they are doing harm to thier builds running vesta consoles. i think it comes down to most of us hate p2w consoles so we shutter at gp or even theta.
on my carrier im at 115 aux got over 20k heal with he 2. and ide much rather have a veta with semi heals and 3 mk12 accx2 aux powered dhc then a carrier that says im a healer pop me. his debuff with semi heals is way better then people that put sci in jems. he has sencor anni, sencor scan, sub nuke, vm, tss3. he i mean wtf. damage and healing? it dont get better then that in team.
i understand where you are coming from with the "crazy consoles" logic. I agree that the Theta console is more of a "gimick" or "luxury" console but I have found that minus escorts running APO its a nice thing to trap the enemy and get them to stop moving. In the least it gets them to use a HE to clear it out.
The other consoles i do grant you have a somewhat long cooldown compared to the benefit you receive from them, but this is the way i look at it: if i did not have the team fortress console (for example) i would have another phaser relay which yes would increase my dps, but thats not what i'm there to really do. the team fortress console and the fermion console i use as "in between cooldown" heals. If i am unable to send out any heals for my team atleast i can use those consoles, and by the time i need them again they are usually off cooldown.
I see what your saying about these new Aux powered DHC's, that they are causing a nerf for my healing. I have noticed that when im running the SV1 with those cannons my AUX never drops below 105-100 aux (when running at full aux). And to be honest this is easily solved by just not hitting the spacebar right before you send out your heals.
I know that the Breen cluster torp seems to be a stupid choice, but it seems to work for me. i used to run the tric mines but i never had any real luck with them doing any significant damage, if they ever even hit. and i feel as though running 3 beams in the back would be somewhat of a waste as well with minimal weapons power. And so far with the breen torp i've seen some pretty good bleed-through damage come out of it, and i have had much better luck with it hitting my target than the tric mines.
Please dont get me wrong on this post, i was just trying to show my reasoning as to why i put this build together the way i did. I respect your opinions and as i pvp more and more in different situations i will probably end up changing a few or more things.
here i am confused again. maybe i do need more testing on the aux level impacts.
but for me, even with 1 of those things, if i go from 125 aux to 100 aux, thats a 10% self nerf to my healing numbers and reduction in effectiveness of sci goodies when i pop them during that downside. this is what i steer from.... ANYTHING that reduces my maximizing anything i run. hell, i see it as the 10% sometimes that gives you the edge.
so what then, you only have 2 fore weapons drawing on what kind of weapons energy power? are you speccing into weapons power levels? if you are not, you may hover around 114 or so. thats not 125. and a self nerf to your other fore weapons damage. 10% maybe?
also, the turnrate is to boost anything with a 45 degree arc. again, maxing my weapons choice....more time facing on target = more damage. and for armor, i always run 2. its the sweetspot. 3 too much maybe, but when i can run 2, im sitting over 45, and clos to 50 when my omegas and deltas are popping. 50 is more than 35, and about the same 10% as mentioned above.
i'm not trying to knock em man, i just try to give people on advice on how to max what they may want to run. based on how the game mechanics have worked so far, right there we just found some maxing. be it 10% here and there, but i'd rather have that than not.
have fun kill bad guys
Well the aux cannons do have some advantages:
1. They are free MK XII Phaser DHC'c with [acc]x2. Thats not so bad.
2. You just run full aux, no reason to switch power lvls unless you really need shield/engines at the moment). Also means you can still shoot with weapon power disabled. That means you have 1 dummy subsystem you don't care about. Now the cannons do go down if you loose your aux. But one battery now restores your offense and defense.
3. Not everyone has a red matter capacitor.
4. Not having to use aux bats to buff your heals allows you to use other bats.
5. It's just pretty convenient to have your sci powers/heals always at full strength
6. Depending on your rear weapons you don't have any disadvantages.
I agree with the beam in the rear completely. It also won't matter if you have power in it, so it works well with the aux cannons. That leaves you with 2 slots. You can go normal cannons and combine them with turrets, for more dmg. Or you just use mines with the aux ones, I would say it's a matter of preference and the general purpose of your ship.
I prefer to fly it more as a support vessel. Do some healing/CC and assist with CRF when needed. There are already so many escorts flying around, I love to do some support/healing.
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
okay okay then, lets tackle this another way.
you have again, in your own posts, described how what you are running just isnt keeping you alive. those consoles every 3 minutes for your "off" heals are nothing compared to a properly spec'd and full aux tss3,he2 combo every 45 seconds. i mean, they are so far off its insanity.... this is better for you, and your teammates than any toy console you could ever run.
so i had shown you, or spoke of, an option that let you run tss3,tss2, he2, he1......maybe a little overkill, but now they are popping every 30 seconds.
also, if you see theta as a "luxury" console, then i'd like to help you out with giving you a console choice that will give you the "luxury" of staying alive. cruisers ignore stuff like that if its not in a kill cycle from a premade. all sci ships carry he, and escorts omega. it only comes around, again, every 3 minutes...
and well, the team fortress console is just hax. but again, please understand:
what you want are choices that impact *EVERY SECOND* of your gameplay. not every 3 minutes for 15 seconds. thats about a 165 second advantage the way i see it. every 3 minutes.
have fun kill bad guys
Well im not exactly sure where your getting that im having survivability issues. I dont remember ever posting that anywhere. I have actually found that the vesta can tank quite well on her own while still distributing heals.
Honestly i don't see how i dont have a properly specced TSS3 and HE. I didnt sacrifice any consoles for those abilites. Please take another look at the sci consoles i equipped. I used the vesta consoles in the tact and engi slots. So im not sure how im not running a properly speced heals. Btw i am running TSS 3 and 2 and HE 1 and 2. So im not sure what your point was there.
One tactic i see very often in pvp in premades as well as pugs is when you focus fire someone and that player starts recieving heals is the focus firing team switches to a different target. And they will keep doing this until all the heals are distributed and the person they are attacking is exposed. The team fortress console combined with the fermion console makes for a nice 12 second cushion for your main heals to get off cooldown.
I can see we look at these consoles from 2 very different point of views and this is why i love pvp to be honest because there really are so many different possibilities and variety is the ways of thinking that it makes for more fun than the same old shooting nanite generators.
I hope during this discussion i have not made it on to your list of "bad guys" because everone knows your motto :P
through my morning haze i thought i was still talking to that stealthrider dude.
edit: but my advice still stands for all the vesta pilots out there running the vesta consoles, and then another toy or two. you are really hampering your build.
and no heegoo...we are all good guys until i find out you are on the blue team. i hate those guys
go red team go!
Careful, they'll start selling stickers in the Lobi store to make ships go faster...
They are.
In fact, I ran with Horizon the other night as DPS wingman. I kept up with him and scaled higher than him on the spike that was needed to take out TRH members. The Vesta spike measured at 23600 per second for 12 seconds. Damian's Bug went approximately 19600 DPS from all weapons for 12 seconds. The 12 second margin is the quantum focus phaser firing time frame. It's what makes this ship keep up with big bad bugs on DPS. However, I measured at 9.5 million damage, and he went 15 million in total damage dealt. But the spike is what scored the kills. We saw guys survive these blasts.
It was a TRH hybrid vs another TRH hybrid. We host these on a regular basis, please drop by our TS for some of these thrillers. INTERNATIONALPVP.TYPEFRAG.COM:62245
Anyway, back on topic, the drop in aux power due to power drain from the cannons is mediocre and does not effect the numbers too much.
Let's weigh the effects of the cons and pros.
You lose about 1% in shield resistance buff from your TSS 2 and 3. Your hazards lose about 1k heal as well. You lose some DPS on the focus phaser. You are heavily reliant on your aux system for damage, heals, and science abilities. Aux disable will mess you up.
The losses to damage resistance are pretty mediocre to say the least for what you gain in return. The power reliant heals are also at a sufficient power level not be disregarded or deemed 'useless'.
With commitment into auxilery power, you can freely commit all remaining power into engines for increased turn rate. This improves your DPS tenfold. Having said that, you can put three turrets in the back, a weapon battery, and when on an attack run you can buff those turrets with a weapon battery. The drain on all your weapons would not exceed that of a tactical escort because the weapons are spread across two subsystems.
The focus phaser relies heavily on turn rate, and auxilery power. So it is crucial to have both of these systems at high power. Having said that, my cannon fires at 13k dps tops (no pun intended) w/o particle generator consoles.
End Pro/Cons
The ship does have a significantly low hull. So your main defense will be shields. I took 14.5 million damage in a match that lasted 1 hour, and died 7 times vs 3 Tactical Escorts. Hank was flying his Science Tac Odyssey, and died 6 times taking 13.5 million damage. The amount of heals dispersed to us was respective to the amount of damage taken. The ship holds out well with the following setup.
2 RCS Mk XII Purple
2 Field Generators or sacrifice 1 field generator for Tachyokinetic.
1 Quantum Focus Phaser
1 Jump Console
4 Phaser consoles
Shield repair drones.
2 Piece Borg + Maco Shield
Rep Passives +30 shields +10% hull regen
This is the standard DPS set up. And here's the spec tree for it.
You can play around with the console lay out, the TBR is primarly for AOE crowd control. It gets a decent amount of push with all that aux power too, so you can push your enemies out very effectively and damage them while you do it.
This build is open to constructive criticism, but note that I have respec'd around 8-9 times. This is the best version of it I have run. Also note, you can adopt a more crowd control method, by adopting the purple bubble console that pushes stuff away from you, lose the quantum phaser for this so drop the tractor and pick another EPS1 or Hazard. Or a healer role where you put on the fermion field, you can lose the field generator for this one. These variants fit the description of the ship, where you swap one console for another, but never run three. Here's why:
You lose way too much defense. Yes I get the perfect shield, but any disable turns it off. So you have an ability that does nothing every 3 minutes. You can sacrifice a console for this for more beefy feel.
Anyway, good luck fellow Vesta captains.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
atleast there would be something in there worth buying now. :rolleyes::D
I have a tact in a Vesta with a somewhat similar build:
My Consoles for this one are:
Borg Console
Quantum Field Console
3x Phaser Relay
2x Field Generators
Shield Emitter
Wave Function Console
Im open to critique on this build. Was kinda thinking about something else other than VM3 and possibly running EPtS1 and 2 on the LT Eng, and running TSS1 on the ENS Sci for some extra team healing instead.
If the aux cannons do not nerf your healing or Sci goodies, then I say rock em.
A side note: see how Pax is running 2 RCS.....
Smart pilot.
Have fun kill bad guys.
That's like saying water is wet....
Oh **** I've seen you around dude.
Right on.
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
Would you trade 1 RCS for a Tachyokin if you had more than 1 RCS...?
lol not sure if thats a good thing or bad thing.
Im trying to learn the best i can about pvp, i still have many things to learn and improve upon but i'll get there someday