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cant use more than 1 cutting beam..

puttenhamputtenham Member Posts: 1,052 Arc User
Just want to start off by saying thank you to cryptic for not putting text in the borg cutting beam that stated it was unique. i have now wasted resources making 2 and can only equip 1..

this is something that you "should" fix cryptic.. that is an expensive lesson to learn...

the quad cannons state that they are unique equip, and other items state weather or not they are unique equip...

p.s. this isnt a cry to get my recourses back, they are gone, i can deal with that.. it is however a thread to raise awareness, and to possibly get something done so others dont make the mistake..
Post edited by puttenham on


  • khamseenairkhamseenair Member Posts: 2,644 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2012
    I take it as law that parts of a set, will only ever let you equip one of each piece.
    Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
    True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
  • cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I usually get multiples because I like to set up multiple ships for the same toon, and this set will be pretty cool on a shuttle or fighter.

    Not that this helps the situation or takes away for your point on the plethora of errors and inconsistencies in Cryptic?s grammar and usage.
    I?m just offering suggestions on alternative game play to prevent loss- since the point is to never loose, right?
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    not only that, but i googled it the other day and there was already somebody that tried it and stated that it was unique...but yeah, couldn't hurt to put "unique equipped" on the item.

    http://www.stowiki.org/Omega_Adapted_Borg_Technology_Set even the stowiki article stated it.
    Go pro or go home
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