Providing it's the same as it was on tribble, It's 50 marks for 500 dilithium.
That's the same conversion rate in a dev blog a couple weeks back. So unless they did some sneaky ninja changes, which they seem to like to do a lot of... it should be accurate
Scrap that, with my latest haul and the box of free stuff, 2,500 marks which equals 25,000 dilithium.
Does anyone wonder if the total changes recently were down to people not buying Zen to convert to dilithium? Either way, free market economics seems to have won out in the end!
dont troll dude,
will find out in a few hours.
Nobody that actually goes to work starts work until atleast 2 hours after they get there. Are you some sort of TRIBBLE?
That's the same conversion rate in a dev blog a couple weeks back. So unless they did some sneaky ninja changes, which they seem to like to do a lot of... it should be accurate
Also, it was my lunch break, of which I spent most of it working :mad:
Does anyone wonder if the total changes recently were down to people not buying Zen to convert to dilithium? Either way, free market economics seems to have won out in the end!